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Subject: New Fruity & Cakewalk Combo

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Original Message 1/11             02-Nov-00  @  02:56 AM   -   New Fruity & Cakewalk Combo



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check the link... 'acid' type remix/creation s/w

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Message 2/11             02-Nov-00  @  07:15 PM   -   RE: New Fruity & Cakewalk Combo



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Just a little more afraid of " Hey check out my HOT new Techno Toonez"

never the less, nice product


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Message 3/11             02-Nov-00  @  09:28 PM   -   RE: New Fruity & Cakewalk Combo



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Sure... work up some loops on your hardware, record them into Cake, arrange them with this software. Sounds like a powerful combo to me.


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Message 4/11             03-Nov-00  @  03:24 AM   -   RE: New Fruity & Cakewalk Combo



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wassup with that?.. here's two things i'm working on in fruity, you know they are thiose things you knock up and come back to every so often till you find time to mix them properly

second one below -

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Message 5/11             03-Nov-00  @  03:28 AM   -   RE: New Fruity & Cakewalk Combo



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and 2 -

i just love fruity, should use it more really...

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Message 6/11             03-Nov-00  @  03:35 AM   -   RE: New Fruity & Cakewalk Combo



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here's the low res mpegs (wav's) but it gives you more detail, ceck the power of the kis you can get in fruity, and best of all the whole thing sounds EXACTLY like using old analog kit with no fancy reverbs etc upfront sound (but there is also ze secret pluginz and whatnot doing stuff (takes dx fx)

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Message 7/11             03-Nov-00  @  02:01 PM   -   RE: New Fruity & Cakewalk Combo


Posts: 2

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Nice. Sounds alright that.
At least you can do your own sounds on it as well. I've given up on that Acid argument in tho other thread. Me mate Rich sent me some CD's in the post this morning, one of them had some mp3 that he'd done himself. Mailed him back this morning saying it sounded good, what did you use?...
wait for it........
...anyone wanna guess?



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Message 8/11             03-Nov-00  @  04:07 PM   -   RE: New Fruity & Cakewalk Combo


Posts: 424

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but that's the good thing about these programs, people who aint necessarily up for buying shit loads of equipment can write tracks.. which sound decent.. not excellent quality usually. you still have to learn the techniques to get them to sound good.

it's all good stuff I reckon.

I like it, just wish the bloody thing had been around when I was a kid instead of that bloody Fostex 4 track and a shit mike and no guitar skills whatsoever.

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Message 9/11             03-Nov-00  @  05:29 PM   -   RE: New Fruity & Cakewalk Combo



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true - it's sickening the power these people get nowadays - if only they could be thrown back to 1990... then when they got back to 2000 they'd never complain again - fuck i remember having to build that 4ft tall 3ft sqaure dexion rack to house my first 8 track !!!! and tape was 60 quid per roll !!!

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Message 10/11             04-Nov-00  @  04:35 AM   -   RE: New Fruity & Cakewalk Combo



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i started out with a shitty fostex 4 track back in the day, with a drum machine and a bass guitar, it was cool back then u know, now I use fruity and the 404 software synth and the money, power and women came shortly therafter (*chuckle*)

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Message 11/11             24-Nov-00  @  08:28 PM   -   RE: New Fruity & Cakewalk Combo



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i have only just got fruity loops and fuck me its exactly what ive wanted for years, i to have previously been using a fostex 8 track, bass guitar, guitar keyboard,crap sampler etc and i have just bought a p.c its 200hz 10g 32ram ive also got sound forge and cubase av which i havent even used yet.CAN ANYONE give me any advice on setting this lot up what else to buy is my computer powerful enough ror cubasis vst and although i think i know the answer can i use vst plug ins on av or where can i get for av. cheers

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