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Subject: Vid Card too weak?

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Original Message                 Date: 11-Nov-02  @  10:29 PM   -   Vid Card too weak?


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OK...just got me a 17" flat screen YAY...

thing is...I have an older diamond viper 4meg AGP...and

the display on the flat screen FLICKERS a bit, and doesnt look as clear as it otta. I dont see anything about minimum requirements for the screen, but is this card not gonna cut it?

dont laugh at the specs on the card  it worked fine for just running cubase and all that. I dont play games or anything like that...


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Message 11/40             12-Nov-02  @  09:20 AM   -   RE: Vid Card too weak?


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Influx, you should get at least an 8Meg card just so you can run the thing at a decent colour depth... I know SX complains if you try and run at 16bit, not that 32bit colour is strictly necessary but on a good display it does have some effect..

Also it seems odd that the LCD only supports upto 60Hz (funnily enough that's the refresh rate that allegedly the most people seem to respond to with headaches and stuff) - anyway, a newer card (needn't be expensive) is likely to have a faster RAMDAC enabling you to have higher refresh rates or at the very least, very stable locked refresh rates at the ones supported by your screen...

Just a thought..  

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Message 12/40             12-Nov-02  @  10:14 AM   -   RE: Vid Card too weak?


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yeah, video cards are commodities nowadays. $32 will get you a modern video card with 64 MB of memory.

Of course there's lots of research to be done on the subject.


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Message 13/40             12-Nov-02  @  10:20 AM   -   RE: Vid Card too weak?


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There is an XP bug with some AGP cards where the refresh rate keeps dropping to 60hz your monitor should be able to handle much higher. Have you tried just changing it ?

Get yourself a cheap GEForce MX or ATI card with at least 32MB ram. YOu can pick them up for less than £80. Many of them also have DVI out which will mean you can have a direct digital connection to your LCD, makes configuring much simpler.

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Message 14/40             12-Nov-02  @  03:03 PM   -   RE: Vid Card too weak?


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Yeah.. ATI Radeon 7500 VE here. I think I paid $120 at Best Buy for it. You can probably get it a bit cheaper, but I was in a hurry to play GTA3  

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Message 15/40             12-Nov-02  @  08:34 PM   -   RE: Vid Card too weak?


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see now youre all starting to suggest things that are designed for games

I dont play games. EVER and never will.

thinkin a matrox G550. Might want to go dual head some day....

I didnt say 60hz was all it would do  and the resolution will go higher, too...just my card wont support it

will switch. was just wondering.

another thing thats happening is that in SX when I zoom in on the project page, at a certain zoom depth it sorta stutters, and each subsequent zoom takes WAY too long to refresh...


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Message 16/40             13-Nov-02  @  09:56 AM   -   RE: Vid Card too weak?


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I thought your screen could do better than 60Hz.., so its basically your 4mb card that isn't cutting it any more!!  

Yep, those other cards suggested WILL play games well, but the "2D" display features of those cards are also so good now that even if you never play a single game, the card will do the job!

Matrox G550 is a damn fine card, and the dual head is nice but its no better or worse than any of the cards the guys have mentioned (and if anything its a little pricey for what it *DOES* offer - here in the uk at any rate.. you got a world of choice out there, just take yer pic!

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Message 17/40             13-Nov-02  @  02:18 PM   -   RE: Vid Card too weak?


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Go for it Dave. I'll be laughing at the $150 I saved  

Seriously, it's a good card for music apps. Plenty fast, stable drivers, hasn't messed up my rig, and it has all the dual-head features of the Matrox card.


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Message 18/40             13-Nov-02  @  04:07 PM   -   RE: Vid Card too weak?


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like I said G550 nice, but overpriced... ;)

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Message 19/40             13-Nov-02  @  09:14 PM   -   RE: Vid Card too weak?


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"Go for it Dave. I'll be laughing at the $150 I saved "

waddaya mean? Saved $150 not buying the G550?

Id buy it used...see em for $50 or so!

hell...even the G400, 32mb dual head. why not that one?

I guess my question is..what IS necessary?

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Message 20/40             13-Nov-02  @  10:03 PM   -   RE: Vid Card too weak?


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i would go for a 64MB dual head with a solid rep for stable drivers (easy enough to find on user forums). Nothing more nothing less.


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