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Subject: old synth hum sounding ?

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Original Message 1/12             07-Oct-02  @  06:32 AM   -   old synth hum sounding ?

Mike Goldberg

Posts: 44

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ok...i have an old KORG DW-8000 with the angel city mod...

I have an Athlon 650mhz, half a gig of ram, Delta 44, Midiman 2x2, and a dual win98 os....

when i use cakewalk 9.03 to sequence and record my synth...i get a really low level from the synth audio, and a bad hum...

is this the synth? midiman? def not soundcard, but maybe cakewalk...i have no idea !

please help!

mike goldberg

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Message 2/12             07-Oct-02  @  09:16 AM   -   RE: old synth hum sounding ?


Posts: 1584

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Hmmm.. sounds like some kinda ground loop problem..

Search here on DT incase there's any pre-existing info in one of K's articles, if not try as I know Skinah's got some stuff up there..


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Message 3/12             07-Oct-02  @  10:51 AM   -   RE: old synth hum sounding ?



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loss of signal + hum - it's the leads I'd say, or the DW output socket, at least i'd check those first.

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Message 4/12             07-Oct-02  @  06:01 PM   -   RE: old synth hum sounding ?

Mike Goldberg

Posts: 44

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This is what i used to do :

I had the L/R Audio from My DW-8000 going into the 1/2 Ins on my Delta 44. Sequence with cakewalk and record with SoundForge. I Keep getting errors with SoundForge, and i can't do that anymore...The levels were fine, and there was no hum....I'm thinking maybe it's just cakewalk.

I konw many don't like this one of the reasons? It can't handle this kind of sequencing and recording.

Another thing i found is that when i sequence with cakewalk (well i've never used anything else) it kind of lags in the beginning and gets faster closer to the end. I only have an athlon 650 so that may be the problem as well...not enough processing power, but i doubt that could be it...

All in All if it is Cakewalk, i'm really getting turned off, and fast! It might just be time to move on to another sequencer.

K, how would i go about testing the leads or the Output socket....

Thank you all for all your help!


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Message 5/12             07-Oct-02  @  07:44 PM   -   RE: old synth hum sounding ?


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Why are you sequencing in Cakewalk and recording into Sound Forge?

You can test the leads by trying different leads.

How are you monitoring the synth now? Do you get the hum/weak output in your recorded audio? Or through a mixer? Try this, if you already haven't.. Hook up the DW to an amplifier of some sort using a cable you know works. If you're going through a mixer to do this, then make sure you know the channel works. Test it by plugging something else in. Does that work properly?


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Message 6/12             07-Oct-02  @  08:19 PM   -   RE: old synth hum sounding ?


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yep, process of elimination really. not a trick or secret knowledge.

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Message 7/12             07-Oct-02  @  09:24 PM   -   RE: old synth hum sounding ?


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Exactly. Start with just the synth. Does it happen? Add in the next piece in your signal chain. Does it happen? Until you get the whole chain working. Could be anything.. You could've stepped on a cable and half-unplugged the lead from the back of your patchbay, who knows  


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Message 8/12             08-Oct-02  @  04:01 AM   -   RE: old synth hum sounding ?

Mike Goldberg

Posts: 44

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Ok...this kind of pisses me off...

i found 2 of the 4 things that could be wrong....well...not quite but hear this

thru my headphones on my korg...when the volume is really high or really low, it sounds fine. when i put it in the middle ... i hear a really loud hum...

I also hear a clicking noise  

I unplug the midi out from my synth and it goes away. I look at my Midiman Midisport 2x2 and there is the IN-A light that flashes. Well the clicking noise is sequenced to that flash.

What all this means i don't know, but i hope my synth isn't dying or have to get a new midi interface. I love my korg   and i can't afford another.

ok...i give up...what the hell is a lead?

tahnks & peace,

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Message 9/12             08-Oct-02  @  11:37 AM   -   RE: old synth hum sounding ?


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the click is in time? ... must be the midi clock of the sequencer running mebbe?... i'm getting concerned tho just hearing this.... ulp!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 10/12             08-Oct-02  @  12:15 PM   -   RE: old synth hum sounding ?


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did you have the mod done, or buy it that way? :p

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Message 11/12             08-Oct-02  @  02:08 PM   -   RE: old synth hum sounding ?


Posts: 2707

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lead = audio cable


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Message 12/12             08-Oct-02  @  11:52 PM   -   RE: old synth hum sounding ?

Mike Goldberg

Posts: 44

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i bought the synth with the mod....

the synth is old...its seen its years....

Every once and a while the arpeggiator gets stuck or a key sticks, but other than that i've never had problems.

The click is in sequence with the light...not the sequencer.... it's liek that when the computer is in my non-audio boot .... hence the dual boot win98.

i have no idea what to do...i love my synth! Please don't die!


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