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Subject: CUBASE & WAVELAB, Recording while Playing

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Original Message 1/13             11-Nov-00  @  06:28 PM   -   CUBASE & WAVELAB, Recording while Playing



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Hello everyone!

I'd be really happy if someone would be interested in this topic. And i hope that i'm not the only one with that problem.
-> Well, i want to play a Cubase song (with midi&audio tracks) and record the mixed stuff (mixed in a mixer and routed it into Soundcard Line In) right into Wavelab. Now the problem is that Cubase tells an error that it can't open the Soundcard.

Any help mates? Greets

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Message 2/13             12-Nov-00  @  05:54 AM   -   RE: CUBASE & WAVELAB, Recording while Playing



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depends on the cards design & drivers, - with the hoontech i use i can have any app in/out different with a choice, so i can have analog stereo in feeding an app and stereo s/pdif another and ahve mixed in's and out's in the same app'

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Message 3/13             12-Nov-00  @  01:00 PM   -   RE: CUBASE & WAVELAB, Recording while Playing



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well...i have a turtlebeach montego and it worked before i formatted my c:\ (for cleanup)

now it doesn't

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Message 4/13             12-Nov-00  @  09:07 PM   -   RE: CUBASE & WAVELAB, Recording while Playing



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Open Wavelab first, get the record section up and going. Then open Cubase.

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Message 5/13             13-Nov-00  @  11:08 PM   -   RE: CUBASE & WAVELAB, Recording while Playing



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deactivate audio at the bottom of the audio drop down list.

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Message 6/13             13-Nov-00  @  11:09 PM   -   RE: CUBASE & WAVELAB, Recording while Playing



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deactivate the audio in Cubase. Sorry if that was unclear.

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Message 7/13             16-Nov-00  @  03:05 PM   -   RE: CUBASE & WAVELAB, Recording while Playing



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ya know, that still didn't work for me.... which is why i tried my way. For some reason, even if Cubase Audio has been disabled you still can't open audio dvices in other Apps.

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Message 8/13             17-Nov-00  @  10:47 AM   -   RE: CUBASE & WAVELAB, Recording while Playing


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You need a card with multiclient audio drivers, so that more than one application can access the audio hardware. For example I use an EWS64, which has got 8 "waveplay" channels meaning you can run plenty of apps at the same time. I'm not an expert on this or anything but I'd say start shopping round for a new card.....

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Message 9/13             17-Nov-00  @  11:11 AM   -   RE: CUBASE & WAVELAB, Recording while Playing



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yup - thats the answer - that was one of terratec's strong-points when released cos it was one of the few cards that could do that

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Message 10/13             17-Nov-00  @  12:51 PM   -   RE: CUBASE & WAVELAB, Recording while Playing


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Yeah it's getting a bit long in the tooth now though, I've had it for three years. I'm looking for a new card - something with low latency drivers, digi i/o and just stereo analogue, I don't need multi outs cos I don't use an external mixer anymore. I'm giving up on all singing, all dancing soundcards, I just want something reliable and stable with decent drivers, just to record one digi input at a time and run softsynths OK. None of yer crappy GM sounds and inbuilt samplers that are a pain in the arse to use anyway...
If anyone could suggest anything, it would be muchos appreciated.

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Message 11/13             17-Nov-00  @  04:14 PM   -   RE: CUBASE & WAVELAB, Recording while Playing


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hey thanks for your many posts!

and check out how well it worked after your help! listen

thanx & greetings

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Message 12/13             18-Nov-00  @  09:57 PM   -   RE: CUBASE & WAVELAB, Recording while Playing


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why not record it as a stereo track IN cubase, and then open it in wavelab?


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Message 13/13             19-Nov-00  @  09:18 AM   -   RE: CUBASE & WAVELAB, Recording while Playing



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well it's easy to record cubase's audio parts right into cubase, but if you want to include the synth mixdown (over a mixer), that's impossible i guess.

but i got the stuff working now, i don't really know how but it works:

i did it like this:
turned background audio on in cubase
selected directx drivers instead of asio
in wavelab, selected my montego
in the montego mixer i selected 'mixer out' (that's internal & external audio mixed together.

that's all!

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