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Subject: Live Software

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Original Message 1/16             15-Feb-02  @  04:56 AM   -   Live Software


Posts: 4

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Hey there, nice forum you guys have here.
I'm after some software for playing live, I was wondering if any of you know of a program, that allows you to chain songs together, and has good midi support.

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Message 2/16             15-Feb-02  @  09:07 AM   -   RE: Live Software


Posts: 1584

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You wanna run this program on some kinda PC/MAC in a live environment?

Take it you've discounted the Hardware sequencer/midi-filer approach?


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Message 3/16             15-Feb-02  @  09:34 AM   -   RE: Live Software


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Yeah, on a PC, or MAC laptop. My production is mostly on software (Cubase, Reaktor, etc.), so I'd like to stay in this environment.

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Message 4/16             15-Feb-02  @  02:08 PM   -   RE: Live Software


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If its still based around midi data, and you're NOT using all Softsynths (the fact you've mentioned Reaktor already scuppers that idea), then I'd recommend trying to port your midi data to a h/w sequencer...

Its *exactly* what I'll be doing when we start gigging.. I LOVE my PC based production setup but there's no why I'd rely on it for gigging!!!

Any softsynths I used in a track production would either be sampled or I'd re-interpret the track to use my hardware synths...

If you don't have that option.. I'm guessing go for the most solid laptop, o/s build you can absolutely optimised and stripped bare for just music production only....

I remember a guy here who was doing really well working from a PC laptop setup on gigs.. then it went down on him during a show... NIGHTMARE!!!


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Message 5/16             15-Feb-02  @  02:56 PM   -   RE: Live Software



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yeah, when your PC goes down on you during a show, nobody else will later.

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Message 6/16             16-Feb-02  @  01:10 AM   -   RE: Live Software

Brett B


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a lot of artists use combinations of pc and hardware to link tracks together and mix them live. Run your pc with a hardware sequencer playing some of the parts for the outro of songs, then load the new song up on the pc and mix back. You have to think about tempo. Shifting all of your songs for mixing togehter can make them sound off unless you wrote them that way, so some tempo mapping is going to come into play. It's ok for songs to end and the next one start cold somtimes. On certtain songs with nice intros it works great. One way of achieving this is pasting trhee or four songs together into one midi file premixed.

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Message 7/16             19-Feb-02  @  03:07 AM   -   RE: Live Software

Brett B


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Alberton Live! it's being used a lot by tv and soundtrack people, but it's really a sequencer like many hardware units yet it can record all performance changes allowing you to string together parts, midi and audio loops and hits realtime. The pitch shifting and beat editing is supposed to be top notch!

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Message 8/16             19-Feb-02  @  07:23 AM   -   RE: Live Software


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ABLETON, not alberton.

theres also something comin out by..numark? gemini? cant remember. final scratch I think its called

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Message 9/16             19-Feb-02  @  12:54 PM   -   RE: Live Software


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All that software's phat... its the reliability of PC Operating systems that's crippling unfortunately...


Oh to just be able to gig my monster box live and know it works 100%...


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Message 10/16             19-Feb-02  @  02:53 PM   -   RE: Live Software


Posts: 2707

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Windows XP = stability, at least in my experience. I've had a couple crashes in Sonar, sure.. But I was pusing to 90% CPU and above.

Work within your machine's limits..


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