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Subject: I'll pay you to teach me

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Original Message                 Date: 13-Jul-02  @  02:53 AM   -   I'll pay you to teach me

Linus Stick

Posts: 1

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I need some basic help with Reason software.I've been DJing for years, and I want to start doing some very basic remixes. I can use drum machines and synths, my big thing now is getting the .wav file of the song I want to remix into the Reason program and adding a drum beat to it. If you can answer me and get me started, I'll pay you 5.00 on PayPal. I just got the program and want to learn right away rather than learn if for years before I can do what I want to do.
Crossposted to "music tech" board since this must be a basic question

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Message 11/15             19-Jul-02  @  02:56 AM   -   RE: I'll pay you to teach me



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I wish Reason did DX, VST and audio as well as Sonar. I would gladly shell out a chunk of change, but if it works with Sonar, why complain? With enough cpu and ram the combination is unstopable. You can do all your work in Reason and Sonar and bounce the Reason stuff to audio and export it to Protools format(november) and take it to a studio and have all your stuff mixed down through a big console with nice outboard. Minimal studio time because the arranging and editing is all done already. this is a very powerful combination. Frutiy loops? I don't think so!

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Message 12/15             20-Jul-02  @  03:32 AM   -   RE: I'll pay you to teach me


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i agree. Reason is incredibly useful in part because it's so easy to use. start adding all these extra things/stuff into it and it will lose some of that accessibility.

use reason to sketch out your songs. when they're ready for more serious work, rewire into Sonar. it's not such a big deal. i don't want reason covered with icons and menus i don't need...

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Message 13/15             28-Jul-02  @  09:20 AM   -   RE: I'll pay you to teach me


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i will pay for midi out 3.0 please

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Message 14/15             28-Jul-02  @  03:05 PM   -   RE: I'll pay you to teach me


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true, SONAR2 with REASON is one of the main things I'm interested to try with the new SONAR... can't wait, cos the test Duron 700 we built runs VST5 & Reason 100% fine, so I'm interested to see - SONAR with it's added features of groove clip ability etc added to Reason's generators should be awesome!! - I would so love a VST alternative for that setup as would many other people.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 15/15             28-Jul-02  @  07:30 PM   -   RE: I'll pay you to teach me


Posts: 781

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I have been using Reason and VST32 for a while. Only becuase Sonar didn't support Rewire. I really do not like Cubase. You can't render fx and do editing liike,you can in sonar. You can bounce a synth to audio, apply fx and an envelop in seconds. Then free up your cpu by turning off the synth and fx, or archiving the synth track so you can go back to it if needed.

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