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Subject: Hoon and VST

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Original Message                 Date: 14-Nov-00  @  01:57 PM   -   Hoon and VST


Posts: 24

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Hi K
Well,i have real time fx in vst working when i set the External Links to the Seperate Wave-Outs.

What is the purpose of the other Inputs?
I get signals and sound,but no vst fx.
Suppose its for another type of monitoring?
Would setting the Monitoring option in vst be relevant?
Must say its very strange not having any manual to refer to.

Anyway,i can get on with trying out adding EQ etc to my track.I suppose when i,ve set the Midi tracks with fx i can just press record to get the fx recorded too?

I,m just running my external synths into the Rack, and using the Outs back to my Folio.
I wondered if its really worth using all the Outs tho, as anything i do on the desk won,t be recorded.Do you just run out on 1/2 to monitor?
I don,t have any external fx to add.

Thanx Guru.

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Message 11/15             24-Nov-00  @  08:11 PM   -   RE: Hoon and VST


Posts: 24

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Well,i,m surprised.
Cans never give me an accurate idea of whats happening.
U say i can use Outs 1/2 .Ok,so could i send that back to my Aux Return?
I do what u said, i run the Rack Outs back to the Folio to a spare set of channels.Thats fine if i just want to monitor a recorded Wave.
But,like i said if i want to listen to the Rack Outs and still have the Rack Ins working too,i get the same track twice,just out of sync.What use is that?
And,like i said,i think,dunno if i get vst fx,it doesn,t matter then does it.
I got another letter from someone on the Mailing list and he has suggested a few things which i,ll try out.

Thanx Guru.

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Message 12/15             25-Nov-00  @  04:04 AM   -   RE: Hoon and VST



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oh... well you musyt have th patchbay wired up wrong then or something.. you can have all 8 IN's working and monitor on either the card stereo l/r out or the rack 1/2 l/r out or the headphone socket.

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Message 13/15             28-Nov-00  @  01:06 AM   -   RE: Hoon and VST


Posts: 24

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Ok,its all working!
I used the Sub Outs for my Monitors,presto!
I,m able to run all 8 outs to the Rack from the Folio.
I run 8 outs from the Rack back to the Folio,i have spare stereo channels.
I only turn the Direct Out channels ON.
I then Turn on the Rack returns and send them out on the Submix.Presto,vst fx in real time!
I use all 4 Buses too.
No probs running 12+ trax with 4 vst fx plus Comp and EQ.No pops or clicks(i bought a Geforce agp card).
The A4K is integrating well,i run it with 3 sets of outs.
Timing fine.
No moans at all .Got to try my Direct X Plugs next.
Wicked sound.Really,thanx a million 4 that review of this card.
And thanx too 4 stressing the need 4 a Hardware sampler!!

I,ve got a P3 600Mhz now too with 256Mb sdram.New scsi adaptor card,so the new Yammie cdrw i got to use the cd library works fine as does the Zip external i got too. Bought a Rack to house the DBX,the Hoon and the A4K.
Even had to buy a new cdrom as the old one broke!
An expensive Summer........
Orion sounds cool.

Cheers Guru.

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Message 14/15             28-Nov-00  @  01:32 AM   -   RE: Hoon and VST



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yes mate !! - it's an awesome system for flexibility when it all clicks into place eh !!

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Message 15/15             28-Nov-00  @  04:18 PM   -   RE: Hoon and VST


Posts: 24

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Yeah,its very impressive,and so nice to have a stable pc;the drivers are great!!!!!
Product of the year?


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