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Subject: how do i reorder insert plugins?

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Original Message 1/17             06-Jul-02  @  03:07 PM   -   how do i reorder insert plugins?



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am using logic 5. in an audio mixer channel, can i re-order the sequence of inserted plugins. eg say i've inserted 4 plugins of:

and then decided i want move say, the sub-bass to a different position. how can i do this easily? when you've got 7 plugins inserted it can take ages to move things around.
theyres *got* 2ba simple way right???

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Message 2/17             06-Jul-02  @  06:46 PM   -   RE: how do i reorder insert plugins?


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i´m not sure you can. never tried it myself tho.

you should figure out what you want to do before you start stacking them like that, that would take care of your problem. eg, why have 2 eq´s in the chain? the compressor goes usually in the first slot (unless using a gate, then that one would be first), then eq, then any other fx like chorus, filter etc. of course, there´s no 100% fixed way of doing things, but with little experimenting you´ll figure out what works best.

what you CAN do, is bypass/unbypass plugins, and freely copy settings amongst them to see which order works best.

hope this helps. M.

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Message 3/17             07-Jul-02  @  10:49 AM   -   RE: how do i reorder insert plugins?



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cheers. one workaround is inserting plugins into positions 2,4,6 etc. thereby leaving room for later if u change yer mind. thanks.

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Message 4/17             07-Jul-02  @  11:58 AM   -   RE: how do i reorder insert plugins?



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why the comp first?... not neccessarily... you probably want to remove frequencies which will effect the compressor BEFORE the comp' so those frequencies are removed and no longer effect the compressor. Example, heavey bass will push the comp IN before any lower midrange, so you remove the bass FIRST so the comp is concentrating on compressing the REQUIRED freq' bands, - don't remove the bass AFTER the comp cos it's already played it's role effecting the compressor, therefore you have the eq AFTER the comp and are listening to a sound with NO bass cos you eq's it off with a shelving filter or whatever, then you statrt to tweak the comp, but the comp is listening to a bass-heavey signal, and reacting to mostly the bass, which you cant hear cos you've eq'd it out, POST comp

see what a muddle this can make?

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Message 5/17             07-Jul-02  @  07:52 PM   -   RE: how do i reorder insert plugins?


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first, i've heard you can grab and drag the plug-ins with the hand tool to restack them.. never noticed the hand tool myself (could be a 4 vs. 5 thing..??)

second, i usually put the first plug in the second slot.. gives me some flexibility then  

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Message 6/17             08-Jul-02  @  01:12 AM   -   RE: how do i reorder insert plugins?


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It;'s actually very easy to reorder your plugins after you've set them up in the track mixer window. In the arrange page, go to the "audio" menu and select "audio configuration". This will display all your track inserts/busses, etc. Choose the hand tool (on the top left) and drag and drop to your heart's content. If you want to copy, say, a compressor from one track to another, just hold down ctrl when you drag and drop to copy the plug. Drag and drop just moves it.

Hope this helps.


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Message 7/17             08-Jul-02  @  01:15 AM   -   RE: how do i reorder insert plugins?


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ahhhhaaaaa? ohoho... yes, you _DO_ learn something every day after using Logic for years... cheers @ blacker. got any new tunes for us by any chance? liked your old ones...

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Message 8/17             08-Jul-02  @  01:20 AM   -   RE: how do i reorder insert plugins?


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Hi Milan:

Yeah - I'm always discovering little things in Logic that make me want to bang my head against a wall thinking about all the time I've wasted on workarounds.

Erm, yeah, I have some new tunes - I've been lying low working on a hip-hop project for a while, but now have more time for my own stuff. Will post some here within the next few days I think. Thanks for asking!


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Message 9/17             08-Jul-02  @  01:28 AM     Edit: 08-Jul-02  |  02:00 AM   -   RE: how do i reorder insert plugins?


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hey cool! btw, if you ever find too much free time on your hands, you could do worse than check out DT chatbox, no one else there except us poor demented logic users   har har...

(we are all) soon to be kings of abandonware ;)

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Message 10/17             08-Jul-02  @  02:19 AM   -   RE: how do i reorder insert plugins?


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Hmmm... don't get me started on recent news - grrr! I'm slightly disgruntled, to say the least. I'm even (horror of horrors!) considering a future move to Mac, simply because I can't be arsed to learn a new sequencer. It's taken me too long to get to my surrent level of comfort with Logic to switch. Dilemmas, dilemmas. Thing is I hate Macs. I do video editing on a G4 occasionally using Final Cut Pro, and I find it's a clunky interface personally. Maybe it's the one button mouse and the weird directory structures in Mac OS. I don't know. It's depressing.

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Message 11/17             08-Jul-02  @  02:20 AM   -   RE: how do i reorder insert plugins?


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"surrent" = "Current" :-)

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Message 12/17             08-Jul-02  @  02:20 AM   -   RE: how do i reorder insert plugins?


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oh and k, fell free to explain to majority of people here they should filter the unnecesary frequencies from their signal prior to mixing. and while on the subject, try to explain that yes there are other sorts of filter except 12/24db resonant lo/hi/band-pass kind ;)

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Message 13/17             08-Jul-02  @  02:22 AM   -   RE: how do i reorder insert plugins?


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blacker, i share your feelings. only thing i can say is: learn to use the keyboard in addition with the mouse on a mac, makes the folder browsting a *bit* less painfull...

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Message 14/17             08-Jul-02  @  03:46 PM   -   RE: how do i reorder insert plugins?


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good tip Blacker!... that one slipped past me it has to be said  

well if Logic si your thing, and with secondhand mac's so cheap now (g4 and g3's) and if your audio device/rack CAN 'do mac' as well, then why not get a s/h mac and network it to your online PC for file transfers etc. It's not gonna be THAT much more than a PC upgrade.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 15/17             09-Jul-02  @  01:10 AM   -   RE: how do i reorder insert plugins?


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Hmmm... good idea. I have a MOTU 2408 MKII, so no problem there on the Mac side I guess. I could get a s/h G4 for Logic and still run it on the PC in conjunction with Sound Forge and various DX audio apps. I shall investigate...

I'm curious about the soon-to-be-revealed new Macs too. Maybe I'll just hold my horses for a couple of weeks.


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Message 16/17             09-Jul-02  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: how do i reorder insert plugins?


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those rack macs look EVIL.

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Message 17/17             09-Jul-02  @  04:08 AM   -   RE: how do i reorder insert plugins?


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I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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