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Subject: TR-909 Midi

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Original Message 1/7             18-Aug-99  @  03:26 AM   -   TR-909 Midi



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Is it possible to play the sounds of the 909 from a extern sequencer. I mean not only to sinc it to a sequencer, but to play the 909 sounds by sending note-midi data from a sequencer. I know that the 909 has a nice sequencer, but I prefer to control everything from cubase (via Drum-Map)

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Message 2/7             18-Aug-99  @  06:57 AM   -   RE: TR-909 Midi


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not sure about setting channels and that though

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Message 3/7             18-Aug-99  @  11:10 AM   -   RE: TR-909 Midi



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Yo Roger,
Triggering the 909 sounds from can definitely be done. I can't remember what buttons I press to put it in the "MIDI MODE" Theres SYNC,MIDI, & INTERNAL modes. Then you have to set the Recieving Channel & also create a blank pattern....HAPPY TRIGGERING!

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Message 4/7             18-Aug-99  @  11:15 AM   -   RE: TR-909 Midi



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You can make a drum map for the 909 and then use this to control your 909.

This is the way a friend has his set up for cubase. If I'm not mistaken, the 909 works off of a specific midi channel and then each instrument is a specific key. I'll see how he had it setup exactly and get back to you.

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Message 5/7             19-Aug-99  @  02:55 AM   -   RE: TR-909 Midi



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Very cool. Thank you for your help!
I think i've got to buy a 909.
Hope i find a "cheap" one

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Message 6/7             20-Aug-99  @  12:14 PM   -   RE: TR-909 Midi



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Are you just using the 909 as a sound module then, never to use the sequencer on it? If so then get a Novation Drumstation V. 2. I have one of those and (IMHO) it sounds just as good as the 909. We mainly use the 909 for live performs because you can make a pattern on the fly but if you don't plan on gigging then save the cash and get a drumstation. I'll probably get jump on for the last comment but the Drumstation is a really good substitute.

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Message 7/7             24-Aug-99  @  09:37 AM   -   RE: TR-909 Midi



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Well, actually I do have a Drumstation V2. But when i compare it to the 909-emulation in Rebirth 2, i'm not satisfied with my Drumstation because i think rebirth sound better. It just sound fatter. For example especially in the clap you can hear a quiet big difference. But i don't like rebirth that much either because i can't trigger its sounds from cubase. But maybe i will be disappointed from the real 909 to because it sounds more like the drumstation than rebirth. Who can help me out of this???

But please don't suggest to buy sample cd's because i need to adjust the 909-sounds with the knobs.

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