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Subject: How are the Creamware synth cards?

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Original Message 1/38             26-Sep-00  @  09:41 PM   -   How are the Creamware synth cards?



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I am sort of interested to get a Pulsar 2. I looked at the manual and wow the recommended (as opposed to minimum) requirement is pretty high. What happens if my VDO card only has 4Mb AGP and my system has only 128 Mb RAM. Will it be a real drag in using the card to make music?

Also, I wonder how the synths' filters sound. Do they even self oscillate? Can they compete with outboard DSP synths like Nova, Virus, etc. in the aspect of oscillator quality?

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Message 2/38             27-Sep-00  @  08:30 AM   -   RE: How are the Creamware synth cards?



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Too be honest I know little about the card except what I have read. But most people seem to agree it is an immense resource hog. If your not willing to dedicate your whole computer and buy more ram for it then look at other options. I have read a lot of reviews from unhappy people but maybe they have improved the drivers and software effeciecny since I last checked. Consider my rig an extreme lead 1 $600.00, a beringer mixer $189.00, and a digital I/0 card. Remember there are lots of options.

good luck!!!

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Message 3/38             27-Sep-00  @  12:27 PM   -   RE: How are the Creamware synth cards?



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well hold up cos i heard oasys is going sub 1K price soon.. now it doesnt have the sampling integrated yet as far as i know, but you all know the quality of the synthesis & filters etc (self osc' yes they do !) and the fx etc etc... ok, at a new price it'll be a bit more than Pulsar.. but of course you get the fx, & the potentially huge dsp synth sounds.. c'mon.. it's gotta be worth a look...

however, as so few have been sold (which i guess is why the cut) it is hard to know how it goes with a pc... most of the current users are mac based, and until recently at least the PC version was Beta testing - still c'mon.. have you heard the demo's, not the actual music which is toilet, but the sound quality especially the fx !?.... i think it's worth holding on and seeing what happens even tho it means waiting. it could be a killer all-in-one synth/smapler - lets see, i gotta get my paws on one now this has happened. Also it might cause Creamware to drop it's prices in the strength of stiff oasys competition - cos alot of users are going to say "hold up, if oasys has smapling, i'm willing to stump up the extra few hundred to get all the Oasys extra's you don't get with Pulsar" -

and you heard it here first remember :-) -

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Message 4/38             27-Sep-00  @  10:28 PM   -   RE: How are the Creamware synth cards?



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Oh k, I know!!! OASYS is my dream. I received the demo CD for PC last week. The samples of synths and effects are absolutely amazing. I was considering the Pulsar only because I couldn't afford the OASYS. So I heard it from here first hehehe. But sub 1 k? Are you serious, k? Virus Rack is sub 1k. Micro Q is sub 1 k. That's believable.But OASYS? How reliable is your news source, k? Please don't get my hopes up.

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Message 5/38             28-Sep-00  @  05:18 PM   -   RE: How are the Creamware synth cards?



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We see these price drops with all high tech music products from the big companies. Just look at what has happened to EMU Sampler prices over the last few years! There are some people that just have to have that new product first and they're willing to pay through the nose for it, so Korg, Yamaha, EMU etc are only to keen to oblidge.

I have never understood why the Creamware products need to be quite so resource heavy, but every decent review I've read suggests that 256MB and a fast PIII are a requirement.

A lot of work went into the modelling of filters and effects on OASYS I'd definitely like one. Being able to modulate every parameter is brillant for Dance stuff. If they would just come up with a midi controller for it then they would have a killer combination.

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Message 6/38             27-Oct-00  @  12:49 AM   -   RE: How are the Creamware synth cards?



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seriously: the creamware stuff kicks the crap outta the korg oasys. the price drop definitely helps, but the oasys is not efficient at ALL compared to the Pulsar, for example. what creamware did with it's line of cards, i doubt any mfg will come close to duplicating anytime soon. it's bloody brilliant really. wicked.

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Message 7/38             28-Oct-00  @  12:02 AM   -   RE: How are the Creamware synth cards?



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shut up man!!! all this pulsar talk is torturing me!.. i'm starting to wonder about... I have to admit, the old tripledat stuff creamware did was pretty solid for it's time, but i aint really checked them since then... so what's it like then?.. and why do you claim it kicks crap out of oasys, considering i have seen alot of discussion to the effect that Pulsar is quite resource hungry even tho it is supposed to be a dsp solution?.. is that not true??.. i've heard it so many times... or at least as equaly as the pro-comments like yours.. oasys can be routed into vst channels as far as i know, can pulsar do that, and if not how do you integrate the audio to create your final mix ??...

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Message 8/38             01-Nov-00  @  06:22 PM   -   RE: How are the Creamware synth cards?



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Well, Kilo, routing is one of the main advantages Pulsar can offer. You've got virtual patchcords in it, so it's up to you where the synths will be routed to.
All I can say that it's a solution for my needs. I've used it since the early days. Resource hungry - yes, but also very flexible and fun to use. It's definitely a possible solution for a studio setup if you don't have a rack full of hardware synths and effects. All I can say it works for me. Pulsar vs Oasys? I would admit the synths and effects are probably better in Oasys (although we in Pulsar community have John Bowen offering some excellent synths for Pulsar, and he's done quite a few things at Korg), however Pulsar is much more flexible as an all-in-one solution.

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Message 9/38             01-Nov-00  @  07:06 PM   -   RE: How are the Creamware synth cards?



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well i'm gonna get one asap to try !!!! and an oasys too if poss' -- I'd like to do a 'head to head' thing... with audio examples of both playing the same track.

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Message 10/38             01-Nov-00  @  08:49 PM   -   RE: How are the Creamware synth cards?



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I'm very confused by the comment from the user above regarding the efficiency of OASYS PCI vs. Pulsar. In short, I have to wonder what he is basing this on. Please compare, for instance, the voice counts of the various OASYS PCI synths:

with those for the Pulsar:

The numbers don't lie; the Pulsar synths range from 1 (for FM) to 16, and the OASYS synths range from 8 to 244.

So, what was the comment about efficiency based on - since it clearly wasn't about number of voices?

- Dan

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