aaa need help with aux/send in logic 5 - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: need help with aux/send in logic 5

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Original Message                 Date: 20-Jul-02  @  03:22 AM   -   need help with aux/send in logic 5



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Hi, I want to add a plugin reverb to the output of a plugin delay using aux/send (to convserve CPU power). Can it be done?

Here's an example:

Bus 1: Reverb
Bus 2: Delay

The delay is setup as aux/send rather than inserted in-line so that I can pan it. However the busses dont have any aux/send controls, only inserts. I'd prefer not to insert another instance of reverb though.

Am I missing something?

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Message 11/11             13-Aug-02  @  07:10 PM   -   RE: need help with aux/send in logic 5


Posts: 151

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File?:  No file


K - can't get logic v5.2 to do anything but render/bounce down in realtime. Bit of a dissapointment really....

HOWEVER the new audio engine is absolutely kickin. I have not had 1 ASIO overload on a song that it used to happen all the time to, even though I've added a few more plat verbs just to try and provoke it... Looks very good... have spent the afternoon rebuilding my autoload from scrath as the v5.2 is basically an entire brand new audio engine.

Also, In other news:

just recevied my septemeber edition of Sound on Sound magazine. They have a very interesting article on the Apple Meagic takeover. However let mee get to the point....

Without getting into too much trouble for copyright

they report on a rumour in Emagic that:

"they will continue to produce the odd new feature and small scale upgrade for LAW v5 until the warranties for current PC based customers expires in 2 years time from now. .... this may include making available upgrades upto v5.4"

However they will not be making any new PC products i.e. no logic v6 for PC.

THe article also states that this approach suits the mood of the emagic management as they belive in 2 years all the PC user will want to upgrade to a mac anyhow..

Also theres reports of news of a reduced mac offer for registered LAW users...

so moaybe there is hope for use that by v5.4 time there will be non realtime bouncing, rewire v2 etc... & Bedwyr you might get that Hammond Organ instrument after all...

Lets hope so...



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