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Subject: IDE slave / master?

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Original Message                 Date: 04-May-02  @  11:14 PM   -   IDE slave / master?


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OK. SO...I got these nice round IDE cables, and theyre labled slave/master, but in the opposite order of my drives

I am assuming that the OS drive should be the slave? I have one 20 gig and one IDE CDR on the same buss and figured that the hard drive should be the master?

the way theyre positioned in my case would make the CD have to be down at the bottom (where the 3.5 bays are) and the HD at the top

I dont get it
Does it matter as far as the cable goes? Or can I set the CDR to master?

this is NOT the audio drive.

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Message 11/19             07-May-02  @  11:18 PM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?


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well I only have nine so bleh 

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Message 12/19             11-Nov-02  @  06:57 PM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?

Andreas Chatzakis


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I ve just ordered a second hard drive for audio.
So is this how i should configure my system?

IDE 1 master: OS hard drive

IDE 2 master: Audio Hard drive

IDE 2 slave : CDR drive

any ideas?

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Message 13/19             11-Nov-02  @  07:02 PM     Edit: 11-Nov-02  |  07:03 PM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?


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umm... i *think* you´re supposed to do it like this:

IDE 1 master: OS hard drive

IDE 1 slave: CDR drive

IDE 2 master: Audio Hard drive

but i cant vouch for it. someone more knowlegdable will be along in a minute anyway  

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Message 14/19             11-Nov-02  @  07:05 PM     Edit: 11-Nov-02  |  07:06 PM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?


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actually it probably doenst matter where your CDR is as long as its slave, so you´re probably right.

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Message 15/19             11-Nov-02  @  07:23 PM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?

Andreas Chatzakis


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Cool. Am i right that - for the purpose of burning a CD - I shouldnt put my data on the same IDE port as the CDR?

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Message 16/19             11-Nov-02  @  08:27 PM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?


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nah. it doesnt matter. just make sure HD is master and CDR slave.

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Message 17/19             12-Nov-02  @  09:24 AM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?


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You're fine with that config Andreas.. just make sure you've got proper 80-conductor ATA cables to connect your IDE1 & IDE2 masters with!!


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Message 18/19             12-Nov-02  @  03:04 PM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?


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Technically, you should have the drive you copy data to burn from on a different port than the CD-R. Drives these days are so fast it's starting to not matter.


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Message 19/19             12-Nov-02  @  05:11 PM     Edit: 12-Nov-02  |  05:13 PM   -   RE: IDE slave / master?

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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But, at high burn speeds you can still get the 'Buffer Overload' message if your drives are both on the same IDE bus. It's better if you can use the full bandwitdth of both IDE busses when burning data to CD. I just had to sort out a mates PC that was suffering from a problem relating to this and his machine is no slow-coach I'm telling ya. I just swapped his drives around and all is now working fine. I'm not saying it won't work with the CDR and Data drives sharing an IDE channel, but for safety's sake I would use Milans first suggestion.

It would also be helpful if you could give us the specs of your machine in terms of the HDDs, CDR and IDE bus etc.



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