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Subject: soundcard troubles sb64g help a newbie

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Original Message 1/19             03-Dec-98  @  08:05 PM   -   soundcard troubles sb64g help a newbie



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system-P11 with a 440bx mother running at 66mhz
P266 processor,64 memory,4gig dedicated hard drive. I have distortion in cubase and none in
cakewalk express using audio tracks known to be good. It works so, so, sometimes and then next time I'm up, distortion??. I have played with all
the controls in mixer and volume with no avail.
I have removed cakewalk and did everything mentioned in cubase troubleshooting manuel. If you know anything, please respond. also, asio has
sb picked as choice. Changed the card three times. Thanks.

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Message 2/19             03-Dec-98  @  10:28 PM   -   RE: soundcard troubles sb64g help a newbie



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Same problem here (identical setup)

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Message 3/19             04-Dec-98  @  01:41 AM   -   RE: soundcard troubles sb64g help a newbie



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Thanks Leon, now I know I'm not alone. I even took the sound card out and cleaned and changed slots. No cure. The first two cards I returned was actually because of noise, drop outs and stuttering. I still have that, more than not, but now the distortion has got me. Keep me posted on whatever you can find out. Thanks again.
P.S. I was there for Hemsby.

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Message 4/19             10-Dec-98  @  12:11 PM   -   RE: soundcard troubles sb64g help a newbie



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I had the same problem. It seems to go away when you have a fiddle with all your volume controls.
Have you had a look at all the volume controls. I found that the volume level for audio channels within cubase is set at maximum and so distortion transpires. I know you said that you had played with the volume control, but so did I until I found the individual control for the audio output. Have another look.

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Message 5/19             11-Dec-98  @  07:39 AM   -   RE: soundcard troubles sb64g help a newbie



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Hi Ibx:

Yeah, I played with cubase audio output, creative mixer, multimedia volume controls and the goodies in the
control panel. I gave up on it, but I would bring up cubase once in a while just to see if it was still there.
But today it worked, I did not do anything. the distortion was gone. So I'm back to the recording stoping and drop outs, when I am recording audio with midi. Of course, There's that low grade noise in the background.
I have been thinking about the Layla and maybe using the 64g for midi if that is possible. I'd like to know.

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Message 6/19             11-Dec-98  @  07:01 PM   -   RE: soundcard troubles sb64g help a newbie



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I was having all sorts of trouble with my system (using a TB Montego sound card). Had GPF's as well as crackling and distortion. Turns out the problems were with the hardware. After replacing the motherboard, the CPU, packing the M/B up with washers so that the PCI cards sat in the slots correctly and replacing the power supply the system is now running smoothly.

Found out that the power supply is actually a really important part of the system. The power should be running at 12 volts (American system - is it the same in Europe?). Mine was cooking at 13.8 volts, hence the damage to the motherboard and CPU. Thank God the system was still under warranty and I didn't have to pay for the parts and labour.

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Message 7/19             12-Dec-98  @  12:08 AM   -   RE: soundcard troubles sb64g help a newbie



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Thanks Rob:
That sounds very interesting and somewhat scary. It is possible that my soundcard is not seated properly.
My distortion is gone for the time being, but when it's happening, it sounds like a bad wire.
My focus now is: why is there so much noise in the background of my audio tracks when using Cubase and when I use Cakewalk Express, it is very quiet. I like to know these things so I can make the right decisions on software and soundcards. Any input would be helpful.

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Message 8/19             13-Dec-98  @  04:32 AM   -   RE: soundcard troubles sb64g help a newbie



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cmon people,... get logical... how can it be the card seating etc when it only has this problem with a certain programme ?....

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Message 9/19             13-Dec-98  @  09:59 AM   -   RE: soundcard troubles sb64g help a newbie



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Thanks Kilo: Got any other ideas of what it could be?

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Message 10/19             14-Dec-98  @  03:44 PM   -   RE: soundcard troubles sb64g help a newbie



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Card seating was just one aspect of the problem. The main culprit was the power running to hot. Getting the cards to seat properly is actually very simple to solve. On the studs that connect the M/B to the housing, pack washers under the front row or back row to tip the M/B either forward or backwards. Voila, seating problem solved!

Pissing around with the accelerator and read/write cache settings won't solve a thing. When I had my problems I tried all these different settings (recommended by various Cubase User web sites) and they had no effect. With my correctly running system, I have left all of these settings the way Windows 98 installed them and am having no difficulty at all.

Hey, it took me eight months to get my problems resolved. Be patient (I know it's hard), be persistent (you gotta be), and check the power supply.

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