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Subject: convince me i need cubase

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Original Message 1/15             08-Nov-00  @  12:38 AM   -   convince me i need cubase



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i use cakewalk and i hate it. convince me i should buy cubase rather than logic...

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Message 2/15             08-Nov-00  @  02:42 PM   -   RE: convince me i need cubase



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u will pick up cubase much much quicker

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Message 3/15             08-Nov-00  @  05:04 PM   -   RE: convince me i need cubase



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You could come out of the (cakewalk)'s safe.

Uh, let's see...Better Support???

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Message 4/15             09-Nov-00  @  09:54 AM   -   RE: convince me i need cubase



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They rock, and you can even get free ones that are pretty good. A lot of them can be used with standard midi controllers as well, like 74 for cutoff. Piss easy. Version 5 has a lot of improvements as well, better EQ, nicer sounding effects, tighter timing, user interface enhancements like the way you select controllers and stuff...
I'm not on commission or anything, but I reckon it's pretty good.
Also, see k's article on the LM9 you get with it, and read the other posts...
I've always hated cakewalk, I just don't like the way it works. I've got logic as well, but I can't get my head round that's just what you are used to I suppose. Of course it would help if I could afford to buy it and get a proper manual...

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Message 5/15             09-Nov-00  @  07:43 PM   -   RE: convince me i need cubase



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VST instruments - these won't work in logic?

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Message 6/15             09-Nov-00  @  08:44 PM   -   RE: convince me i need cubase



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yup, that above is the two free vst instruments NEON & LM9 doing there thang in vst with vst eq & fx etc all on an MMX-200 - tight triggering huh!!! - totally vst with nothing added....

thats the mp3 version for better clarity

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Message 7/15             09-Nov-00  @  11:21 PM   -   RE: convince me i need cubase



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VST instruments work in Logic and Cubase. There is little to choose between them.

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Message 8/15             10-Nov-00  @  06:24 AM   -   RE: convince me i need cubase



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sorry, i didnt mean "yup" they dont work in logic, i meant "yup" they rock !

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Message 9/15             10-Nov-00  @  03:13 PM   -   RE: convince me i need cubase



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I can't think of any reason not to get Cubase!

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Message 10/15             11-Nov-00  @  12:32 AM   -   RE: convince me i need cubase



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You're not trying hard enough!

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