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Subject: Mix magazine article on System Link

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Original Message 1/10             23-Feb-02  @  04:54 AM     Edit: 23-Feb-02  |  04:55 AM   -   Mix magazine article on System Link


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The new Mix has a one page write up on what it's supposed to make possible. The catch seems to be that there has to be a separate instance of Cubase running on each computer. At $350 a pop for each "instance" I'm not sure it's really cost effective. Now if they were to drop the dongle or provide registered users with a significantly reduced price for the purchase of multiple dongles they might have something. The article also states that the feature will be available in the "next version" of Cubase so I'll be interested in how much the upgrade for current users will be.

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Message 2/10             23-Feb-02  @  09:23 AM   -   RE: Mix magazine article on System Link


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Message 3/10             24-Feb-02  @  09:14 PM   -   RE: Mix magazine article on System Link

Brett B


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bedwyr, isn't that Influx's line?

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Message 4/10             24-Feb-02  @  11:20 PM   -   RE: Mix magazine article on System Link


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he's given up ... so he says. i'm sure he did it the other day though ;)

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Message 5/10             10-Mar-02  @  06:02 AM   -   RE: Mix magazine article on System Link


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I disagree since the idea is to be able to link several computers, each one dedicated to a specific task, one being dedicated to VSTi's. Perhaps a cross post would have been appropriate or no post at all.

Always a pleasure.

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Message 6/10             10-Mar-02  @  09:44 AM   -   RE: Mix magazine article on System Link


Posts: 2890

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  i'm thinking of this sort of thing. is system link a cubase only thang? i guess it is then. how would i go about this with logic? can you run the vstis as standalone and just run a midi cable from the other computer, and maybe an adat connection back across?

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Message 7/10             10-Mar-02  @  10:49 AM   -   RE: Mix magazine article on System Link

Brett B


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here is the steiny page for it. It's in the next version and it's Steinberg only, unless logic has released any info, but I doubt it. It also appears to me, logicaly speaking , that special net-cards will be required to do it. A fibre channel kind of thing using digital optical cables like adat, spdif etc. It farms out each computer. So you can have a master that runs the mixer and plugs and audio on one machine and VSTI on another. Great in theory, but a little Buck Rogers in practice. I am not saying un-doable , but don't expect it next week, and don't expect it to work out of the box. Steinberg is notorious for releasing beta quality programs. This could be a very powerful Protools alternative. You would think they would be able to add a real undo function to the software. They told me they would have to rewqrite the whole app. I replied then rewrite, as it as it's obviously out of date coding involved. For now I think it's just hype for them to gain some attention to knew comers and people who moved on to other app, like me. I am back for now because Reason is powerful when used with Cubae it only grows. If this pans out and it works well, I could see me running Reason on one, audio on another, other Halion on one, and a master for mixing and fx. But we have to be realistic. PTmix systems are not that much and going down in price since HD. And HD is so damn powerful compared to that. When you run down at 24/48 , with a mix core, It's like running a mixplus, and a new mix3 is like having a 6card PTmix sytem. One machine no space issues and , best of all, rock solid input monitoring of fx. Still sounds cool, becaue you could have four computers with dual monitors and have dedicated screen for everything. I would want a togle device so I could use one keyboard and mouse and a Houston controler set to the master. Srating to sound pretty cool! but it bettter have real undo feature and graphic editing of mix data. Since Nuendo works with it, you could run Nuendo as the mixing master, and audio, and all the other VSTI and Rewire in Cubase. Licene Issues , dongle etc. I gaurentee they want you to buy mutliple copies of the software. And now I see why they are doing it.

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Message 8/10             10-Mar-02  @  10:53 AM   -   RE: Mix magazine article on System Link

Brett B


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and also, don't forget, they are into integrated hardware and software. So expect a high price fibre-net card in the price,and a per machine license fee as well.

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Message 9/10             12-Mar-02  @  06:18 AM   -   RE: Mix magazine article on System Link



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The only way I see getting around the dongle issue is if the "master" computer communicates to the others in the "link" that a dongle is present. The ProTools thing is definitely something to consider.

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Message 10/10             12-Mar-02  @  06:41 AM   -   RE: Mix magazine article on System Link

Brett B


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and also playback may work fine in sync, but even using rewire there are annoying glitches. like if you move the position while the song is playing then the volume jumps up unexpectedly. can you imagine all the little anoying things that system is going to do. There is still going to be timing glitches at the begining of playback and when you make changes on one while playing back. i would be amazed if there wasn't.

PT is where i am heading , those wavmechanics and sfx machine inprotools is amazing and pitch-n-time. You twist audio all over with that stuff. and the mix automation is superior to any VST app.

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