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Subject: ORION

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Original Message 1/45             15-Nov-00  @  01:13 PM   -   ORION



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hey, they just sent me a review copy! - anyone interested ???

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Message 2/45             15-Nov-00  @  07:53 PM   -   RE: ORION



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nice drums, great synths, wierd sequencing though.. havent touched the smapler

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Message 3/45             15-Nov-00  @  09:37 PM   -   RE: ORION



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i had a few minutes with it this morning - the drums are great, the 909 pisses on rebirth, and you can add two custom samples to the 909 kit, or choose the custom-sample only kit where you define all the sounds

the timing is spot on - really rock-clock so far... the fx are weirding me out a bit, but you get VST instruments AND FX !!!... well, fuck me.. there's 100 free VST effex in the DT file library alone... so you get lots of fx, and you CAN still use your fave vst-instruments !!...

anyways... thats a 10 minute review... i need way more time... you can play the synths from a keyboard, but i dont think this old pc will do it.. i need to test orion with a P3... soon, i gotta get this p3 running by the weekend..

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Message 4/45             15-Nov-00  @  09:40 PM   -   RE: ORION



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It looks mad cool... I'm d/l'ing the
demo now to have a play myself  


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Message 5/45             16-Nov-00  @  03:18 AM   -   RE: ORION



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i mean it pisses on rebirth in that you dont need a fuckin' magnifying glass to adjust the controls or write a pattern - very simple to create beats... if you can drag yourself away from traditional big 3 midi sequencers this is great ... IT DOES HAVE A PIANO ROLL THOUGH to edit and draw in patterns!.... pattern based simplicity... the meters could do with indicators tho. i want to see the moving peaks to help me easily identify tracks fast without reading names... plus visually it makes a mixer - although i guess it saves resources not having channel meters.

Actually it ideal for a starter and way more... meaning it can be mastered in seconds to a level where the user hears real original beats & dancemusic they have created bustin out of the speakers... it allows you access to ALL the vst synths plugins and FX, AND direct-x plugins too !!!!.... so really all you are loosing by using this as opposed to vst or logic is most of the stuff you probably DON'T need or would never use in those programmes anyways.... i think it's perfect in that respect it takes all the bits you REALLY need and dumps the rest...

when you buy it you get absolutely EVERYTHING you need to start making music just add a PC... It is 100% geared to dance & electronic music, and as you progress in skills and upgrade your pc/cash, you can just more add more & more complexed synths as your pc power and pocket affords !!...

the vst compatibility is a great bonus i think cos you can run a waldorf synth if you like !! and you are tapping in to probably the biggest s/w synth & fx development scene...

so far so good...

if it all goes well i can see this becoming a VERY important s/w, - ORION was born to make clubsounds basicaly !!...

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Message 6/45             16-Nov-00  @  01:31 PM   -   RE: ORION



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Played about with the demo...the wasp synth is fucking excellent! The TS404 gone bad. Only problem is that it clicks and pops like a bastard on my (p3500)EMU APS card at home to the point that I can't use it. I have a SB live at work and it's fine on that though. Got some nice pads out of the wavedream as well.

Would definately buy it for the price ($49?) if it worked with my card.

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Message 7/45             17-Nov-00  @  09:03 AM   -   RE: ORION



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yeah I like orion too, it seems like a fruity clone with different options and vst instrument support i like it, I can only run one instance of wavdream and some drums, before getting a cpu overload and it shuts down (and this is on a k62 400!) so I havnt really been able to crack it at all, the 909 emulation does rock too, Id give it a 9 if it didnt die on me 1/4 into a song :-(

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Message 8/45             17-Nov-00  @  10:52 AM   -   RE: ORION



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what !!!! $49 bucks is that all it is !!?

well thats rediculous - spent another hour with it last night and found a few interesting things - Each synth (& sampler) has a switch to select either 'DRAFT' or like a 'PRODUCTION' version - so you can compose at a lower bandwidth or something, then when ready switch over to full bandwidth and stream to audio...

each synth has two buttons one for SEQuence and one for STEP one is for inputting notes and the other is for setting length and fine tuning position... so you set a note (default 16ths) then click the button and set the length and then notes default to the last length - so i like that, the way it works is each synth has it's own dedicated piano-roll screen, each module has all the edit buttons on it handily... you have a lower controller area like with the big-3 and you can adjust stuff like velocity, filter etc, the basslines have a lower area for slide & accent input - everything is sorta immeadiate with no messing about - still being impressed - tried the sampler last night and it played a loop fine with the 909 drums, 2 basslines, wasp & a reverb & a delay plus eq... on a 200mmx with 64mb ram at 'DRAFT' setting which sounded fine

also i'm learning but sorta compiling a wish-list at the same time... I'm not too keen on the mixer eq' but it works and as each channel can accept 2 VST or DX insert's you could sling in any type of Eq' you like if the channel eq's dont go far enuff -

any judgements i make like that are also baring in mind this is developed by two guys without huge funding - and for that (if you think how far say Fruity-Loops has travelled in two years) ORION so far as the authors have got is pretty damned amazing for two guys on a budget !!...

i cant get any midi input tho ... it's showing my midi OUT ports as available Inputs.. not sure what that is about... aint had time to see or try it...

the delay is good, the reverb is not too hot, but again you can use VST or DX FX so who cares these are included get-you-going FX and they work, delay is more important and that is fine, you could use wunderverb on it which is better... i gotta try VST fx next which i didnt get to do yet

so far so good... to go further i need to sort out the midi... it reads midifiles too !!... the timing is TIGHTER than Logic or VST to my ears - it's clubsound dream s/w if i was stuck on a desert island with Only ORION and couldnt sit around deciding wether to use it or use something different else, I could make release quality music with ORION i think it's fair to say... still.. i need to see the midi side too not that it is too important for a newbie with no outboard but... i dunno if you could route hardware outboard into the mix tho... never looked to see if that is an option...

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Message 9/45             18-Nov-00  @  04:37 AM   -   RE: ORION



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it reads midi files? how so? do you just assign an instrument to each track or what, that sounds cool, also thanx for the tip about draft quality, it may allow me to get deeper into this progie

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Message 10/45             18-Nov-00  @  11:01 AM   -   RE: ORION



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i dunno yet, but, if you can create toons, and save 'em as midifiles then in the future if you like, other people or you yourself can remix the tracks with different synths or mix internal streamed audio & midi etc in another programme - that's a good idea... as i say, i gotta setup & get it working with midi still, i assume it sequences external kit too, i'm gonna try creating a groove and exporting it as a midifile then re-creating the ORION track with vst & logic to see if it loads all ok...

it's odd, like a cross between pattern-based old-style analog (you select the actual sound-module and sequence patterns to it's bank/pattern buttons, like rebirth & old analogs... BUT each pattern can be sequenced on a piano-style sequencer grid liuke Logic/Cake/VST.. !! - patterns can be copied and pasted - then you put the whole thing together on a track area by adding in patterns - each instrument has a track - it's really simple...

assuming it saves midfiles reliably this'd also be an awesome s/w to take on the road on a lappy if you already have a big-3 sequencer studio at home... You could create idea's on the road with this self contained ORION system, it'll run on a cheap lappy due to the 'Draft' working mode it can be switched to - then save the stuff, then remix it at home on your main sequencer from the midifiles, and if you can pull out any part from the ORION composition as a streamed audio-file to paste into an audio track on your main sequencer....

if you dont have a sequencer already fine, this could also do that for you, and if you have no gear AT ALL, and just a PC... well, everything you need to make toons is here with loads of upgradeability due to it's VST & DX plugin's & VST-instrument Capability

oh, and so far it hasnt crashed ONCE :-)

even so far as i have got learning it i can see that for certain styles this is ALL you need and actually PREFERABLE if i'm honest to Logic or VST !!

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