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Subject: VST,VSampler,SBlive=awesome, dude!!

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Original Message 1/24             10-Oct-00  @  04:29 PM   -   VST,VSampler,SBlive=awesome, dude!!



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well i just baught my registration key for Vsampler which ive been using for a while now, that feels like money well spent, its really a great piece of software specialy if you dont have a real sampler. ive been running VST 5.o for 2 weeks or so, and last night i installed the modified APS asio drivers on my sblive and my new Vsampler 2.2 (upgraded from 1.7) and well.. this combination is totaly f***ing amazing!!
with these drivers latency is 8ms!,(used to be 750ms with creative drivers.) that means all VST intruments (including VSampler) can be played in realtime, VST 5 comes with some great new fx plugins, and this is the bit that really blew me away... Virtual Sampler when loaded as a vst intrument can have from 1 up to 16 ! STEREO channels coming into the VST mixer, which you can then treat with fx, eq, plugins or whatever seperately. that really is a virtual studio and with no expensive hardware at all. guess im gonna need more than 400mhz soon though.

anybody using the sblive check out these drivers, seriously wicked....

supposed to get two stereo analog outs as well, still dont know how it all works tho.


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Message 2/24             10-Oct-00  @  11:09 PM   -   RE: VST,VSampler,SBlive=awesome, dude!!



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Cant seem to get velocity working in vsampler tho, all samples play at 127, must be something pretty obvious. any ideas?

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Message 3/24             11-Oct-00  @  10:22 PM   -   RE: VST,VSampler,SBlive=awesome, dude!!



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played by what?... is the master keys transmitting velo' ?

hey it's funny you say this cos i just setup a system for my mate with a little XG card and it runs vst & rewire & vst instruments fine. and really the comnbi of rewire with the rebirth mods, the xg and the audio parts & vst instruments all together is perfect for making clubsounds music where really extensive deep synthesis & 'synth-palying' isnt an issue cos it is more about patterns... I think it's a really useful system, and if it was all i had i could definately make tunes on it those rewire mods are phenomenal, i can even do RnB with rebirth !...

that sampler sounds amazing i'll have to check it out, 16 channels in vst !... yum you should buck up to a P3 mate with 1/2gig of ram :P

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Message 4/24             13-Oct-00  @  12:58 AM   -   RE: VST,VSampler,SBlive=awesome, dude!!



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got 256 megs so far..

well i figured out the velocity, just had to set velocity sensitivity to 127 on the envelope page. i thought that would have been default. there are a few small bugs,(sometimes get a crash when closing Vst) not sure if its Vsampler or vst but no crashes during session so far. updates to both will be coming soon though. check this one out....

well my setup is not all software based, i was planning to get a sampler for a while already but ive really got used to using Vsampler, editing stuff in wavelab,sending samples back and forth easily i can work really fast, but now that it can be used as a VST instrument with no latency during playback and almost no latency from the keyboard, thats it, im hooked. i used to have a roland s550, dont have any other experience with hardware samplers but it would seem a lot more fiddly with the tiny display, no? this thing does just about everything and only cost about 130 DM.
spent all day making music (my best song yet) also getting used to using th vst mixer subgroups, for example put a reverb pluging on grp 1 a delay on grp2 then you only nead one instance of each plugin running and just route things through there. saves precious processor power, ive only recently got into using the plugins, bouncing tracks to audio etc.

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Message 5/24             19-Oct-00  @  02:58 AM   -   RE: VST,VSampler,SBlive=awesome, dude!!



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martin, just wanted to thank you for pointing out the link for those drivers, absolutely amazing, playing all my vst instruments like real keyboards.

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Message 6/24             26-Oct-00  @  02:38 PM   -   RE: VST,VSampler,SBlive=awesome, dude!!



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Who makes Vsampler? I've never heard of it, sounds good though. I use a EWS64 card for sampling on, and I'm not happy with the sound. My PC is a high enough spec to run a software sampler, so I want to look into that before I have to spend a G+ on an Emu or something. Does it have decent filters and modulation options, or anything interesting you can do with the samples?

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Message 7/24             26-Oct-00  @  11:17 PM   -   RE: VST,VSampler,SBlive=awesome, dude!!



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I thought these APS asio drivers had some output restrictions with the sblive. i cant remember all the details but i thought i read that you couldn't output to your speakers or couldnt do midi or something like that?

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Message 8/24             27-Oct-00  @  11:56 AM   -   RE: VST,VSampler,SBlive=awesome, dude!!



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i just discovered LM9 last night.. it looks so crappy i didnt check it.. but fuck me... it is awesome for what it is... do they sell it or what ??'s a giveaway right !?

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Message 9/24             27-Oct-00  @  03:15 PM   -   RE: VST,VSampler,SBlive=awesome, dude!!



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yep, I think they give it away, it's a cut down version of LM4, which is the one you can buy for 99 quid. It's pretty nifty really, but I thought most of the sounds were a bit "80's drum machine" style, they didn't sound that modern, although LM4 comes with a load of "wizoo" 24 bit kits, which apparently are awesome. I would have thought you need a 24 bit capable card though, unless you could convert the bitrate first in Wavelab. There's also an editor to make your own kits on the shareware music machine site, not tried it yet.

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Message 10/24             27-Oct-00  @  03:28 PM   -   RE: VST,VSampler,SBlive=awesome, dude!!



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oops, sorry, didn't see the review on the front page. You probably knew all that already.
I'll get me coat.

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