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Subject: Ohmforce Plugs Price to Increase

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Original Message 1/25             18-Nov-02  @  06:02 PM   -   Ohmforce Plugs Price to Increase

Phizzion Aliaz


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There is a link above for a thread at the KVR
forums about OHMForce dumping their
Standard Version of their products and a
general price increase!

Wondered about your opinions on their new
pricing policy  BTW, I believe you can still get
the Standard($10) versions of the plugins until
December 2002.

Fraktal Evolvementation 

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Message 2/25             18-Nov-02  @  07:40 PM   -   RE: Ohmforce Plugs Price to Increase


Posts: 6231

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heh, you can still suck my dick before next year too!

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Message 3/25             19-Nov-02  @  01:45 PM   -   RE: Ohmforce Plugs Price to Increase



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What the is your problem, loser!? Stupid
ing internet thug!


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Message 4/25             19-Nov-02  @  03:38 PM   -   RE: Ohmforce Plugs Price to Increase


Posts: 316

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read thier licensing deal... the $10 version you *cannot* use it to release tracks

i got a refund after i read that. i could have just stolen it but i thought the policy was so stupid i asked for my money back.


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Message 5/25             19-Nov-02  @  05:38 PM   -   RE: Ohmforce Plugs Price to Increase


Posts: 4573

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how the hell are they gonna know if you used it or not. samples are one thing, but a delay? a phaser? give me a f'in' break!


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Message 6/25             19-Nov-02  @  07:37 PM   -   RE: Ohmforce Plugs Price to Increase


Posts: 6231

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well don't fucking ask for opinions under a fake name if ya can't handle it, person who can't even type "fuck" properly. people seem to like ohmforce, didn't do shit for me, but what does it matter? what's your squabble if you're gonig to ask for honesty?

more money? as far as i'm concerned, the entire capitalist system is corrupt, so some flashy ass dsp coder with awful sense of aesthetics and cheesy faux-political philosophy to sling it with raising their prices on audio effects that cost *how much??* isn't winning points. you don't understand the meaning of money, that's for sure. so hey, i'll even unzip and save you the trouble eh.

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Message 7/25             19-Nov-02  @  09:00 PM     Edit: 19-Nov-02  |  09:17 PM   -   RE: Ohmforce Plugs Price to Increase


Posts: 4573

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[sigh] great life lesson there, x. just what the poster was looking for, no doubt.

why do you even bother? it took time away from music-making to write that reply, no?


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Message 8/25             21-Nov-02  @  06:16 PM   -   RE: Ohmforce Plugs Price to Increase


Posts: 316

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someone has code skill envy :-)

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Message 9/25             21-Nov-02  @  08:24 PM   -   RE: Ohmforce Plugs Price to Increase


Posts: 6231

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you little piglets can nestle your scratchy little chins down there as well. what - do you want me to respect him for raising his prices?

"come on, man!"

oh no is there a vst market inflation factor going on? for reals? no, you're not kidding me, really?? i wonder if i should buy now before the next quarter? do you think that it's important that they raise prices? do you think it's important what i think about them raising prices?

do you think it's important that we ask each other what we think about raising prices? do you think it's really important what i say about him raising his prices?

somehow you refuse to perceive any parallel whatsoever between some cow raising prices and me suggesting that one should occupy themselves with my bit of posh. there's a difference there?

gentlemen, consider these two points:

fig. a: "pay me more"

fig. b: "slow-w, slow-w,"

watch intently. when you see the resemblance start to form, have a fucking cool party dude, because your i.q. has increased, lucky you!

so, basically.... if someone is... a hominid... annnd... makes something nice...annnnd.... tells you sorry, you have to pay more, prices keep going up you know.. that one shouldn't say "dear sir this news grieves me, it is comparable to requesting head."

remember: think once, think twice, think "things with higher prices are more expensive."


psy, you know you've got all the time i have, you little darling. whatever it takes (jamey's beyond hope)

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Message 10/25             21-Nov-02  @  09:19 PM   -   RE: Ohmforce Plugs Price to Increase


Posts: 316

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i really do need to try synth edit don't i? i need to hear your clanging cymbal machine...

i can't go as anti-capitalist as you xoxos but at least i paid my $300 once or whatever and get to build as many plugs and synths as i care to with reaktor.

can i be half cool as you? :-)


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