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Subject: give me some props

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Original Message 1/15             05-Oct-02  @  01:22 AM   -   give me some props


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give me some props now you know i fucken deserve it, most be livin w/o having a fucken purpose, ill rated sumpin sumpin et c.

no, seriously here, (okay, forget it) this is the first one with presets (albeit 4.. but i had to copy all the numeric values onto paper to do it, took hours..) make your own breaks. do you see what i'm getting at here? cmawwwn, let's bust those frontiers open, eh?

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Message 2/15             05-Oct-02  @  04:52 AM   -   RE: give me some props


Posts: 426

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damn man this is cool.. really like it.. I have a great stupid idea... why dont you or not ( this is a suggestion , you dont have to do anything by anyways, just a thought) out all your vsti you made together, like a drum module with multiple outs ( i dont know if synth edit does this, i downloaded it but cant get into it, yes i am stupid) Like have a kick unit, a snare unit may be 2 of each , 2 main lfo to control the filteror pitch on the units , optional sample layering maybe ( so you can put a acoustic or cracky type sample on top of a nice togt bass drums) same for the snare, or more things (please dont me mad at me, i really appreciate it, xoxo, just giving you some ideas)... may be keep the units little mores simple or have one set of slides for the envelopes but they show whatever you chppse at the time (kick, hihat, etc. that way you dont have to run everything on seperate midi channel the you can play everything at the same time , so i can use my MPD 16  ... like i said you dont have to do any of those, i really like the vsti the way they are, it would just make it easier to use them at once not copy and paste the midi parts around .. ( you can even put distortion/kinda harmonic exciter on couple of these) I would do this if i wasnt stupid.. but ican do the graphics and the user interface ( i can do photoshop/rhino 3d etc, I went to school for a while fo industrial design, altough i didnt graduate caz i am a lazy bastard, i can do good job with interface design.. ) I would totally love to help you to save your time or whatever.. I tottaly would understand if you werent to do it cause who am i, i am a dick, i am an unappreciative bastard, greedy etc... BUt i am really not.. please dont get pissed at me cause i really like you xoxos (not in a weird way) and i really appreciate your efforts woth the free vstis your putting out... well.. let me know whatcya think. thanks  

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Message 3/15             05-Oct-02  @  03:17 PM   -   RE: give me some props


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you're a big gayo like harry bellafonte aren't you.   a lot of people have asked for such.. not forthcoming because i use logic 4. a couple of other syntheditors have modules like you describe, prolly with adaptations of my own fantastic units.. :p

one thing i will get round to is fixing some of the old ones showing up as 'container.dll' in osme hosts..

drop me an email if you like. synthedit's commercial now $20! but i can sort you out.. with an older version i archived.

yay! it's cool! thanks.. i sorta reckoned a futuristic breaks sound (???? :p) would benefit from this puppy.

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Message 4/15             05-Oct-02  @  05:13 PM   -   RE: give me some props


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blabhablah xoxos synthedit softsynths et c. blaster updated.. the velocity to osc. mix now goes higher vel > osc 2 (feature handy for synthesizing acoustic snares, tho nobody seems to think it's good for that except me) not vice versa :p fixed container.dll conflict for some hosts..

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Message 5/15             05-Oct-02  @  11:20 PM   -   RE: give me some props


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thanks, check your email, btw. lets see if i can make anything out of this synthedit thingy

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Message 6/15             06-Oct-02  @  12:20 AM   -   RE: give me some props


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RE "Give me props"?


serious, man. just, please, when you blow up the US maybe leave some of us out who are honestly trying?

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Message 7/15             06-Oct-02  @  11:25 AM   -   RE: give me some props


Posts: 12353

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yup - YOU RULE!!!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 8/15             06-Oct-02  @  12:38 PM   -   RE: give me some props


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RUrik LEffet c.

course i do. but i bet neither of you tried it didja?

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Message 9/15             06-Oct-02  @  04:31 PM   -   RE: give me some props


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fuc man gimme a break already - i am so snowed under!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 10/15             06-Oct-02  @  07:39 PM   -   RE: give me some props


Posts: 4573

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Gave the ol' bitch a spin.

Very nice... pretty purple, loved the filter 3 preset. The open sound is really spaced out and kinda reverby. Not quite acoustically realistic, but a wicked sound in itself (I don't think you're competing with samples here anyway)

What I really need in a hihat tho is cc64 control. I like really really clicky tight hihats, and when I get that sound, my fingers aren't fast enough to beat the decay (i like open hats a lot too). How hard is that to implement? Or even a mod control to vary the decay. That would be very cool.

excellent job, btw.... lovely lovely purple. You'll be hearing this in my tracks. Thanks!


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