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Subject: Hoon and VST

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Original Message 1/15             14-Nov-00  @  01:57 PM   -   Hoon and VST


Posts: 24

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Hi K
Well,i have real time fx in vst working when i set the External Links to the Seperate Wave-Outs.

What is the purpose of the other Inputs?
I get signals and sound,but no vst fx.
Suppose its for another type of monitoring?
Would setting the Monitoring option in vst be relevant?
Must say its very strange not having any manual to refer to.

Anyway,i can get on with trying out adding EQ etc to my track.I suppose when i,ve set the Midi tracks with fx i can just press record to get the fx recorded too?

I,m just running my external synths into the Rack, and using the Outs back to my Folio.
I wondered if its really worth using all the Outs tho, as anything i do on the desk won,t be recorded.Do you just run out on 1/2 to monitor?
I don,t have any external fx to add.

Thanx Guru.

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Message 2/15             14-Nov-00  @  05:53 PM   -   RE: Hoon and VST



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yes you can do that just send all out via Rack out 1/2 or the card out 1/2 - ask more specific questions singly if you want to know more

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Message 3/15             14-Nov-00  @  08:19 PM   -   RE: Hoon and VST


Posts: 24

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My question: what would be the reason i sent my track back out from all the rack Outs to the desk?

As using vst gives me all the direct X too,i only need to listen to playback.
I have the A4K on 3 of the outs and the XP30 on the other,just so i know where i am.
But for mixdown ,it isn,t needed is it?
Sorry,i,m still getting used to having so much more power.(also bin dealing with other stuff)

Thanx as usual Guru.

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Message 4/15             15-Nov-00  @  01:23 PM   -   RE: Hoon and VST



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so.... whats the question EXACTLY ???.... um..

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Message 5/15             23-Nov-00  @  03:12 AM   -   RE: Hoon and VST


Posts: 24

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Um actually i am confused.

When i run into the Rack directly and then use all the Rack outs,i get vst fx in Real time,cool.
But i can,t then record my eq,s on the Folio which are great.
So,i reroute things into the Folio,out on the Direct Outs into the Rack Ins.
Now,i can only send Out from the Rack on 1/2 as i don,t have enough channels to do all 8 again.
I then have a doppler effect when trying to monitor and wanting to add vst fx is not possible.

So,i guess i can,t have both?
I guess then i,ll run into the Folio,

til i,m happy.Then record the Waves with eq.
Then i can use vst fx on the recorded Waves.

Isn,t there a way to get both?
A biggfer desk i suppose?

I have the External Links set to Wave out ,not just Mixer out to Outs 1/2.
That way,if i want vst fx,when i change the cabling around i can hear different fx on the different outs.

I,m just in the process of sampling from my synth to the A4K so i can get a better mix,its taking time learning that too.

Your previous explanation helped a lot,but i couldn,t figure out what u were doing with monitoring vst fx.

U didn,t seem to be saying u used all the Rack outs?

Don,t worry bout telling me bout mixdowns,i,m miles off that.

Just the basic cabling and External Links settings to play Midi .

What desk do you use?
I think if it is possible,i,ll buy a 16 channel Spirit with 16 direct outs.Then i,ll have enough channels to run all the 8 Rack Outs back to the desk.

Thanks Guru.

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Message 6/15             23-Nov-00  @  04:22 PM   -   RE: Hoon and VST



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so what you're saying is you dont have enuff mixer channels to allow you to route the mixer direct from each channel+_eq IN to each corresponding rack_IN, then route the rack OUT's back into 8 more channels to mix live ?... yes you'll need more mixer channels

OR.. route the gear DIRECT into the rack * IN's, then route OUT from the rack 8 OUT's to the mixer 8 channel IN's... that way you'd get the vst eq & fx, but FIRST before the mixer eq... that's the only work around unless you get 8 extra channels - i'd go for a 16/8 or 24/8 mixer and hardwire the 8 subs to the rack for maximum flexibility

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Message 7/15             23-Nov-00  @  08:31 PM   -   RE: Hoon and VST


Posts: 24

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Yeah,u got it.
I had everything goingdirectly to the Rack and then used the 8 Rack Outs.Thats fine.
But i can,t record the EQ from the Folio,which is way better than using mouse vst eq etc.

The price of a 16 channel !!!!
Still,if it gives me total routing flexibility i,ll have to bite da bullet.
Thing is ,Soundcraft desks are not cheap,neatrly 900quid new 4 the 16 channel with 16 Line Ins and 16 Direct outs.
Its a beaut tho.

Thanx K.

Cheers Guru.

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Message 8/15             23-Nov-00  @  11:05 PM   -   RE: Hoon and VST



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why cant you?... just keep the 8 track OUT's going IN to the 8 rack in's and mix it /listen via the rack OUT L/R 1/2 or the cans ?... wassup with that?.. why would you then want to route it back again to the mixer?... your passing it thru the mixer twice your just going to get stacks of builtup noise & clutter surelY?

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Message 9/15             24-Nov-00  @  01:10 AM   -   RE: Hoon and VST


Posts: 24

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Ok,i think i,m confused about this listen out from the Rack 1/2.

I had everything routed directly in to the Rack,so no eq from the Folio.
I run all the 8 Rack Outs back to the Folio,so i get vst fx .But now i can,t record the Folio eq.
I listen back on each pair of Rack Outs coming back In to the Folio.Then,there,s no point in setting eq on the Folio cos i can,t record it.

I want the basic mixer operation to control eq,volume,pan.So i want to go to the Folio first.I,m recording samples this way so i can eq each sound first.Then i record it over to Audio and Normalise.Then on the Stereo1/2 Rack Ots i hear what i want,yes adding fx if i want.I get the same sound on these channels just out of sync when i monitor.So,i turn the desk channels off while i record,then switch it around in vst ,turn off Monitor,turn on Folio again from the Rack and hear the sample.

Then i want to compress etc in vst.
So,when i tried running into the Folio,out to the Rack Ins and then Out on Rack 1/2 i didn,t get real time fx,nothing.So,i figured i needed 8 more channels on the Desk to Run the 8 Rack Outs back to hear vst real time fx on the Wave-Outs of the External Links.

What do you mean run from the Rack Outs 1/2?

I just get the same sound on the Stereo Pair from the Rack Outs as i get on my Line IN/Outs from the Folio to the Rack Ins.The Monitor is just out of sync.
This is when i route thru the Folio first,then Sub out to the Rack,using just Stereo 1/2 back into the Folio 4 monitor.

When i had the 8 Rack outs going back to the Folio,obviously i didn,t need to Monitor that all again.
So ,i dunno wot u mean.

Am i missing something then with the External Links?
I have that set to Wave-Outs.Thats the way Claus said to route it to use vst fx in Real Time.
But i don,t get any if i route my gear Into the Folio,then out from the Subs Into the Rack as i don,t get this Stereo 1/2 out 4 Monitor bit.

I have the vst Inputs working fine,see levels etc.
I can still work by recording Midi to Wave then using fx obviously.

Why is this so confusing!!??

Hope you are well,i,m ok .

Thanx 4 da help.


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Message 10/15             24-Nov-00  @  04:52 PM   -   RE: Hoon and VST



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yeas it is...

mixer outs IN to rack 8 in's - this gives you eq ability on th mixer routed after the chanel EQ INTO each rack IN - your folio Pan's in this case are redundant cos you are routing direct from the Folio channel direct outs, bypassing the pan (and probably the fader too)

ok... so those 8 folio channels route IN to the Hoon 8 rack IN's

now select asio drivers... plug your headphones Into the rack heaphone socket.. now you can add vst eq & fx etc... you are listening to the summed vst mixer out... and any incoming audio on the vst mixer from the rack IN's can be recorded thus recording the folio eq too !

whats wrong with doing it like that ??

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