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Subject: Recording audio from Abelton Live 8 in Logic Pro 9

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Original Message 1/2             25-Feb-10  @  05:17 PM   -   Recording audio from Abelton Live 8 in Logic Pro 9


Posts: 14

Link?: Link

File?:  No file

Hi Guys,

I wonder if any of you can help me with a seemingly simple audio recording question.

I currently play keyboard/electronics on a Macbook using Abelton Live 8 in a live electronica
band with a drummer, guitarist and singer.

We rehearse once a week and need to start recording our jams now as an ongoing process
as a large part of our performance is improvised. What I've been doing so far is turning up at
the rehearsal rooms with our various recorded backing tracks, samples and parts on audio
and midi channels in a project in Logic and then we mic up the drums, guitar, vocals and
route the stereo out from my soundcard into a Mackie mixing desk, adjust the levels for each
and then take a stereo tape output or sub-out and route the master Mackie signal BACK into
my laptop soundcard stereo input, create a stereo track in the same track in Logic (below all
of my various midi and audio tracks) and hit record...then I can jump between midi tracks for
playing parts and trigger audio backing tracks etc...whilst the whole three hour session is
being recorded onto the stereo audio track for us to listen back to afterwards.

However, recently I've bought a Korg Nano Controller and a M Audio Radium 49 with a copy
of Abelton Live 8 and have now arranged our live set as clips and lots of fx mappings and
vsti's as a project file Abelton.

What I want to do is the same as before but use Abelton Live to trigger all my clips and
record the rest of the band as a stereo channel from the Mackie into my laptop in the same
way as I did with Logic before but when I boot up Logic, create an audio track and minimise
it, nothing gets recorded in.

Is there any way I can still record into Logic (or even Abelton) or do I need to get another
laptop with Logic or recorder and record from the Mackie straight into that.

I understand that when you boot up Live, load the project and then boot up Logic, it goes into
Rewire Mode but I'm not sure it's configured properly. In the stereo audio track in Logic, I
select the correct input but it's just not having any of it.

Any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated guys as we've got a rehearsal
tomorrow and need it sorted asap



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Message 2/2             26-Feb-10  @  02:05 PM   -   RE: Recording audio from Abelton Live 8 in Logic Pro 9


Posts: 12353

Link?: Link

File?:  No file

same answer as in the other forum.

cant you record to an audio track in ableton the same as you did when using logic? should be able to do it i'd have though.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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