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Subject: Live Software

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Feb-02  @  04:56 AM   -   Live Software


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Hey there, nice forum you guys have here.
I'm after some software for playing live, I was wondering if any of you know of a program, that allows you to chain songs together, and has good midi support.

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Message 11/16             20-Feb-02  @  12:18 PM   -   RE: Live Software


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Craig, you honestly think XP is stable enough to gig (providing you do keep your machine usage within limits) ???

If so... interesting... VERY interesting...


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Message 12/16             20-Feb-02  @  12:59 PM   -   RE: Live Software


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I'm yet to try XP, but I've found 98lite to be very stable, on a well sorted computer. I have gigged on 98se before, crashed 4 times in ten minutes before I played, but I was lucky enough for it to keep stable while I was playing. I'm still thinking of changing to a ibook/powerbook but I'm not sure.

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Message 13/16             20-Feb-02  @  09:25 PM   -   RE: Live Software


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I agree w/ Marc 100%. we do a live set w/ a mmt-8 (h/w seq.) and wouldn't do it any other way!!!

If you're not already, seek out live electronic acts playing around in your area, go check out their rigs and see how they play them. Get some ideas, *can* do it w/out yer whole friggin' computer (or even no computer!), trust me.

if you still wanna go lappy, go mac. I'm a total PC guy but I'm saying, for live, I personally would use a mac!

"One way of achieving this is pasting trhee or four songs together into one midi file premixed."
theoretically yes, in practice?? Possible serious wackness ;-) Might as well play your set off the Winamp jukebox, IMHO.

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Message 14/16             20-Feb-02  @  10:16 PM   -   RE: Live Software


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Marc, I gig with an RM1X? Does that answer your question? ;)

I'm very strongly considering testing Sonar in a live situation on a lappy. Sonar makes it dirt easy to assign controllers to things (mute groups, knobs, sliders, whatever). We're working on integrating our live show with intelligent lighting and video so I may have only one choice, unfortunately.

FYI, MDFMK used laptops live on their last tour, and I'm sure they'll use 'em again on this summer's KMFDM tour.


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Message 15/16             26-Feb-02  @  12:59 PM   -   RE: Live Software


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"RM1X" craig?

All I needed to know bud... I've been keeping my eyes out for a cheapish one for some time now, and I don't think I'll be changing that.. ;)



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Message 16/16             27-Feb-02  @  05:00 PM   -   RE: Live Software


Posts: 2707

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No, but if it had 16 more tracks and more mute memories that'd be nice  

It's the bomb for hardware sequencers. It was an impulse buy I've never regretted.

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