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Subject: disk performance

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Original Message 1/15             11-Feb-02  @  12:52 PM   -   disk performance



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whilst running 4 stereo and 2 mono tracks in cubase VST 5.1 the performance panel shows the 'disk' is maxing out resulting in stuttering tracks.
my pc is 1.5 pentium4, 60 gig hard drive (partitioned) and 512 SDRAM, should this system be capable of more.
also my virtual memory is set at max and min 600 (600 what?)should i increase this or specify that windows manages virtual memory, will it make a difference?

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Message 2/15             11-Feb-02  @  02:43 PM   -   RE: disk performance



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on a mac, at least, virtual memory MUST BE OFF. I think that 5400 rpm drives might be too slow, but any 7200 rpm drive should easily get you about four times as many tracks. check how fast yours is.

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Message 3/15             12-Feb-02  @  02:01 PM   -   RE: disk performance



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i've checked my HD its a Maxtor 55gig 7200rpm.
hopefully someone with pc will confirm the virtual memory settings.

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Message 4/15             12-Feb-02  @  04:25 PM   -   RE: disk performance


Posts: 12353

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is your DMA enabled ?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/15             12-Feb-02  @  05:19 PM   -   RE: disk performance


Posts: 1584

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Disabling "AutoInsert Notification" on your CDRoms also helps... (general performance tip, not necessarily related to your prob bud.)


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Message 6/15             12-Feb-02  @  09:06 PM   -   RE: disk performance


Posts: 7627

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File?:  No file REALLY are having some problems arent you.

you should be able to get a lot more tracks. Try what K said about DMA settings

and then..the virtual memory...the

ahh hell, go here:

Optimising Windows

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Message 7/15             15-Feb-02  @  09:46 AM   -   RE: disk performance



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cheers people were do i change or check the DMA settings?

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Message 8/15             18-Feb-02  @  10:12 AM   -   RE: disk performance


Posts: 1584

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Bring up the device manager... expand the disk drives section, and get properties up on your Hardisk.. its on one of the pages there...

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Message 9/15             19-Feb-02  @  01:19 AM   -   RE: disk performance


Posts: 96

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The link above has tips for configuring windows for audio/midi production... as for the Vmemory, I have mine set to 256 min/max.

type 'configuring windows for cubase' in google or something to that effect to do more research. As for your system, its a beast and is capable of doing LOADS more.

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Message 10/15             19-Feb-02  @  01:26 AM   -   RE: disk performance

Posts: 96

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^forget the link above. Use this one. It has other things of intrest. Click on 'windows 95/98 performance tips' to get to the other link. 

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Message 11/15             19-Feb-02  @  02:56 AM   -   RE: disk performance


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ok- the 2 messages I posted just above this one may have come across kinda confussing... just go to the one above...hehehe

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Message 12/15             19-Feb-02  @  01:53 PM     Edit: 19-Feb-02  |  01:58 PM   -   RE: disk performance


Posts: 12353

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that is WELL out of date tho remember, and for one thing i wouldnt recommend ANY of the cards on that page 'Dans hardware' for example which are mostly old & useless apart from a few listed such as the rme.

also for example it says stuff like:

"Unless you have a Pentium Pro you should have no less then 512k L2 cache or your VST performance will suffer heavily."

well that's rubbish cos it suggests a pentium pro is 'better' or prefeable due to it's larger second level cache - besides being 4 years out of date, actualy a pentium pro performs WORSE than a non-pro chip of the same speed cos PRO chips did NOT have the MMX extentions - i've tested this with two identical boxes and the non mmx 'pro' chip delivers zip compared to the same chip with mmx, despite the pro chip was running a fast u/w scsi drive and the non-pro was running an old ata33 eide drive system -

also it says pentium is the one and do NOT use amd etc - but that was written back in the old k6 days... He's recommending a Pentium 166MHz !! - mmx wasn't even invented then etc etc...

Also, the page 'Adjusting your timing for a accuracy of less then 1ms' - is also redundant now... as is the ram page. - but some of the page: 'Windows 95/98 performance tips' is relevent

so just watch out that what you read/do is relevent today.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 13/15             19-Feb-02  @  11:11 PM   -   RE: disk performance


Posts: 96

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Good lookin. I just saw that it talked about thing such as DMA and other various settings one could make...--> 'Windows 95/98 performance tips'

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Message 14/15             19-Feb-02  @  11:36 PM   -   RE: disk performance



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you know we have a pc faq/tips here in pcware section?.. it's filling up bit by bit and there is articles too on vcache/vmemory etc

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Message 15/15             24-Feb-02  @  12:25 PM   -   RE: disk performance



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been off-line for couple of weeks so i thought i'd pop in to say thanks.


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