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Subject: AMD not compatibel with many cards

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Original Message 1/36             09-Jun-02  @  02:18 AM   -   AMD not compatibel with many cards



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talked with an AMD employee who said that AMD chips are not compatible with many soundcards. If they are not listed on their site as commpatible than they may not work properly. Maudio is one that definatly has problems. There may be many others.

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Message 2/36             09-Jun-02  @  03:27 AM   -   RE: AMD not compatibel with many cards


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thats funny. M Audio has problems? Horizens has an audiophile and an XP1800 and hasnt had a single problem.

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Message 3/36             09-Jun-02  @  06:52 PM   -   RE: AMD not compatibel with many cards


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this is what the guy told me. I don't want to get him fired by saying what he does there, but the amd research team tests the amds with all the mobo's and soundcards and he said that the m-audio is not compatible with all mobo's running amd chipsets.

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Message 4/36             09-Jun-02  @  08:18 PM   -   RE: AMD not compatibel with many cards


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no problems with terratec ews88mt or the echo darla before that, or sounblaster live before that.

"AMD chips are not compatible with many soundcards" regardless of your source, why isn't this widely reported? i'd assume it's because not many people have problems with it. what's the point of posting uselessly ambiguous statements like this? seemingly refuted by first hand experience too.

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Message 5/36             10-Jun-02  @  12:12 AM   -   RE: AMD not compatibel with many cards



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total bollox I have used 3 adm via machines with audiophile and they all were/are fine - was using one today in fact (xp) with logic doing an RnB session, no probs all day...

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Message 6/36             10-Jun-02  @  12:14 AM   -   RE: AMD not compatibel with many cards



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mind you - the cards THEY test would probably be all consumer cards for games like BSLive etc, not pro audio cards I expect.

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Message 7/36             10-Jun-02  @  03:10 AM   -   RE: AMD not compatibel with many cards


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yeah. I dont even see why AMD would even really LOOK at "recording" soundcards

M-Audio DOES have a note on there site regarding VIA chipsets though, but theres a very simple fix available

Not buyin it.

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Message 8/36             10-Jun-02  @  05:01 AM   -   RE: AMD not compatibel with many cards


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i've got a theory. and it's mine.

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Message 9/36             10-Jun-02  @  07:04 PM   -   RE: AMD not compatibel with many cards



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hey, it was what the guy said. You know there may be certain mobo/card setups that have issues wether or not the few people you mentioned are doing ok, they deal with customer feedback in the 1000's.

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Message 10/36             10-Jun-02  @  07:12 PM   -   RE: AMD not compatibel with many cards


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what's mine is mine and my theory is mine.

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