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Subject: Emagic buys Apple!

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Original Message 1/11             01-Jul-02  @  02:30 PM   -   Emagic buys Apple!

Murray Webster

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Actually, it's the other way round.

No more PC products after September 30th.

Anyone for Cubase?



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Message 2/11             01-Jul-02  @  10:39 PM   -   RE: Emagic buys Apple!


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deffinitely not. i think iŽll go and buy a h/w sequencer if worst comes to worst.

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Message 3/11             02-Jul-02  @  12:58 PM   -   RE: Emagic buys Apple!



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Might take a look at Sonar since I use a lot of Acid loops these days but still need the
Mdi functionality. Hopefully SoundDiver for Windows will be left in a good state for continued use. Don't know what librarian/editor support there is elsewhere for stuff like the EMU E5000 or JV2080.


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Message 4/11             02-Jul-02  @  04:45 PM   -   RE: Emagic buys Apple!


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yeah, I'll stick with Platignum, it's fine as it is.. i'm not bothered about updates too much provided they finish this version... BUT, i WISH I HOPE I PRAY they add multiple VSTi outs at least as promised & preferably they also add REASON programming from Logic's sequencer like SONAR & VST both have.... then frankly i dont care, although i'd prefer it to be able to programme reason objects like the others in case I want to use REASON objects integrated into a track... But everything else in Logic is fine... hardly any bugs compared to the bug-ridden SX...

do you think steiny release with bugs to discourage crackers?.. like keeping people always on a bug-update cos every version of Cubase for the last 4 years seems to have bugs.. every single version...



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/11             02-Jul-02  @  05:34 PM   -   RE: Emagic buys Apple!



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cracked version of SuX works on 98se too. It's too funny for words, since they try and make everyone who buys it go 2000/xp.

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Message 6/11             02-Jul-02  @  11:20 PM   -   RE: Emagic buys Apple!



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Been trying to MTC sync Logic to Acid and Vegas and it's been a pretty painful process so I'm looking for as much as possible in one program. Maybe Sonar is the answer, I'll try the demo.

Another question: Presumably Logic Gold will remain at 4.8.1? If it is updated to 5 then multiple undo would be the major attraction I guess.



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Message 7/11             03-Jul-02  @  12:34 AM   -   RE: Emagic buys Apple!


Posts: 6231

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oh, believe me i *asked* about the 4.8.1.. 'don't you think you ought to get the one right before you go on to the next?'

and they replied..

'if we didn't release new versions, we wouldn't make any money..'

in other words, 'fuck you!'

so my question is.. k.. does 5 actually work? i get annoying errors in 4.8.1 like the note copy error, the track switching error, the 'all midi-in on this song has died so you have to copy all your settings to another song' error... all of which weren't present in version 4.0...

i'll wait until they're giving 5 away for $50... sad pathetic company. they will all die in horrible nursing homes caked in their own feces.

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Message 8/11             03-Jul-02  @  10:21 AM   -   RE: Emagic buys Apple!



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i never got things like that with 4.81 xoxos.

5.1 works for me

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Message 9/11             03-Jul-02  @  04:13 PM   -   RE: Emagic buys Apple!


Posts: 12353

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yeah 5 seems fine, but those errors you get seem odd... what s'card U use now?.. still the audiowerk?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 10/11             03-Jul-02  @  08:53 PM   -   RE: Emagic buys Apple!


Posts: 6231

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indeed. and an emagic amt8 midiport.

in 4.0 i used to lose midi with my z1.. other z1 users had the same bug. you'd have to reboot.. but now i lose midi in irrevocably for the track.

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Message 11/11             03-Jul-02  @  09:46 PM   -   RE: Emagic buys Apple!


Posts: 12353

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well the audiowerk is VERY old now... (it is v1 you have yes?.. and even mk2 is old now) I seriously think you need to change it for a newer card.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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