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Subject: ORION

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Nov-00  @  01:13 PM   -   ORION



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hey, they just sent me a review copy! - anyone interested ???

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Message 11/45             18-Nov-00  @  01:06 PM   -   RE: ORION



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Can it give Dynamo (Reactor) a run for its money?

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Message 12/45             20-Nov-00  @  02:28 PM   -   RE: ORION



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I heard that Chop Shop does his tracks with Orion... It has to be good then.

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Message 13/45             20-Nov-00  @  04:36 PM   -   RE: ORION



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"Can it give Dynamo (Reactor) a run for its money? "

For $49 it can!

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Message 14/45             22-Nov-00  @  11:43 PM   -   RE: ORION



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I've been using orion for a few months. Dumped Cubase, overbloated software features, who needs them!!!
Their been a new version each months with new mods. Pro Version out at Christmas. Cool new features inc arp, quality reverb audio tracks ASIO support, beat cutting.
Even use my fav VST instrument Pro-52
I can run shits loads of synth on my machine. P111 500, 256mb Ram

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Message 15/45             23-Nov-00  @  04:52 AM   -   RE: ORION



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damnit what the hell is wrong with my shitty machine then! i cant even get like 2 of those freebie neon plugs going and some drums off for like 8 bars before *choke*choke*cpu overload*sorry*!
computers suck my nuts, u think u have thier evil ways down, u think that you can control them, but........

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Message 16/45             23-Nov-00  @  05:59 AM   -   RE: ORION



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so what you running a p75 with 16mb ? - man even dell are doing like pIII's at celeron prices, pentiums have gone fown the plughole due to the athalons it's open season on fast p3 chips, they cant give 'em away, no-one wants them when they can get an athalon or t-bird.

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Message 17/45             24-Nov-00  @  06:41 AM   -   RE: ORION



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nope im running a k62 400 with 128 megs of ram, and I have no idea y it starts to choke, maybe ill download the new 1.6 demo and try that out, I joined the egroup list too, some helpful stuff on there

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Message 18/45             24-Nov-00  @  10:56 AM   -   RE: ORION



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Someone suggested using APS mme drivers instead of the directx ones to solve my pops and crackles problem with Orion. This sounds kinda shit to me though. I spend £300 on a soundcard and have to resort to crap latency mme! I've thought about installing directx8 but don't know if this would fix it or not. Maybe I should reinstall my APS drivers or maybe I should just chuck it in the bin and buy a SB live value!

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Message 19/45             24-Nov-00  @  05:05 PM   -   RE: ORION



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hmm.. a k6... ???????????.. er... with the notorious hell-ridden 'doesnt work' chipset???.. mebbe get a new box ? no offense but those k6's are scrap items now, you cant really sell them as they are worthless

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Message 20/45             24-Nov-00  @  07:06 PM   -   RE: ORION



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Pops and crackles problems are not usually caused by the sound card or drivers in many music aps. Usually caused my CPU overload. K62 chips are pretty shite at floating point calculations. That's what soft synths do loads of! Best get yourself a Athalon or P111 and let the fun begin!

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