aaa need help with aux/send in logic 5 - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: need help with aux/send in logic 5

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Original Message 1/11             20-Jul-02  @  03:22 AM   -   need help with aux/send in logic 5



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Hi, I want to add a plugin reverb to the output of a plugin delay using aux/send (to convserve CPU power). Can it be done?

Here's an example:

Bus 1: Reverb
Bus 2: Delay

The delay is setup as aux/send rather than inserted in-line so that I can pan it. However the busses dont have any aux/send controls, only inserts. I'd prefer not to insert another instance of reverb though.

Am I missing something?

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Message 2/11             21-Jul-02  @  07:10 AM   -   RE: need help with aux/send in logic 5


Posts: 712

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you'll just have to, though you could set the output of the bus 2 to bus 1. not very flexible really, or you could bounce the delay'd sound down and use up another audio track & send that to the reverb.

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Message 3/11             21-Jul-02  @  05:00 PM   -   RE: need help with aux/send in logic 5


Posts: 5701

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that IS a very good question. i looked but couldnt find a way to do it, though you would expect it to be possible, wouldnt you? damn... thats the first time in a long time i cant see an obvious answer... let me ponder it some more.

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Message 4/11             22-Jul-02  @  10:10 AM   -   RE: need help with aux/send in logic 5



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let me know when you've sorted it!

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Message 5/11             22-Jul-02  @  01:26 PM   -   RE: need help with aux/send in logic 5


Posts: 43

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What beds said basically. You would set the output of bus 1 to bus 2 (or vice versa, depending on what you're doing). There is no way to set the send level from one bus to another, you would have to adjust the volume on the bus do get the desired mix.

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Message 6/11             06-Aug-02  @  08:10 PM   -   RE: need help with aux/send in logic 5


Posts: 2890

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"Aux Objects as Bus returns

By definition, Sends (which are, in effect, the busses) are not available directly on bus channels. Busses can, however, be set as the Input source for Aux channels. In doing so, the Aux channels act as bus returns, allowing the use of Sends. These Sends can be returned on additional Aux channels allowing the construction of complex effect routings. (As in most cases you don't want to monitor the signal twice set the respective bus output assignments to "No Output".)"

that ones sorted in 5.2 then!

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Message 7/11             06-Aug-02  @  09:22 PM   -   RE: need help with aux/send in logic 5


Posts: 151

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Yep its sorted in 5.2 just been doin it with the omhboyz.. it is wicked!



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Message 8/11             07-Aug-02  @  09:56 AM   -   RE: need help with aux/send in logic 5


Posts: 5701

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Message 9/11             08-Aug-02  @  03:01 AM   -   RE: need help with aux/send in logic 5



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stvy mate, does the new v5.2 still render (bounce) down in realtime playing back the audio or does it now render 'offline' so to speak ??

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Message 10/11             13-Aug-02  @  10:18 AM   -   RE: need help with aux/send in logic 5


Posts: 151

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K - Sorry for not replying earlier to you. I've been away in Denmark! Just got back and I'll investigate straight away...



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