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Subject: Let's start over shall we?

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Original Message 1/14             16-Jul-02  @  03:18 AM   -   Let's start over shall we?

Linus Stick

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Forget I ever offered to pay anyone to teach me...PLEASE!
Man, that was brutal. I know I went about it wrong, but geez!
I spent 2 nights straight playing with Reason and actually got really far. For those that said to read the manual, I found that the manual is not at all specific in how to do things. I'll admit after jumping in and doing things it wasn't as difficult as I imagined. Anyway, does anyone have a reccomendation on .wav manipulation programs? Is Recycle the best option for changing the BPM of samples? Is it worth the price and are there any others? I'd like to stick to Propellarhead but am open if there's something else good.

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Message 2/14             16-Jul-02  @  04:12 AM   -   RE: Let's start over shall we?

Linus Stick

Posts: 1

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Ok here's a SPECIFIC question...
I have a drum loop, but I want to put a fill in on the 4th measure. The only way I figured out how to do this is copying the drum pattern to a sequencer track, and typing in the individual drum notes to the track. Isn't there a way to just do the fills in a separate memory bank and trigger them that way? I can't figure that out and the MANUAL which I have says on page 29 under "The Matrix Pattern Sequencer" and I quote, "By connecting the Matrix to e.g. a synth device, you can have the pattern sequencer play the decive (for a repeating synth pattern) or control various parameters, for rhythmic effects that you cannot obtain using the synth device alone"
That doesn't help. Thanks

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Message 3/14             16-Jul-02  @  08:13 AM   -   RE: Let's start over shall we?



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well, are you on a mac or pc? for pc i'd say
cool edit or wavelab. mac i'd say peak or

recycle is really a must though if you are using
reason and would like to make your own rex
files. to take advantage of dr. rex you'll have to
have it. it's pretty cheap too and version 2 is
great. it's not a full blown editor like the ones i
listed, but it can do some neat tricks of it's

the manual for reason is actually quite good.
i'd really urge you to go through it page by
page and have the program open at the same
time. when the manual points out something,
then go to reason and see what it does. i
garantee that if you do that once through you
will never have to ask another question about
how to do something. well maybe not.

as for programming fills, on pattern a1 you
have a loop going, right? and you figured out
how to copy that pattern to the sequencer.
well, a1 will be copied to wherever your left
and right locators are in the sequencer. for
example, if you want 3 bars of your loop and
then the 4th bar to be a fill, for pattern A1 place
the L &R locators at 1 and 3. then copy that
pattern to track. then select A2 and write a fill
on that pattern. when you're ready to place it in
the sequencer, change the L & R locators to 3
and 4. copy it to the track. you should be good
to go. this is explained on page 10 in the

the other way to do it is to write your patterns in
redrum. A1, A2 etc. and then use pattern
change commands in the sequencer to tell
redrum when to switch between whatever
patterns you want. this is explained on page
25 in the manual.

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Message 4/14             16-Jul-02  @  04:46 PM   -   RE: Let's start over shall we?


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aye - it's simple as that mate -

As for editors, cooledit pro demo can be used free to perform edits (see the review page on DT to see how that is done) - i use wavelab meself, soundforge is good too, recycle is for making slices really more than an editor.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/14             16-Jul-02  @  10:13 PM   -   RE: Let's start over shall we?


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damn horizens knows his REASON!

hey man...wanna come show me how to use it? 

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Message 6/14             17-Jul-02  @  04:34 AM   -   RE: Let's start over shall we?



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sure. i said i would, influx.

linus, i know that the manual is a little
daunting if you are unfamliar with all of the
terminology, but believe me, the props do
explain how to do everything. you just have to
sit down and dedicate some time to learning.

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Message 7/14             17-Jul-02  @  04:56 AM   -   RE: Let's start over shall we?

Linus Stick

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Are we talking about the same manual?
The manual I am looking at on page 10 is "Installing the Software" and the "Factory Sound Bank"
Maybe I am missing something?

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Message 8/14             17-Jul-02  @  05:48 AM   -   RE: Let's start over shall we?



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ok, you're looking at the printed manual that
came with the program. that is also called
"getting started". you should have a bunch of
.pdf manuals also. i was refering to the
"operation" .pdf manual.

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Message 9/14             18-Jul-02  @  06:22 PM   -   RE: Let's start over shall we?



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i want my 2 dollars

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Message 10/14             18-Jul-02  @  09:36 PM   -   RE: Let's start over shall we?


Posts: 7627

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TWO DOLLARS! cant come help me anymore. I have to RTFM first

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