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Subject: faster cpu but less performance?

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Original Message 1/25             28-Jul-02  @  03:16 AM     Edit: 28-Jul-02  |  03:18 AM   -   faster cpu but less performance?


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loaded Reason onto my laptop. It's a 1.2ghz celeron with 256mb ram. The same songs that plays fine on my pIII800 with 256mb ram will not play on my laptop. I get the anoying computer not fast enough error message. I noticed that only 240mb of ram are available due to 16 allocated to video. I am on xp with this machine. The other was windows 98. I am thinking the problem may be a ram issue because xp may have more processes going than 98. Also what is the best way to set up virtual memory? I turned off the video exceleration and all other xp video enhancers, and increased teh virtual memory to the max with min=max.

Are the celerons just not able to process as many operations per cycle, or do you think I may just need more ram for these large song files with tons of synths going due to it being xp?

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Message 2/25             28-Jul-02  @  04:03 AM   -   RE: faster cpu but less performance?


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celeron is definitely a slower processor. Im quite sure that your PIII 800 would bench faster

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Message 3/25             28-Jul-02  @  06:02 AM   -   RE: faster cpu but less performance?



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er.... have you tried it with the video accel'n ON

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Message 4/25             28-Jul-02  @  07:08 PM   -   RE: faster cpu but less performance?


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Yes K, both on and off. The songs that won't play are thick with synths and fx. They won't even start to play unless i lower the sample rate. I read somewhere a while back that you need more ram on xp to get the same results as 98. I think It was a minimum requiremnts page for a application I was looking at. They recommended more ram for the xp platform. I knew the celerons were slower. I almost went for the pIII1.2ghz, but I didn't have any more money and I needed the laptop for work right away. I may need to get by with it until i can afford a new one.

Can you upgrade laptops? Most mobo's that support celeron support PIII. I opend up Sonar and loaded a song with 15 stereo tracks. It didn't bog until I opend 13 RCL's. I am going to throw another 512mb in and see what happens. If I can't get it up to speed, then I'll use it for a few months and give it to my girlfeind. Her laptop sucks, and i have been wanting to get her new one for a while.

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Message 5/25             29-Jul-02  @  02:33 PM   -   RE: faster cpu but less performance?


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No, in general you can't upgrade a laptop. Plug-in performance is a function of CPU performance, so adding more RAM probably won't help much.


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Message 6/25             29-Jul-02  @  03:03 PM   -   RE: faster cpu but less performance?


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ummm ......I remember reading on hammerfalls site when they tested laptop performance that the ones which used shared ram for the video performed considerably worse. One of them could only manage half its theoretical performance.

or something like that.

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Message 7/25             29-Jul-02  @  07:31 PM   -   RE: faster cpu but less performance?


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Sounds reasonable. The video probably steals bus time from the CPU to get at the memory.


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Message 8/25             30-Jul-02  @  01:11 AM   -   RE: faster cpu but less performance?



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actually Craig, Ram is a major function of plug-in performance as well as softsynths. I installed an xtra 128mb on my PIII800 on a track that was bogging down at 256mb. At 384 I was able to add 5 more synths and a few waves RCL comps before choking it. The song has to have the memory to load all those devices and their sample data. Too bad on the upgrade. At least laptops hold their value longer. I'll just have to get by.

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Message 9/25             30-Jul-02  @  02:19 PM   -   RE: faster cpu but less performance?


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Sure, it's got some impact, of course. That's less data that it has to move from the drive to the memory to the CPU. It's definately an improvement, just not THE improvement for running more plug-ins.


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Message 10/25             30-Jul-02  @  10:44 PM   -   RE: faster cpu but less performance?


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Celeron's are about the worst processor you can get....

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