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Subject: audio pool stuff

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Original Message 1/12             15-Nov-02  @  09:42 AM   -   audio pool stuff



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Cubase vst 5.1
is there a function that allows me to delete unwanted audio from a songs audio pool by automatically ID'ing audio that is not in the songwithin the song?

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Message 2/12             15-Nov-02  @  10:32 AM   -   RE: audio pool stuff


Posts: 7627

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Message 3/12             15-Nov-02  @  10:55 AM   -   RE: audio pool stuff



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Message 4/12             15-Nov-02  @  12:55 PM   -   RE: audio pool stuff


Posts: 12353

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In audio pool window:

'File' Pop-up Menu:

Delete Unused Files -
This function finds all files in the Pool that are not used in the Song, and removes them from the hard disk. Make sure that the files are not used in any other Songs before you delete them!

'Do' Pop-up Menu:

Erase Unused -
This function allows you to "trim" down your Audio files so that they only contain the sections actually "used" in the Song. This helps you maintain as much free space on the hard disk(s) as possible. In this case, a section of a file is considered "used" if there is a segment in the Pool containing the section. To use this function as effectively as possible, delete all unused segments from the Pool first (see "Purge Segments", below).

Please note that Erase Unused changes the contents of one selected audio file. If you use the file in another Song, or if you want to be able to go back to the original recording, make sure you have a copy of the file before you begin!

Purge Segments -
This function automatically deletes all segments that are currently not used in the Song.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/12             15-Nov-02  @  12:59 PM   -   RE: audio pool stuff


Posts: 12353

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also you can backup your song POOL in the 'File' Pop-up Menu:

Prepare Archive -
This function takes all the audio files used in the Song (or, if you wish, all the audio files in the Pool, regardless of whether they are used or not) and puts them in a new folder that you specify. This folder can then easily be backed up to another disk or other media, using Windows' copy commands or any backup utility program.

use that to backup the song and it grabs all used files (or all the pool files wether used in the song or not according to options) anyways that centralises all files no matter where they were drawn from on your disk/arrays so you can archive 'em easy to one folder which can then be burnt to a cd or whatever


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 6/12             16-Nov-02  @  09:32 AM   -   RE: audio pool stuff



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i love this site any problem i have is sorted by u helpful people and without dancetech i think i would have given up music due to all the problems etc associated with computer based music that would have taken me an age to solve. yipppee for the internet!.


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Message 7/12             16-Nov-02  @  05:52 PM   -   RE: audio pool stuff


Posts: 12353

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doesn't your VST have help files cos that's where it is copied from  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 8/12             18-Nov-02  @  09:50 AM   -   RE: audio pool stuff



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yeah but i was on the net and it is far quicker at dancetech!

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Message 9/12             18-Nov-02  @  11:18 AM   -   RE: audio pool stuff



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Message 10/12             18-Nov-02  @  11:01 PM   -   RE: audio pool stuff


Posts: 7627

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bster, really need to learn how to READ manuals...

nothing personal whatsoever but 9/10 of your questions are addressed in documentation...and you just now stated clearly that you forego that option to use DT as your tech support

obviously some people dont mind, but IMO with that kind of attitude youre not gonna get that far with much anyway!

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