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Subject: Optimal Driver setup?

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Original Message 1/12             25-Dec-02  @  12:10 PM     Edit: 25-Dec-02  |  12:12 PM   -   Optimal Driver setup?

Jesper Hemdarve

Posts: 38

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Hey there. I am running the mighty Logic plat 5 on my PIII 733 with a Delta 66 as a reliable cornerstone..

I am a bit confused about which driver to choose tho, since there are several available and the manual is quite subtle about it. Naturally I want the fastest one. When I choose ASIO in the 'audio driver 2' tab, the whole program crashes like a led zeppelin so I don't really know whether it's faster than the EASI driver or not.. Anyone know why this could be happening?

There is also 2 EASI drivers, MME & Directsound.
What's the difference, Is there some way I can see & compare the latency in milliseconds?? In Cubase you see it right under the driver setup box but in Logic I have not found anything similar.
Big thanks for any info, this site is the real deal!

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Message 2/12             25-Dec-02  @  12:55 PM   -   RE: Optimal Driver setup?


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use the EASI driver for midiman devices - the EASI drivers are better than their asio one. (so i was told by a driver writer) besides, it's emagic's proprietary driver so why not use it!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/12             27-Dec-02  @  01:11 PM   -   RE: Optimal Driver setup?

Jesper Hemdarve


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OK, I'll continue using the EASI driver then, it seems to work ok. But, when you say EASI driver, do you mean the MME driver or the DirectSound driver? I still don't know the difference and pros/cons between them...

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Message 4/12             27-Dec-02  @  05:31 PM   -   RE: Optimal Driver setup?


Posts: 12353

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nope - EASI was a driver like ASIO which Emagic published publicly but no-one took it up - it's like asio from steinberg.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/12             27-Dec-02  @  08:14 PM   -   RE: Optimal Driver setup?


Posts: 7

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I agree generally Easi would be the best, since it's Emagic's driver model. Open an arrange window then goto the Audio menu. In there there is a show system performance or audio performance. This'll bring up a meter for your HD (audio tracks) and audio (cpu: plugins & vsti). Use these to find which has the best performance.

Here's what I did to correct my audio recording latency:
Create a track with an object thats say 24 bars long. Don't use a 1 bar object with the looping turned on, or aliases from a single object. Those methods aren't as tight as actual notes. Also move this track to the top of your arrange window. Generally sequencer's send out notes top track first.
Fill the object with quarter notes.
Select a patch/program or whatever you wanna call it that has a very short attack and release. Like a side stick or hi hat.
Send the track to a external device (synth,drum machine). Vsti's are supposed to be sample acurrate, well emagic's own vsti's are anyway...
Record the output of that track as audio.
Open the sample editor and measure how far off the hits are from the quarter bar marks.
Go into the audio config. settings for your driver and adjust the buffer to correspond with the latency of your audio driver.
(note: the sample editor can display regions in samples, or miliseconds so use whatever unit your driver's buffers are measured in)

Kinda basic but some people get caught up with all the other features and forget the basic setup stuff.


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Message 6/12             29-Dec-02  @  11:30 PM   -   RE: Optimal Driver setup?

Jesper Hemdarve


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Thanks for the information.
What I meant about the EASI driver was that when I am choosing which driver to use in Logics audio preferences, there is no driver that is ONLY called EASI. It is either EASI MME or EASI Directsound, and since they are both named EASI, it is a little confusing.. EASI MME works fine for me though, I'll probably just stick to that one...

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Message 7/12             30-Dec-02  @  10:51 AM   -   RE: Optimal Driver setup?


Posts: 4573

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don't know EASI at all, but DirectSound is Microsoft's attempt at low-latency sound driver communication, so generally it's faster than MME. Perhaps less stable though. Try the DS drivers and if you have trouble go back to the MME.


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Message 8/12             30-Dec-02  @  03:06 PM   -   RE: Optimal Driver setup?


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Usually that means that the card doesn't have EASI drivers. Yeah the direct sound drivers will give you better performance. There also the Easi to MME adapter that has buffer settings etc. you can play with. With my card the Direct sound drivers only provide a stereo in / out where mme to easi uses all the ins / outs (4 by 4). Could just be shitty development of the drivers (hoontech/staudio old school card DA4ch).


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Message 9/12             30-Dec-02  @  03:39 PM   -   RE: Optimal Driver setup?


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Maudio site says they have true Easi? Maybe they arent' installed / improperly installed on your system? I'm just guessing 'cause like I said my card was discontinued before Easi.  


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Message 10/12             01-Jan-03  @  11:31 PM   -   RE: Optimal Driver setup?

Jesper Hemdarve


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Well, my Delta card has fully developed EASI drivers, and they are installed in the same way as my ASIO driver, which is visible in the list of available drivers. (M Audio Delta ASIO)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I 'should' be seeing a driver called M-Audio Delta EASI in my list, right? Very strange that It's not there then... Anyone else with the same card/DAW?

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