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Subject: SX?

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Original Message                 Date: 26-Aug-02  @  11:58 PM   -   SX?


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ok, so i tried SX about a month or so back.... i wasn't impressed. sure, it has lots of nice features, you can see your little fader guy in the arrange window, pretty nicely laid out and all. but to be honest, it ran like shit...

i have an Athlon 1800XP with 512 of RAM and 2 7200rpm harddrives. i could get a handful of pluggins going, a soft synth or two, and the audio engine would get all dodgy - every time i bring up the mixer, it would slowly draw in one strip at a time while the audio stuttered. when i tried to save on the fly, it would stutter. so overall the performance during playback was pretty wank.

the redraw issues might have something to do with my dual-head Matrox Vid card, but regardless, this is a system where i had Logic 5 running perfectly smooth with over 20 plugs, some of which were Waves, and about 5 or 6 virtual synths (including Absynth!).

so, overall, i was not impressed. originally being of the frame of mind that i best start learning Cubase SX since Emagic has shacked up with Apple, i gave it a shot. but now im convinced that i can still get a good year out of Logic 5.2, barring no more PC updates, before i need to jump ship to either Mac, Cubase or even back to good ole Sonar.

am i the only one having these problems, or are other Cubase SX users banging their heads against their desks?

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Message 11/26             06-Sep-02  @  05:08 AM   -   RE: SX?


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Well, I hate to tell ya, but SX will only install in Windows 200 or XP. Better check that OS again, dude.


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Message 12/26             06-Sep-02  @  05:36 AM   -   RE: SX?


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actually, no. they released an installer for 98SE...mostly just to appease people with 98 systems that are running well enough to where they dont want to make the change (or shell out the $$$ for XP ) 'will' run on 98, but not effectively and not nearly as smoothly as on XP

in fact...Id be willing to bet that would be part of his problem too...old OS combined with a underpowered system...

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Message 13/26             06-Sep-02  @  11:40 AM   -   RE: SX?


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Damn straight...

Seeing as XP is flavour of the month conversation at the moment.. go check out the other threads for info on it Dude 56

(And I can still hear influx sniggering at the back!)


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Message 14/26             06-Sep-02  @  02:14 PM   -   RE: SX?



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so tell me something, i've only been able to sneak a few quick session on SX, but i couldnt see any controllers available on a vsti 'lane' on the arrange page ? (beyond the standard channel controllers, but i could see no controllers for the actual vsti) ??

I thought it was well clunky and rubbish compared to sonar or logic, a real pigs ear, it looks like a toy, and the screen clutter i thought was twice as bad as with vst although the buttons to open out the various mixer parts wasn't bad but screen handling was just as crap as on vst imo.... how do you find it?.. i wasnt impressed at all.

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Message 15/26             06-Sep-02  @  02:22 PM   -   RE: SX?


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mm yeah, i tried sx at friendīs, and you still cant see shit in the mixer view. you can see inserts, or eq, or sends, but never all of them at the same time. plus i heard something about vsti automation not being where it should be, on vsti channels.

dunno guys, iīm staying with logic for now (and for later).

cheers, m.

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Message 16/26             06-Sep-02  @  02:48 PM   -   RE: SX?



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HAHA thats funny you guys completely misunderstood me, sorry it must have been my poor wording.

Of couse i know its not up to spec, thats my point. What i meant is that if SX runs on such a minimal system as this, and runs really smooth and in fact better than vst5 on the same machine with the same song, then any of the problems you may be having must be your hardware (first post) The point being SX runs smoother than 5.1 (on win98)

I know its not designed for 98. the demo does intall on 98 though.

The vaio is just a scetchpad for the moment as im busy with other things.

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Message 17/26             06-Sep-02  @  04:07 PM     Edit: 06-Sep-02  |  04:09 PM   -   RE: SX?


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I'm probably being really thick here but I'm not quite sure what you mean. Having said that, I'm not great at explaining stuff and it'd probably make more sense to show you than try here..

Using window sets, and all the minimise section options (show/hide eq, wide narrow channel strips, show/hide midi channels, vsti channels, group channels etc..) screen clutter is not nearly as bad as you might think! But as I said, I'd have to show ya to convince ya! :-)

Being honest, it works just fine.. for me at any rate, and in the end run the result is what matters.. still, I can see how it'd put a lot of people off..


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Message 18/26             06-Sep-02  @  05:55 PM   -   RE: SX?


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i just like the way logic and Sonar put it all in one place on one screen and there it is.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 19/26             06-Sep-02  @  10:00 PM   -   RE: SX?


Posts: 7627

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argh. would you guys QUIT making me doubt my choice of sequencers?!?!?!?!!?

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Message 20/26             06-Sep-02  @  10:23 PM   -   RE: SX?



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well at least almost all windows can be set to 'always on top' and i like the look of offline plugin processing and the stationary cursors

download the demo and import a full on vst5 song (if you have one) and check it out.


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