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Subject: audio pool stuff

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Nov-02  @  09:42 AM   -   audio pool stuff



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Cubase vst 5.1
is there a function that allows me to delete unwanted audio from a songs audio pool by automatically ID'ing audio that is not in the songwithin the song?

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Message 11/12             20-Nov-02  @  11:54 AM   -   RE: audio pool stuff



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i do read the manuals but its the simple things that i need to double check as if there is only one line on a specific feature etc i feel that i may not be looking at the exact thing i'm looking for, dancetech gives me the chance to double check (i havent been given any bad advise yet!) before destroying any current work i'm on.

anyway i'll try to stop asking so many 'its in the manual!' questions


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Message 12/12             20-Nov-02  @  11:47 PM   -   RE: audio pool stuff


Posts: 7627

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File?:  No file

I know where youre coming from...and its not like its a personal offense to me even tho it might seem that way

my point is...maybe youre moving too fast, and not building a solid foundation by just popping in and asking...

and...this is covered in a LOT more than just "one sentence" in the manual. Like K said he cut and pasted that word for word, so the same info is DIRECTLY available to you, man!

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