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Subject: couple of quick pc build questions

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Original Message                 Date: 27-Jul-02  @  06:27 PM   -   couple of quick pc build questions


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After many hours trawling the depths of the dancetech archives I've decided to build a AMD XP 1800, 512 ddr, epox 8kha+ system... As I already have a 60gb drive and Luna II card all I need now are the above parts and a new case as I'm still in AT form. My questions are as follows:

1. What do I need to look for to know I'm buying good quality ram? registered? I take it that the epox board takes 184 pin pc2100 ddr??

2. Where can I get low noise fans and power supplies that don't cost a fortune? How many fans do I need for this system and what size PSU?

3. At the mo my luna card has a nasty whine on it which fluctuates in pitch as I use the computer - ie. when cpu activity is increased i guess? Wot d'ya rekon that is?!

Anyway that should do for now, if you can help then please do, I'd really appreciate it.....



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Message 11/14             28-Jul-02  @  11:10 PM   -   RE: couple of quick pc build questions


Posts: 7627

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well...just to test it once, I loaded a bunch of random wave files in VST32...had 24 tracks of audio streaming, then loaded up I think 12 more VSTis...and put EQ and plugs on almost all the channels, and the cpu load was about 20%, disk was a little higher I think?

PLENTY of power. I can get more specific with it when I get further into the audio/softsynth side of things. Im still a luddite for the most part

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Message 12/14             29-Jul-02  @  01:53 AM   -   RE: couple of quick pc build questions



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hmm.. I'll try VST/REASON next on the 98 boot (saving sonar2 for the xp pro partition) - it always tend to run lighter i find compared to logic... That's great tho! - were the 12 VSTi's biggies? - like on my p3/450 i can raise something like an easy 10 ppg wave VSTi's which seems to run quite lite... but go for reaktor3 or fm7 on a more complexed pad sound or VA and they use alot more obviously.

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Message 13/14             29-Jul-02  @  07:06 AM   -   RE: couple of quick pc build questions


Posts: 7627

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had a few instances of junglist, some standard cubase synths, reaktor running in rewire...cant remember what else except that I was pleased to know that i could throw more at it than I probably ever would

I didnt get into super heavy plugins and stuff...should try more I think

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Message 14/14             29-Jul-02  @  10:48 AM   -   RE: couple of quick pc build questions


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happy days anyways... we've certainly reached a really excellent price/performance ratio now with PC's - which makes Emagic dropping the platform right now all the more ludicrous.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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