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Subject: IDE slave / master?

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Original Message 1/19             04-May-02  @  11:14 PM   -   IDE slave / master?


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OK. SO...I got these nice round IDE cables, and theyre labled slave/master, but in the opposite order of my drives

I am assuming that the OS drive should be the slave? I have one 20 gig and one IDE CDR on the same buss and figured that the hard drive should be the master?

the way theyre positioned in my case would make the CD have to be down at the bottom (where the 3.5 bays are) and the HD at the top

I dont get it
Does it matter as far as the cable goes? Or can I set the CDR to master?

this is NOT the audio drive.

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Message 2/19             06-May-02  @  04:27 PM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?


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I was under the impression it didn't matter which plug went into which drive. The drives themselves are jumpered master and slave.. Unless something's changed with UDMA over the last year or so..


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Message 3/19             06-May-02  @  09:01 PM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?


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yeah. Dunno why they labeled the cables.

well..I guess I can try it and see what happens 

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Message 4/19             07-May-02  @  09:04 AM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?


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I think that with the new ATA stuff, you should actually try and put the correct connector to the type of drive i.e. Master - Master, etc.etc.

Generally I go for the Master as the OS and apps drive, with Slave for data/projects.. seems to work for me so far...

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Message 5/19             07-May-02  @  02:34 PM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?


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Well, you should probably have your hard disks on different IDE channels from each other. IDE can only access 1 device at a time per channel.. You get no concurrency by setting up your hard disks on the same channel.


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Message 6/19             07-May-02  @  07:01 PM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?


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as far as the mac goes- running two drives on the same channel is slower. I had to use my cables backwards because of the way my setup is- until I bought a new PCI card with an extra buss. Now they are both masters.

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Message 7/19             07-May-02  @  07:05 PM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?


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So I just got this new Maxtor 60GB drive today, and I'm looking at the jumper settings.. There's a master, slave, and a "cable select for master and slave", which is the default.

I'm assuming that the new cables have a mechanism for auto-setting master and slave.


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Message 8/19             07-May-02  @  08:02 PM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?


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so is that what 'cable select' would mean? Would you need software to make this selection- or should it be an option when formatting the drive?

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Message 9/19             07-May-02  @  08:21 PM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?


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marc..apparently you didnt read 

its just ONE hard drive and a CDrom

what is lame is the way the ing thing is configured...the master is at the very end (IE top of the case) and the slave is at the bottom..and it..ah its just so stupid

so...what if I set the CDrom to master and the HD to slave? again..NOT RECORDING ON THIS DRIVE

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Message 10/19             07-May-02  @  10:01 PM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?


Posts: 2707

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I don't think it makes a damn bit of difference, but again I'm not 100% sure.

I'll be experimenting with this myself.. Gotta get this new drive in the PC. Fuck that 10 gigs of space for audio bullshit  

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