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Subject: usb midi interfaces?

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Original Message 1/35             01-Jul-00  @  02:44 PM   -   usb midi interfaces?



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I recently had to buy a 1 in 1 out midiman pc card interface because my opcode studio 64x would not work with the editing software for my Nord Modular. At Guitar Center they offered me a USB interface but I knew nothing of the quality or if my system supported it. I checked my computer and it is USB ready, and I was wondering if the performance of USB exceeds serial interfaces. Is the timing better, and does clock and smpte lock up well? I plan to sell the 64x and buy a new multi-port. Can you chain USB togther?

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Message 2/35             01-Jul-00  @  06:24 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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I have heard that USB midi is supposed to be ALOT better than serial, but never tried it myself....
USB is just more direct, skip all those damned circuits...

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Message 3/35             02-Jul-00  @  12:59 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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that's good to know, but does anyone have any comparison from experience or benchmark tests?

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Message 4/35             02-Jul-00  @  12:10 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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I have the UX256 usb midi interface by yamaha it costs under 200 quid it has 6 midi ins and outs plus 2 to host connectors each capable of carrying 80 channels each it works flawlessly plus it functions as a midi patchbay so I don't have all that unplugging shit.You can connect up to 32 of these units together via usb hubs on one USB port,I have no problems with it at all and usb data transmission is reportedly much faster than serial.I also have a usb midiman midisport interface 2 by 2 it works flawlessly also.I don't have experience with serial interfaces except for a to host connection to an mu128 which has no problems either it carries 96 channels,for your purposes I'd say go with usb there's bound to be more support/products for it in the future.

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Message 5/35             03-Jul-00  @  09:18 AM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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Pict, have you ever had any problems with that box? My MOTU MicroExpress is buggy as fuck, and is going back for repairs, so I might get a new box. The two To Host ports looked great to me - one for my 01V and one for the CS1X. Does it work as a standalone router? Can it route MIDI at an individual channel level? Like if I run my RM1X into a MIDI in can I route channels 1-4 to my Virus, 5-10 to the sampler, and channel 11 to channel 1 on the CS1X?

If you want, leave me your email and we can take it offline.


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Message 6/35             03-Jul-00  @  12:54 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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Craig it doesn't work on a per channel basis.It can route the midi outs from the computer to the midi outs of the UX e.g. computer outs 1,2,3,4,(up to 16 at once)to UX out 1 (it merges the data)or computer out 1 to UX outs 1,2,3,4(up to 16 at once) .

It also works the other way round e.g.UX ins 1,2,3,4(up to 16 at once) to computer in 1 or UX in 1 to computer ins 1,2,3,4(up to 16 at once) .

It also has a midi thru function so you can e.g. use UX midi in 1 to transmit to UX midi outs 1 to 16 so you can use 1 controller to control several sources connected to the UX's midi outs or connect 16 devices to transmit to 1 UX midi out(the data is of course merged though how effectively I don't know as I haven't used it like that.)
Hope that clarifies things somewhat.

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Message 7/35             03-Jul-00  @  02:29 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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Yeah, fuck... The problem is such: I have an RM1X which will need to control a Virus A, CS1X, and S2000 live... So I need to be able to route individual channels from the RM1X to the individual synths. The CS1X is a bitch in a multi-unit setup. I wish I could turn off the tone generator for voices 5-16. I guess the problem is mostly lack of multi setups on the CS1X. With the Virus I can set all the unwanted channels to a patch that makes no noise. With the CS1X, I can't :-(

The MOTU boxes can route channels, but I've got a bad taste in my mouth from my MicroExpress and I'm looking for alternatives.

Perhaps there's an even easier alternative that I'm not thinking about?


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Message 8/35             03-Jul-00  @  02:34 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?


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What sequencer are you using?

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Message 9/35             03-Jul-00  @  03:46 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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I'm using Cake on the PC. The problem doesn't lie with using the interface with the PC. Any interface can do for that... What I need is a box that will be able to do double-duty for live work. At the minimum, it's got to be able to turn individual channels on/off at each output. Ideally, I'd like to be able to store a couple of different routings to be recalled later...


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Message 10/35             09-Jul-00  @  06:51 PM   -   RE: usb midi interfaces?



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My Midiman USB 2x2 has been great so far on my PC (Celeron 433)... so I've gone for a 2nd 2x2. Seems pretty good, but I've not hammered it yet.

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