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Subject: Assholes@boston

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Original Message                 Date: 21-Jun-02  @  12:07 AM   -   Assholes@boston


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So, I pay a small fortune for an UPgrade from Cakewalk 9 Pro Audio DeLuxe to Sonar 2 XL.

And those assholes at Cakewalk decided to demand more money for the MP3 encoder. In Cakewalk 9 it was included. Some kind of upgrade, huh ?

I've had it. I'm seriously considering getting an illegal copy the next time they release something. Why the fuck would you want to be honest and decent when all you get in return is demands for money, money and more money.

Fucking assholes. Drop dead!

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Message 11/35             22-Jun-02  @  04:41 AM   -   RE: Assholes@boston


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Message 12/35             22-Jun-02  @  12:54 PM   -   RE: Assholes@boston



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c'mon gb, Sonar/Cake is quite cheap comparitively and many users already have an mp3 encoder, especialy those who use bootlegs alot *cough*, or those who already bought one, or those with one already included in their editor programme like wavelab etc... so they just give you with Sonar the option to add the mp3 encoder, which seems fair to me as it is a 'quality' encoder, not a 'cheapie'...

Plus, who says everyone wants the included mp3 encoder?.. not at all, many people dont use mp3's at all, Sonar is a 'pro' s/w, and as such, many users will be using it in a pro studio environment where mp3 encoding is NOT a pre-requisite at all... they might mixdown to DAT or burn wav's direct to CD etc, hence it is optionable which seems reasonable to me...

So, all we have here is the following situation... You didn't know HOW to initialise the encoder, and your answer having been told HOW to initialise the encoder for FREE is that you still say " 'em" - ?? - what's the point of that? - Instead, try looking at the current official Cubase forum buglist for the new Cubase SX and grin a little   -

Also, I dont think it's unfair to say that cake should be applauded because at the same time as having probably the most bootlegged music s/w of all time over the last 7 years or so, they have still recently brought to the table the juicy-est upgrade of any major sequencer s/w and elevated the programme to a level that really leaves only subjective arguement as to it's status against the other named products in this market area.

Now Sonar has Rewire full-on support above that offered by Logic, phase reverse switching on all channels (!!), full-on pro metering choices... not the first to bring node based graphic envelope controller editing in the arrangement page, but they took it to a new level which Logic & Cubase are only just arriving at.... leading the industry in support for WDM & DXi, the groove-clip automation is a first others would do well to follow too (and probably will), and they are quick to address and actualy LISTEN to user requests like adding the new drum editor .... They listen, they try, and they have the best support reputation of all the major programme makers... considering they never used any dongle and got bootlegged to buggery over the years that's not bad at all! - Plus lets not forget Cakewalks crisp audio sound which many people comment on as being somehow cleaner and crisper than other s/w. Also I thought it was a good move to add-in stuff like the DR008 which along with the aformentioned groove-clip protocol & drum-editor is pushing SONAR nicely into dance makers requirements... add to that full-on Rewire ability now added, and you can put Sonar together with Reason plus the included stuff and you have a full-on production suite ready to knock out chart quality record productions in any genre, BUt at the same time, the OTHER features like massive multi i/o ability combined with proper metering & channel phase reverse etc makes Sonar excelent s/w for a 'live music' studio, recording 'band' based music.

I dunno, all in all i think it's excellent and only good for the industry to have more than a 2 horse sequencer race.

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Message 13/35             22-Jun-02  @  01:19 PM   -   RE: Assholes@boston

Def Z


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It's the Boston blood in 'em that makes 'em so people friendly...

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Message 14/35             22-Jun-02  @  01:19 PM   -   RE: Assholes@boston


Posts: 3872

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Yea. What he said.

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Message 15/35             22-Jun-02  @  03:21 PM     Edit: 22-Jun-02  |  03:27 PM   -   RE: Assholes@boston


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Okay okay. I guess I'm blowing out too much steam these days.

I'm getting married in less than two weeks. I suppose that makes my stress threshold a bit lower than usual...

So, I apologize for the words I used.

And the complaint still stands - I'm a paying customer and have ALWAYS payed for the Cakewalk stuff I use. When I ordered the 2.0 XL edition, I was assuming that it would include everything I already had in Cakewalk 9 and add stuff to that. Now, what I've been told here is that by using some sort of Sherlock Holmes procedure, I can upgrade the Cakewalk 9 encoder for free.

The question, then, is why the heck wasn't this done automatically when I upgraded from Cakewalk 9 ? I upgraded, and then removed the whole Cakewalk 9 installation. So now I suppose I should remove Sonar 2, reinstall Cakewalk 9 and then upgrade to Sonar again, upgrade the encoder and then remove Cakewalk 9 again ? I would save a shitload of time just paying for the darn thing. And that just aint right.

My point about pirated stuff... that the day it's so much easier to use free, illegal copies than it is to do things the right way, I'll consider becoming a thief. It's just too much of a hazzle being honest.

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Message 16/35             22-Jun-02  @  05:54 PM   -   RE: Assholes@boston

Def Z


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Yes - and I'm sure there's an unguarded bank nearby, and some preteens looking to get hooked on crack nearby as well...

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Message 17/35             22-Jun-02  @  06:51 PM     Edit: 23-Jun-02  |  09:47 AM   -   RE: Assholes@boston


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Message 18/35             23-Jun-02  @  02:30 AM   -   RE: Assholes@boston


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ha ha K you better watch out, cakewalk will be plastering your quotes all over their site and ads again :-)


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Message 19/35             23-Jun-02  @  06:11 PM   -   RE: Assholes@boston



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well that's not why i posted that, fair do's to them is all I'm saying... Now gb's calmed down a bit   and is more clear in his complaint, some of what he says IS true of course about how easy it is using bootlegs as opposed to real s/w, that's one the irony of it all, bootlegging makes greater install & upgrade etc hassle inevitable as anti copy/bootleg etc features are added. But still Cake is dongle free etc & isnt as bad as some, that's just the way it is gb sadly, but at least being registered is worth something with Cake cos their support is renowned for being regular & consistent & they seem to offer more than just bugfixes with their updates.

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Message 20/35             24-Jun-02  @  02:58 PM   -   RE: Assholes@boston


Posts: 33

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You're absolutely right about the useability issue re: the MP3 encoder. I'm not quite sure why our team did not code it to happen automatically. I think it had something to do with the Fraunhofer upgrading software having to run as a standalone app.

I don't think that you have to remove 2.0 to upgrade the MP3 encoder. Just install 9.0 (go into the install options and install the bare minimum, no FX, etc.) Then run the MP3 encoder from the 2.0 disc.

Congrats on your impending marriage. Being married is wonderful once the wedding stress is out of the way. Just remember it's your day and it only happens once (if you picked the right one) so have a good time.



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