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Subject: The Worlds Best Synth

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Original Message 1/71             20-Apr-99  @  10:04 PM   -   The Worlds Best Synth



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Let me just say that it doesn't exist. Sorry but it doesn't.
This is just my way of letting people know that most synths have there place in your studio you just have to find the right place for it. In some caese its the garbage but not always. I've gone through many synths in the 2 years live been trying to make it as they say. some are crap and others I can't beleave I sold. We have to go through the "I don't know what to buy so I'll get what the other guys buy" phase. At first I bought a master keyboard and tons of modules but that is definetly not the way to go. Your better off with the keyboards. The more hands on the better.

One thing that really bugs me as that when I read a review it's always comparing the synth to a 303. get the fuck over it if you want a 303 get the fucking 303 and shut the hell up. Why would you buy a synth to sound like another synth. the rave-o-lution doesn't sound like a 303 so don't get it. give me a fuckin break.

All synths have a little something to contribute to your sound.
I'll give you a little run down of the synths I regularly use and what i use them for .
-Korg Prophecy- The pads are incredible. 13 osilators help to sculpt the sound. Can you say FAT. Its also a great controller with the dials and aftertouch.
-Roland String Ensemble- Great sampled strings. makes it on all tracks.
-Roland MC-303-Big peice of crap what the hell was I thinking. I do however use a few drum sounds.
-Roland Sound Canvas- GM for internet music. I've been know to use a patch or two on a track.
-Novation Bass Station- Bubbly acid and super mono bass lines
-Korg ER-1- Awesome drums
-Korg EA-1- Great synths. Analog heaven and easy to use.
-EMU ESI 32 sampler- collects all the dust.
-CS2X- Great controller and really nice arpegiator. Sounds are decent to.

None of these could work alone but togheter its a powerful package to be feared.

I got to get back to work bye.

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Message 2/71             18-May-99  @  03:46 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth


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Sounds more like your rigs a fucking joke, mate. Not an analogue piece in it. Wrong place to post. As for you castigating modules, you obviously have plenty of space and have never toured. Six keyboards in on room, even on two ultimate stands takes up a bit of room, and is a bitch to move every night. As far as your ultimate synth comment goes, I think it's debatable. So far, the Waldorf Wave comes pretty fucking close to being the ultimate synthesizer. Modulars can also do some wicked things, so I think it's really in the hands of the user to make the best of technology available. Yours is odviously low budget, so use it well.


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Message 3/71             24-May-99  @  11:12 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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I love the Korg Z1. It has the
sounds that hit the nerves and
soul. I have yet to hear of a
synth that is as clean and pure
as the Z1.

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Message 4/71             24-May-99  @  06:01 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Could have sworn this was the analog chat area

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Message 5/71             25-May-99  @  07:19 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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poor blunted - it's true alot of folks aint tried analog for real - its different

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Message 6/71             27-May-99  @  12:48 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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A bit like trying animal sex for the first time.

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Message 7/71             27-May-99  @  11:19 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Fuggin Jock! you crazy man....

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Message 8/71             30-May-99  @  06:26 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Arf, arf, just joshing.

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Message 9/71             31-May-99  @  01:21 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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I guess a few coming here think that knobs and sliders mean analog, and buttons are for digital gear only. Know the deal, or be silent, and learn.

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Message 10/71             03-Jun-99  @  03:46 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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oooooh - (holds out handbag) - best at what ?... confucious say camel best at making baby camels

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Message 11/71             05-Jun-99  @  02:28 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth


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What works for me,,,,   Juno-106, MPC2000, S20, Sequential TOM, and a Pro-One That it!!! Small and simple set-up!!

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Message 12/71             05-Jun-99  @  05:19 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth


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juno 106, prophet 600 and atc-1 with the mini,aro and sem cartridges(great sounding)

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Message 13/71             07-Jun-99  @  03:58 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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any synth that is mine is the greatest synth in the world cos it's what ive got to work with - limitations

that s-nova is the absolute bollox tho - always surprises - the humble DB9 - what a fat sound for subbasses & more - my dx100, couldnt live without it old faithful.... anyways as i say i've got all these synths, and none of them can do it all - none to me is the greatest, the dx100 does exactly what it does best, and when i go there, i know it'll do the sounds i want, but it's totally different to a k2000 etc.... they all got strong points - the Novation drumstation & audio pc tracks takes care of drums & loops, sampler for extra sounds & drums - but equally it could be whatever box i had, all i know is the combi of cheap sampler for drum hits (lo-memory), drumbox (if it has the right sounds) & pc audio tracks for longer audio loops and chopping & construction is awesome combi - add any monosynth or the dx for bassline, & arp' lines, and some digital gloss over the top if needed from strings organs & piano's to slick sounding ambient evolving pads, maybe some fast arp triggered sample, whatever.... i gotta lot of choices, and usually, i start with a synth, what it comes up with thru the pattern makes the idea roll... it might even be some drum & bassline started in a softsynth i'm trying... but the spark, the idea, begets the linear creation that follows as you mould the idea into a linear form - and the spark/idea can come from anywhere -

but i love the supernova for it's sheer speed of use & sound creation, tiny amount of brain cells needed to use it, and it's all-in-one-simple-ness...

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Message 14/71             11-Jun-99  @  04:31 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth


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I realize this is the analog area and the Q is digital, but it's still worth mentioning, becaue it works like ar real modular except without the cables.


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Message 15/71             17-Jun-99  @  03:08 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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That's a myth !

I've been trying different pieces of gear by the past 5 years and there is no Absolute synth that does everything well. The interest is to mix different textures from different synths.

But ... some of them allways come back in front of the scene: Mini, SE1, Juno 106, 101, TB (The man who said if you want a TB get a TB is right, otherwise fuck the duck and try to fly).

Reduced gear set with cool pieces of gear is great : learn to use your machine the best way you can instead of getting Heavy weaponry.



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Message 16/71             26-Jun-99  @  08:02 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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what a bunch of dicks! If it sounds good, fucking use it! Who the hell cares if its analog or digital modeling or what the fuck ever. Cool sounds are cool sounds, and shit like a yamaha an1x or a roland jp 8000 make cool sounds. Quit fucking worrying about when the damn thing was made!

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Message 17/71             30-Jun-99  @  08:58 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Well, mine aint much, but I fucking love every peice of it. Sh 101 grey with mod grip and fittings to use with the Kenton pro 2000, fucking midi synced lfo's on an analogue synth-TB what. The lfo sync's to the internal clock on the SH anyway. Jupiter 6 What can I say she so colorful. A fully blown MOTM Modular, this boy can build some bad ass shit. Prophecy, for efx. Audity 2000 for arps and sync's, funky ass synco perfecto. Micro Modular, nice drum synth included, althogh the SH will smoke it on BD's.
A3000 for my sampling needs, not that I really need any? and fucking fruity loops. and logic silver with audio werk 8 and Unitor 8. Cool edit 96 because I don't use plugs I have a rack full of efx and a little mackie mixer with some old monitors and some stomp boxes. With 3 sl 1200 for spinen me plates.

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Message 18/71             01-Jul-99  @  09:34 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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the best synth in the world is the casio vl-1
28 lfos
32 filter types
256 note polyphony

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Message 19/71             03-Jul-99  @  11:32 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Message 20/71             08-Jul-99  @  07:13 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth


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Just happened to roll in here...and once again Pongoid is goin off...
the first post here...I dont see why he got attacked like that "your setup is a joke"..he didnt claim it was the "ONE" just his...
I have no opinion whatsoever what the best synth is...BEST FOR FUCKING WHAT?
I certainly love knobs and sliders for that hands on thing...and thats all I have to say about that...
I still dig ya offense

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Message 21/71             05-Aug-99  @  10:31 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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serge modular

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Message 22/71             07-Aug-99  @  03:27 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Dont buy huge multipart synths except for samplers. I think the key for interesting and colourfull music lies in a lot of different sounding modules.

Nord Modular/Micromodular is a good start.

My 5 cents

Cheers all

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Message 23/71             08-Aug-99  @  10:34 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Best for what situation?

For indescribable events, atmospheric textures, thundering basses, mellow pads and anything in
the electronic area NOTHING in my
humble opinion can beat a modular synthesizer (Moog Modular 3C, Serge Modular, ARP 2500, E-mu Modular, Polyfusion Modular, Technosaurus Selector System D Modular, Clavia Nord Modular). For less money I would choose a Roland JP 8000 or a
Korg Z1 or a Novation Supernova or something like that. You get the idea...

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Message 24/71             23-Aug-99  @  02:56 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Has everyone forgotten about the Access Virus! This is an incredible synth. Multi outs, signal in for processing (with vocoder), ring modulator....and the list goes on.
If you have never used one, you owe it to yourself to check it out.



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Message 25/71             23-Aug-99  @  10:57 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Yeah, it's made by Waldorf. Few people know this...

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Message 26/71             25-Aug-99  @  03:07 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Interesting, I was lead to belive that the people that make the Virus were former employees of Waldorf. I do know for a fact that the Virus contains the same DSP chip that Waldorf uses in the XT and others.


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Message 27/71             23-Sep-99  @  04:37 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth

heh heh


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Just got an MS-20...closest to modular I'm going to get this year...running my SH101 through the ESP sounds great too...

But, if you wanna know, the BEST synth ever was the Buchla 200 to work out on one for a while back in the '80s...

Nothing beats patch cables. Nothing.

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Message 28/71             24-Sep-99  @  07:58 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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The Worlds best synth is the one you really want but cannot afford.

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Message 29/71             26-Sep-99  @  03:17 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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You´re right Ison.
And oh, for those who believe analogue synths are better, sorry to bust your bubble boys, but i´m sure you wouldn´t be able to distinguish the fucking sounds from a top-of-the-line digital synth from an analogue synth.

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Message 30/71             26-Sep-99  @  04:29 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Just for the records: The Virus is not made by Waldorf and not made by ex-Waldorf engineers. The Virus is made by a "newcomer", which originally created the Virus on a Motorola DSP evaluation board - for personal use. Check out

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Message 31/71             26-Sep-99  @  09:21 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth


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Still, seems like it depends on the situation, but a behemoth made up of various bit s and pieces is the way to go. Some modular, some with ext ins, there's all kinds of ways to do it. Some of the craziest shit I've evr heard came out of a moddoed jd990 going through a modded wavestation A/D. Not analog, but extremely bad ass for what it is.


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Message 32/71             29-Sep-99  @  05:51 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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I'm running a pc based setup right now doing industrial/dance/metal type music. My pc is an AMD 350 with about 160M ram and I'm using an old awe 64 value ...s/w include rebirth,fruityloops, fruity tracks, and acid music. I am incorprating my zoom rt123 drum/bass synth (awesome bass) and a good ole esp ltd electric guitar into the mix...I'm looking into getting a phat low end (sounding) synth (true analog) and an 808 or 909 to go with my rig does anyone have any sugjestions...btw if you could not tell I'm on a tight budget...also does anyone have some insight on the futuretro 777 synth thanx.

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Message 33/71             05-Oct-99  @  09:14 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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I think one point that's clear in this thread is that it's not so much what any particular synth can "do," so much as, ultimately, how it sounds. Some people here are preferring particular classic analogues because for them those units have a particular sound. Others like the Nord Modular or TB-303 for the same reason.

The more expensive stuff can do a greater variety of things, but ultimately, it sounds like it's the sound that counts.

At the end of the day, no amount of featureitis is going to compensate for lack of appealing sound. And, if it's a cheezy cheapo box with a sound you love, who cares if it's 30 quid instead of 3000.


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Message 34/71             22-Dec-99  @  09:05 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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I have played with many synths, but all i have in my setup is Fruity loops, some samples, and my computer, oh and my girlfriend to encourage me by saying sweet things like "your such a loser" "get a job you frickin idiot, who cares if your a midget" oh and "your music sucks , id rather hear my grandma blowin hot mexican food out of her ass" But yet i still press on, someday i will get signed and tour with my hero Barry Minilow.

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Message 35/71             22-Dec-99  @  12:00 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth


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Wow! Now that's makings for some inspiration. So how did someone end up hearing their Grandmother n that situation? Wait, maybe I don't want to know.


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Message 36/71             29-Dec-99  @  05:03 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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The quality of the synth is not so much in the box but in who is using the box. All synths have the potential to be the best synth in the world. You could spend all day fucking with a Virus but without an ear it will always sound like shit just like you can get the fattest sounds out of an EA1 if YOU can do it.

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Message 37/71             03-Jan-00  @  07:29 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Moog. Nothing like the sound of a deep throated mini in a mix or a screaming memory

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Message 38/71             03-Jan-00  @  12:38 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Casiotone VL-1 - awesome, the only synth you`ll ever need.

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Message 39/71             03-Jan-00  @  02:02 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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I'd rather hear someone that has no musical talent bangin lines out of good gear than shitty gear. This crap about all synths sounding good if the user is talented is kinda a wad of crap. All synths are not good. Plenty suck my ass, and yeah I can play them all just dandy and probably pull good sounds out of anything if you fuck around with it long enough. But that doesn't make me want to buy it or put it up on the list of best synths.
For newer gear I'll take my Virus and 777 and put them on the top of the list.
But as for the vintage, there is the obvious favorites that we all love so there should be a "Best 30 Synths of All Time (in no specific order)" posting. No reason to even discuss whether a Moog or ARP or vintage Roland is better than one another. I'd like a room with all of them in it.


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Message 40/71             08-Jan-00  @  07:37 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Have used a lot of analogue gear over the past 10 years from moog modulars to monophonics like the 101. Id say the best analogue synth is probably the one that you use the most ;). But, in terms of flexibility and sound i'd like to choose the a modular or one of high end poly synths like the Korg PS3300 which I admit is modular as well. Other nice ones are the VCS3 Synthi AKS and stuff.
The Oberheim 8 voice is nice  

Just my 10p's worth.


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Message 41/71             05-Feb-00  @  04:19 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Anyone remember the few analog synths that AKAI made?? Those aren't really "great" but they do make some cool noises.

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Message 42/71             15-Feb-00  @  04:31 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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I like :

Arp 2500 and 2600.
Elka synthex.
Korg ps 3300.
Memorymoog The best analog synth( peter forrest book A-z of analogue synthesizer.
Moog 55.
Oberheim xa
Roland system 700.
Roland jupiter 8.
prophet 5.
yamaha cs 80.
and fairlight cmi.

I have waldorf Q, supernova and yamaha cs 6x and like to own this analogue synthesizer.

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Message 43/71             16-Feb-00  @  09:47 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth


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why don't you get some MOTM stuff?

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Message 44/71             19-Feb-00  @  08:32 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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I dont understand people dissing on new synths like electribe... are you guys kidding me? to me, I am fucking sick of the 303 sound getting used everywhere and people comparing every other thing to 303: fuck you.
I dont want to advocate electribes but look the facts: it has everything the 303 has plus delay/charus/flanger/distortion/2osc/partamento/oscmod and it has 2parts! yes it is a virtual synth but who cares as long as it sounds phat, and it souds fucking phat! Plus i would rather have the newer syths with much more midi capabilities then older ones! Dont get me wrong, i have a jx3p and had a juno 106, I love them too, but electribes are the best thing for 350$ And if the tb303 and the electribes came out at the sametime same people who called electribes "toys" would be waving about electribe. So quit being a little bitch because someone else got a electribe "toy" for 350$ And it does an awfull more stuff then what they payed a shitload of money(tb303). Sorry, but I really think the new synhts sounds as good as the old synths and easier to caontrol/more patch memory/ more fx/ more flexibility. still i fucking love the 303 sound tho. peaceout.

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Message 45/71             19-Feb-00  @  08:42 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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i bet pongoid sucks at making music. u dont really need to have the best expensive shit to make music... It is like the old VW beetles, most people love em but they are piece of shit, no passing power, no breaking, no roadhandling but people love them? Could be the same with 303?

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Message 46/71             19-Feb-00  @  03:53 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Synth: Tool or Toy? Some people don't know where to stop and buy too many. Others make do with what they've got. Some people make good music. Some people make shitty derivative music. Some people make good derivative music.

Compare and contrast.

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Message 47/71             19-Feb-00  @  06:03 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Agree with clogs and obc

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Message 48/71             20-Feb-00  @  11:30 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth


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Wook, who are you trying to piss off? Me? Sure, my music sucks. That's why I'm traveling eight to fifteen months at a time, all over the world with people screamin from the dance floor every time I play. I still just want to play jazz, but my crew won't let me. And I use quality tools, because if the sounds aren't good, I won't want to play at all. I'll just lose interest, and so will the audience. Quality is not always expensive, sure. You just have to believe in what you want hard enough, kid. Better luck pissin up someone else's leg. :P


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Message 49/71             23-Feb-00  @  12:06 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth


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Hey Pongoid, since you tour all over the world and play in front of huge masses of adoring fans, when can I expect to see your show here in L.A.?

I can't wait...

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Message 50/71             24-Feb-00  @  03:17 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth


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I will be back in the States in April. If someone wants to give me a gig in the first two weeks of April, and can guarantee me gas money, and some more to get some food with while I'm there, I'm down for it. just tell the promoter to leave his email here, and I'll contact him.


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Message 51/71             09-Mar-00  @  10:27 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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the worlds best synth has to be your newest or the one you cant afford. is the best the one that plays the best or makes the best sound or looks great or can bring the roof down with one sound? i can tell you want it cant be, one without loads of knobs and flashing lights or one with samples in it. or do we count the synth which has been used on the most records, this would narrow it down to a mini, 303 or dx7 or am i wrong or is this another thread?!?!?!

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Message 52/71             11-Mar-00  @  05:33 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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......We interupt this fight for an important message.... Analog vs. modeled seems to be a fiery debate. Each have their strong points. The modeled stuff is not as thick and just finaly have manufactures sped up the processors to get rid of the zippery sound of filter sweeps.The two are very differant. The biggest differance that the ear can distinguish is the randomnes of the analog osc. A digitaly created wave is more uniform and sounds less alive.Listen to rebirth and a true 303 line. Rebirth sounds great in the mix, but solo it does'nt have as much color. I do give props, and I do use rebirth on tracks. The supernova is a classy synth but it sounds very clean and less colorful than an analog equvalant. I think it sounds better in trance and on tight melodic arpeggios than a sloppier analog osc, but I would not use it for my funkier acid lines that need the randomness of an analog osc. I also would use my juno for bright poly parts before comitting the nova.The best synth is the one that gets the job done. A good place to be positioned is with a sampling synth like an emulator or s-5000 and a couple of analog mono synthns and an fm device.This way you can create your own synth sounds from multiple sources. My favorate tracks are those with instruments from all flavors. Just listen to an orbital album and count the sounds. You should lose count pretty quickly. If you're a begginer, get a power sampler first and one or two analogs. I recomend a jupiter. With those two pieces of gear you could create songs with almost limitles sonic texture.The bottom line is dance music is shaped by the gear of each erra. You can't get by with just analog, but if you move fwrd to quikly, and I want to stress that I believe soon the manufactures will model analog right, you will lose the sounds that shaped what we do today. Be patient and hang on to the dinasours for just a while longer. Just have a listen to the new Vst synth, PRO-Five. If they stuck that in a piece of hardware I think We'ed be just about thier. For anyone curious about what I use- my kit: rebirth,juno-106,sh-101,bass station, bass station rack,dx100,emu e-6400 and a nova on the way My favorate is the 101- Now back to your previously scheduled Brawl already in progress.........

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Message 53/71             28-Mar-00  @  06:26 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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I'd say my minimoog is the best, it aint got any midi capabilities. But at least it sounds good. Unlike those mc303, crappy bullshit, switch them on and look mum it's techno, you got sucked in if you bought one of those things, what's roland doing ??. Good marketing though, I bet some people actually thought they were buying the ledgendary 303. That's just my opinion anyway. If you wanna be digital then why try and sound like your analogue.
If anyone wants to argue about this then come on,

I darez ya!!!!!

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Message 54/71             28-Mar-00  @  04:02 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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If I had to rely on minimoogs for my live sound I'd be fucked hard... Plug in Virus. Select Patch. Play. Multitimbral, no less! And MIDI, and I don't have to tune it, and it costs less than 10 minis and and and and and....

And I know I'm in the minority here, but I PREFER the sound of VA. It's cleaner, and tighter IMHO.


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Message 55/71             30-Mar-00  @  11:55 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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I think we have a winner. The Alesis-A6-Andromeda! If it sounds as good as it is designed we have a winner in the worlds best synth contest. As seen on the cover of April's Keyboard mag at NAMM. True analog(no modeled stuff here) 16 voices, seperate outs, midi up tha wazoo, onboard effects, 72 knobs, 144 buttons and a price tag to match at $3995 list, but for the budget minded people I'd expect to see a smaller scaled down rack version at about half that within a year. A close contender would be the jomox-sunsyn with 8 analog voices no effects , but 8 part multi. the andromeda article did not say if those 16 voices were multi timbral or if they are just for layering and and spliting up a mono timbral patch. And moog fans,Bob Moog re-released the minimoog under the name Big Briar as their"Performance synth". It is looking good for all of us, the modeled junkies and the analog die hards. We going to have it all as keybourd makers are finaly listening!

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Message 56/71             30-Mar-00  @  01:07 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Yeah, but who can afford four grand for that synth? Not me... And I've got a damn good job!


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Message 57/71             30-Mar-00  @  08:41 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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tue analog... really.... hmm.. i dont think so

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Message 58/71             30-Mar-00  @  10:47 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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the article reads"Scheduled for delivery later this year, this 16 voice true-analog beauty features two oscilators per voice, ....."if you have info on the Andromeda A6 that keyboard magazine doesn't I would like you to post it please.

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Message 59/71             31-Mar-00  @  07:31 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth


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funny how an andromeda is the last thing analog i'd EVER be after. i don't play keys much at all nope no need for me not my thing let it go... i like rackmounts. put everything in the world in a rack. fuck these huge, non-portable 47 lb. beasties for MY purposes. so for me? the best synth is as has been stated probably 17 million times before.. it's not ONE. it's not an analog, it's not digital, VA, FM, etc...

it's almost like saying that if there is a best synth, then ok then that's the only one you'd need ever for your music! ha! ok maybe not, but i do not like the indication that there are ANY absolutes as there are pretty much none.

so.. andromeda? no. good, maybe great, only time will tell how reliable it is, how easy the knobs would be to replace when over-eager knob turners get um.. over-eager.... sure, i'm all for the idea & the actual thing. i'll stop now. i've got too much crap i've been avoiding doing anyhow.


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Message 60/71             31-Mar-00  @  12:08 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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damn nobody, that was coherent and almost totally lacking in cryptic references........whats wrong?

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Message 61/71             01-Apr-00  @  02:29 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth


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give me an excuse did you??

there are brave souls who dream men are not brothers. oh wait. brothers, & not foes. all 10 toes, except when they don't. replace half-truth, our real enemy, that old age hate putting hats on little dogs to make them l00K just Soo, aren't dogs pure like castile soap?

for centuries, man struggles half-asleep, half-knowing, little, unobservant, hateful & jealous of the dodo bird. THEN CAME THE DUTCH.

there's still the kakapo, & it will continue TO BOOM (a booming bird i shit you not i shit you not)

i plead with you. donate money to me so that i can move down to new zealand, or mauritius & dedicate my life to saving birds.

full-truth, our only god, unites all mankind brave, the whole world is our country, our FADERLAAND, the sun that have not failed because of that great might, as teached by for & about 7000 years, b astronomers abraham & israel..

the heathens, heretics & philistines MUST PAY!

actually, i quite enjoy being a phillistine. let it

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Message 62/71             01-Apr-00  @  07:38 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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thats better  

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Message 63/71             04-Apr-00  @  09:18 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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A friend of mine went to the NAMM show and saw the Andromeda A6. He didn't sound too optimistic about the A6 being available soon. The show model was barely functional. Many of the sections were not working and it appeared they still had lots of bugs to work out. He did confirm that it has VCOs and it is polyphonic. He wasn't sure about the exact specs but he thought it would do a maximum of 8, 2oscillator parts. It does have 8 individual outs for each voice and 2 analog inputs for routing external signals through the filters etc... Also, the individual parts are stackable to create thick, layered parts. He didn't have much to say about the sound because by the time he got to the alesis both the A6 had shut down. From word of mouth, it sounded like the A6 would do some pretty amazing effects as well as the typical analog leads/basses. If I can dig some more info up I post it. In the meantime check the alesis site:

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Message 64/71             05-Apr-00  @  01:50 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Thanks for the info. I'll still need to figure out how to pay for it when it is finaly available. $4000 bucks is pretty intimidating. That's what student loans are really for. Gear!!!!!! Every semester, New Gear!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Message 65/71             22-Apr-00  @  10:08 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Try to get Studio Electronics stuff and you will blow out with its sound. I did!

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Message 66/71             25-Apr-00  @  09:02 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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well veeering slightly off subject... why doesnt someone release a rack based modular system with sections you can slide in to the rack on boards like the old tantek or rebis racks... that'd be great !!

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Message 67/71             26-Apr-00  @  05:28 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth


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What do you mean , like "swappable"?

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Message 68/71             20-May-00  @  05:27 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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The One I built
The Helix 6

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Message 69/71             23-May-00  @  05:56 AM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Give me Keith Emersons rig any day. He has all the great synths in there, weighing but a few tonnes when you include the Steinway and the Rhodes, Mellotron and Hammond. But one has to be an actual player to deal with that monster, and progrock doesn't pay very well these days. Unless you're Keith Emerson or Rick Wakeman.

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Message 70/71             28-May-00  @  12:06 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth

nobody knows me


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The gear I love and use everyay:
MPC2000XL,S5000,CD3000,Doepfer MS-404,Touched By Sound DRM-2,777,Analog Solutions Mini Power System,Seekers Voice Spectra Vocoder,Roland RE-201 Space Echo,Ibanez AD202,Boss PC-2 percussion synthesizer,Boss VF-1(pretty decent space echo sounds),Finalizer96k,and a G4 w/Spark and Jam.(by the way I also bought a EA-1 but it just sort of sits there).I produce Acid Breakz,and a little Drum and Bass.This system performs beyond my wildest dreams and any day now everyone will know me.

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Message 71/71             02-Jun-00  @  10:00 PM   -   RE: The Worlds Best Synth



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Ultimate Synth???? Gosh!!!
It'd have to be the one that gives you what you want when you ask for it, eh? Honestly, Folks, who really gives a tuppenny stuff if it's analog or digital or strung together with gaffer. If it's moving, you're there.

I, myself, use an old beat-up JP-4 who's modules are all out of tune (is there a way to quick-fix this?) and an SH-101. These two I can sample and solo from. The p.c. sort of does the rest. This is coupled with a CS1x (yeah, yeah, I know...) and a tascam 244 for some really crap analog tweaking and voila! I can disturb the neighbourhood cats and slowly drive the people upstairs crazy.

So I'd say it's "horses for courses" really. Whatever gets you thru the night..... Go well.

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