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Subject: Let's start over shall we?

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Original Message                 Date: 16-Jul-02  @  03:18 AM   -   Let's start over shall we?

Linus Stick

Posts: 1

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Forget I ever offered to pay anyone to teach me...PLEASE!
Man, that was brutal. I know I went about it wrong, but geez!
I spent 2 nights straight playing with Reason and actually got really far. For those that said to read the manual, I found that the manual is not at all specific in how to do things. I'll admit after jumping in and doing things it wasn't as difficult as I imagined. Anyway, does anyone have a reccomendation on .wav manipulation programs? Is Recycle the best option for changing the BPM of samples? Is it worth the price and are there any others? I'd like to stick to Propellarhead but am open if there's something else good.

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Message 11/14             22-Jul-02  @  10:46 PM   -   RE: Let's start over shall we?



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funny how linus got his info and has vanished
all of a sudden.

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Message 12/14             14-Aug-02  @  11:09 AM   -   RE: Let's start over shall we?

Linus Stick

Posts: 1

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No still here...took everyone's advice and studied the manuals. It's starting to come together  

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Message 13/14             15-Aug-02  @  11:04 AM   -   RE: Let's start over shall we?


Posts: 16

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dont you love it when a plan comes together....

Hannibal Smith (A-team).

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Message 14/14             21-Aug-02  @  09:39 AM   -   RE: Let's start over shall we?



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When people told me read the manuals, I kept thinking they meant the hard copy manual that came with the proggie.

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