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Subject: Duron DAW's anyone?

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Original Message 1/15             09-Nov-00  @  09:55 PM   -   Duron DAW's anyone?



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anyone out there running a Duron with cubase? what kindof performance are you getting? is it overclocked?

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Message 2/15             10-Nov-00  @  05:36 AM   -   RE: Duron DAW's anyone?



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that i'd LOVE to know - good call.

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Message 3/15             05-Dec-00  @  06:59 PM   -   RE: Duron DAW's anyone?



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i'm on a duron 700 now, i just set it all up for a mate, and man it is FAST!!.. reboots in about 7 seconds !! 128mb & a quantum fireball 20gb drive.. via set, fast..

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Message 4/15             06-Dec-00  @  05:41 AM   -   RE: Duron DAW's anyone?



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stick orion on there for a day and tell us how it runs, we are all poor and none of our friends have durons we can play with :-(

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Message 5/15             06-Dec-00  @  06:33 AM   -   RE: Duron DAW's anyone?



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i cant cos it's on my box at home

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Message 6/15             06-Dec-00  @  10:44 AM   -   RE: Duron DAW's anyone?



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I am.

Saw this thread ages ago but at the time it wasn't performing very well so I thought I'd wait until the reinstall (went for Win98 rather than 2000) and hey presto, it's pretty good, I'd recommend it to anybody a bit strapped for cash.


My current 'project' as far as Cubase is concerned consists of a 2 Pro5 VSTi's, 2 Tau VSTi's, 2 Loopazoid VSTi's (firing drum samples to 8 different channels) and VST effects including a superphaser and various filtering plugs, all of which are routed to various group channels where EQ and compression plugins are applied (in software, once again), then off to seperate busses of my sound card. All this peaks at about 70% CPU usage in the busy bits easily leaving me enough power to flip out of cubase leaving it running and fiddle around with XGEdits params.

Also, they are very easy to overclock, I got a 650Mhz and I'm running it at 710Mhz, the motherboard enables you to set the CPU speed in 1mhz increments, its possible to go a lot higher with a 5H pencil (see Toms Hardware, excellent web site) but I honestly don't need it at the moment + I can't be arsed. My only issue has been with the shipped motherboard chipset drivers, they caused Cubase to crash on bootup however upgrading the drivers to the latest version has cured the prob. Not tried large no's of audio WAV channels, be interesting to see how much CPU useage (rather than HD activity) they actually take.

blah blah blah....

The nicest thing of all is watching it all go, panning across the mixer and visualising the amount of virtual hardware I have sitting in front of me. Drifing from the point here... marks out of 5? 4.

oh yes, orion runs fine also.

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Message 7/15             06-Dec-00  @  03:52 PM   -   RE: Duron DAW's anyone?



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Message 8/15             07-Dec-00  @  06:53 AM   -   RE: Duron DAW's anyone?



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yaaay! I knew it would work, now, of to rob the quickie mart! *gin*

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Message 9/15             07-Dec-00  @  10:52 AM   -   RE: Duron DAW's anyone?



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Well this is the 'techy' forum so here goes.

Asus A7V KT133 Socket A, VIA KT133 Chipset, very handy 'Stepless Frequency Selection' feature, the graphics card is a TNT 2 Ultra, just in case you were wondering about the rumours of graphics incompatibilities. Not had any incompatibility probs (yet), it has handy features like allowing you to boot any partition when you turn it down by holding CTRL (brings up nice menu) and support for 4 IDE Channels (8 HD drives) DMA100 etc, only cost £120. I like it (it *works* which is enough for me).

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Message 10/15             07-Dec-00  @  05:10 PM   -   RE: Duron DAW's anyone?



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epox 8KTA+ via chipset - i'm so impressed with it i'm going to get my kid a DURON for christmas.... and the beauty is you can just drop in an ATHLON cos the board take either chip !... so instant upgrade in the future , juts drop in an athalon... (the worlds fastest superscalar RISC chip !)... ha.. this could be the end for intel, i'm glad i dont have intel shares....

nice board too, new atx standard with the cpu over near the power supply, so it's got 6 full-length pci slots !.. up to 1.7gb ram

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Message 11/15             07-Dec-00  @  11:02 PM   -   RE: Duron DAW's anyone?



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you better hope he doesnt read the dt forums k.

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Message 12/15             08-Dec-00  @  11:13 PM   -   RE: Duron DAW's anyone?



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why's that ?.. cos i think it's better to stay with a P3 & be safe..?.. true - i'll probably play safe   - i can see the temptation now tho after trying that system - phew!

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Message 13/15             09-Dec-00  @  02:08 PM   -   RE: Duron DAW's anyone?



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no the duron looks good but i meant that he will know what hes getting for cristmas. lol

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Message 14/15             09-Dec-00  @  06:44 PM   -   RE: Duron DAW's anyone?



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he already knows - anyways we are on 'Project Duron' now - i got the bits, lets see what the results are like - i'm starting a new thread for it.

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Message 15/15             10-Dec-00  @  01:53 AM   -   RE: Duron DAW's anyone?



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I have an aquaintance whos running his Duron 600 at 1000 and all he had to do was up the voltage by 0.1v

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