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Subject: help, i'm depressed

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Original Message                 Date: 16-Jul-02  @  02:40 PM   -   help, i'm depressed


Posts: 2890

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not haveing backed up, not having a surge protector, i pulled the wrong plug out and fried my hard drive. bios won't see it, so i've just had to buy a new one. nearly two years work, some bits are backed up (a few logic songs) but the vast majority aren't.

*sniff* *sniff*

so who are the people who retrieve data from hard drives then? how much does it cost?

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Message 11/14             17-Jul-02  @  06:46 PM   -   RE: help, i'm depressed



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as I understand it you are allowed to have a cracked copy of software that you own... Correct?

How can you get in trouble if you don't like inserting your cd constantly? or what if you were to lose your cd?

That's your software. tell'em to mind their own damn business...

my 2 cents

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Message 12/14             17-Jul-02  @  07:14 PM   -   RE: help, i'm depressed


Posts: 1675

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I've had Maxtor's setup utility program see and duplicate all the data on a drive the computer couldn't access anymore.

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Message 13/14             18-Jul-02  @  01:14 PM   -   RE: help, i'm depressed


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hmm. mine was a imb deathstar, notorious for bad sectors, but not the worst for power surge damage.

here's some feedback i got

"Some drives can be prone to power surges; Fujitsu and Quantum drives spring to mind. Quite often the data on the drive remains intact; it's just the electrics that need sorting out.

I can give you an exact price if you can tell me what drive you have; if (for example) it's a Fujitsu, the price on a no fix no fee is £960."

i bet the scum does it out of a garage in swindon. 960? bloody hell, if i can do this for the price of a new (second hand even) drive and just swap the electronics, it's gonna cost me 50 max. still, if i fck it up ...

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Message 14/14             18-Jul-02  @  01:42 PM   -   RE: help, i'm depressed


Posts: 165

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Don't know if this is of any use to you seeing as how you can't actually see the hard drive in Windows but it might have some useful information.....

A complete forum thread on how to sort your dodgy IBM hard disk out!


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