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Subject: Do I HAVE TO reinstall?

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Original Message 1/12             07-Mar-02  @  03:16 AM   -   Do I HAVE TO reinstall?


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Just put in an Epox motherboard, Athlon XP, and new RAM...

do I have to reinstall windows? If it is "recommended" much so?

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Message 2/12             07-Mar-02  @  09:09 AM   -   RE: Do I HAVE TO reinstall?


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If you've got everything backed up okay...

I'd definately reinstall windows... Then you know you're starting from a clean, level playing field..




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Message 3/12             07-Mar-02  @  09:43 AM   -   RE: Do I HAVE TO reinstall?


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well at least it fucking runs now. it was a short in the motherboard. hehe

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Message 4/12             07-Mar-02  @  03:11 PM   -   RE: Do I HAVE TO reinstall?


Posts: 2707

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Yes, you must reinstall Windows. There are drivers for all the little bits on the motherboard. You're on 98SE, right? Just re-install over the top of your current install. The other thing you can try is to go into system->device manager and delete all your hardware. Restart, and windows will re-detect everything.

In theory  

I'd reinstall if I were you.


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Message 5/12             07-Mar-02  @  07:05 PM   -   RE: Do I HAVE TO reinstall?



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do you?... every time i did that (swapping a windows install C: drive to a new hardware box... i've done that on about 4 pc's), windows just booted off the harddisk & went thru detecting the new components - it asked to be rebooted about 10-20 times to detect stuff like the busmaster drivers etc then was done.... but i guess it's prolly wise to do it all from scratch if possible - your mailfolders are all in windows directory/ application data/ identities/ then you'll see a numbered-&-lettered long dir-name .... go into that & then /microsoft/OUTLOOK or /microsoft/outlook express

There is all your mail folders you can backup and reload - your bookmarks for IE are on the file 'bookmarks.htm' (or 'bookmarks.html', can't remember which or where right now)

Dunno how 'more' efficient a totaly fresh install would be compared to one done like that & then a cleanout of the registry with Norton or regclean etc...

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Message 6/12             07-Mar-02  @  08:28 PM   -   RE: Do I HAVE TO reinstall?


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when Iput the board in, windows detected K said I had to restart literally about 15 times

and I have norton on there so I ran that (DONT have antivirus thank you very much)

but craig..installing over the top...what good does that do? isnt the whole idea to start clean?

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Message 7/12             07-Mar-02  @  09:29 PM   -   RE: Do I HAVE TO reinstall?


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Well, among other things installing over the top will re-detect and re-setup all your hardware, which is exactly what you want, no?

There's a bunch of ways to skin a cat.. I've always done complete blanks and re-installs every time I've swapped motherboards or moved an old drive to a new PC. You guys know I'm anal retentive about that stuff so YMMV  


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Message 8/12             07-Mar-02  @  11:38 PM   -   RE: Do I HAVE TO reinstall?


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but..if it already went through all the detection and EVERYTHING shows up there a problem?

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Message 9/12             08-Mar-02  @  10:17 AM   -   RE: Do I HAVE TO reinstall?


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You'll never know until, inexplicably, a month down the line.. yer windows install gets up, gaffa tapes you, bends you over and fucks you royally...

Ya just don't know.. but then, that's life in the big city..


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Message 10/12             08-Mar-02  @  02:03 PM   -   RE: Do I HAVE TO reinstall?


Posts: 2707

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Right Marc. Influx you are probably OK, but me personally I wouldn't chance it.. Then again, I am an anal retentive bastard   YMMV

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