aaa How to build a VST hardware host? - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: How to build a VST hardware host?

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Original Message 1/1             15-Feb-20  @  11:41 AM   -   RE: How to build a VST hardware host?


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Fisrt of all I want you to know that I have no tech knowledge and I am not english fluent. So, thanks in advance for your patience.
My objective is to build a hardware synth based on VSTs. The idea is to have a device similar to, lets say, the Roland JV 2080 or any of those bricks we know. This means that MIDI in/out and XLR out are a must.
The reason of this is simple. For many years I been playing those bricks without any single issue but I can not say the same about PCs.
I want to have one device to host all my VST Basses, in another one with all the VST strings and so one.
I know that many years ago there was a device called RECEPTOR ( ) that did something similar. 
I guess that a MINI PC and Cantabile software could help but not sure.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!!!

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