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Subject: Athlon still fastest

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Original Message 1/23             30-Jun-02  @  05:09 PM   -   Athlon still fastest


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interesting stuff - I'm building an xp2100 soon.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 2/23             03-Jul-02  @  03:38 PM   -   RE: Athlon still fastest


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athalon only the fastest on business apps, but the p4 is faster on video and audio apps. So which one is best in a dual cpu shoot out?

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Message 3/23             03-Jul-02  @  04:13 PM   -   RE: Athlon still fastest



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they're all fast enough at this point to
accomplish what you need to do. doesn't it get
to the point where the .0001 seconds you save
is just splitting hairs. oh, I forgot, AMDs don't
work with any soundcards. ;)

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Message 4/23             03-Jul-02  @  06:08 PM   -   RE: Athlon still fastest



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Mine works with my Tascam PCI 822

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Message 5/23             03-Jul-02  @  07:56 PM   -   RE: Athlon still fastest



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so what about this P4 bug where the cpu maxes out when quiet audio tails or audio parts with no content appear?...

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Message 6/23             03-Jul-02  @  07:57 PM   -   RE: Athlon still fastest



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really Brett?... where's the stuff you saw on that?

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Message 7/23             03-Jul-02  @  08:08 PM   -   RE: Athlon still fastest


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The rest of the review had a bunch of different benchmarks. Most of the tests in which a P-4 held an advantage was either an application specifically optimized for Intel CPUs, or an application where the higher speeds of RAMBUS memory really made a difference. The article also noted that off the shelf systems with RAMBUS are scarce (I think they said there's 1 motherboard available at this time that supports the new P4s and the RAMBUS memory). If you look at those tests where the RAMBUS equipped machine won, often times you'd see the equivalent CPU with DDR RAM performing lower than the Athlon 1800.

The factor in price. RIMMS cost 2 to 4 times ad much as DDR memory, and Intel CPUs cost more than AMD CPUs. Are you willing to shell out an extra $600 USD or so for that bit of performance, just to get a machine that'll get smoked by an AMD machine costing $1000 less three months from now? You can't even complete an album of new material on it before it's worth half as much and getting beat by a cheaper machine!

Use your head man!


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Message 8/23             03-Jul-02  @  08:10 PM   -   RE: Athlon still fastest


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hmmmm....funny, but I read that athlons with the higher FPP setup was faster for audio and the like.

mine works damn fine!

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Message 9/23             03-Jul-02  @  08:16 PM   -   RE: Athlon still fastest


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Here's some excerpts:

MP3 encoding

Intel’s intensive efforts to get software producers to optimise their program code for modern processors -- Intel CPUs, naturally -- bear ever more fruit. The MP3 encoder MusicMatch Jukebox has been optimised in version 7.0 for Intel’s Pentium 4, allowing the new 2,533MHz Pentium 4 to just beat the Athlon XP/2100+.


Chalk that one up to optimization


The new 533MHz-bus Pentium 4 processors are also faster than the Athlon XP/2100+ at video encoding using the popular MPEG Encoder 3.5 from LSX. However, a Pentium 4/2400 based on a 400MHz FSB is slightly slower than the fastest AMD processor.


This one's due to a higher bus speed in the Intel board


An optimal adjustment to the program code (SSE2) for the Pentium 4 can deliver its full performance potential. Rendering with Lightwave 7b runs a good 73 percent faster on the Pentium 4/2533 than on the Athlon XP/2100+.


but then look at


Although the optimisation of a program like Lightwave 7b can bring out the performance potential of the Pentium 4, Corel Bryce 5.01 is an example of how slow the platform can be with current applications. With this program, the Athlon XP processors set the standard: the XP/2100+ is a good 17 percent faster than the fastest of the new Intel CPUs.


So it's really six of one half dozen of the other.

Now, to illustrate my point about systems getting so out of date so quickly, consider the fastest Intel machine of 4 months ago (probably the 2400mhz with 400mhz FSB), and you'll see it is usually beaten by the 2nd fastest current AMD CPU, the 2000+. A 2000+ based machine probably sells for $500 less than what that P4-2400 machine sold for.

Is it worth $500 to you to have a 3 month performance advantage?!?


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Message 10/23             04-Jul-02  @  10:22 AM   -   RE: Athlon still fastest



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AMD/VIA is also still in the top of bug-reports.
Check any forum and you will find that 9/10 Audio/PC related problems has something to do with non-Intel platforms.
How much is a problem-free environment worth???

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