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Subject: xoxos softsynths

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Original Message                 Date: 23-Jun-02  @  08:35 PM   -   xoxos softsynths


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wow.. at 1am this mornig i took a bunch of floppy disks into my studio and installed all the soft synths i have been making... :p

i has low expectations, because the first one i did ('blaster') totally ate up my cpu, so i doubted i could use more than 6 or 7 synths..

well, today, i was running audio tracks and 13 instances of my synths (including one 'mystic,' which is sort of large) and hitting 40-50% on my cpu meter. i don't know what i did differently, but damn... i've got everythnig i need! tons of extra parts for my hardware..

...and if my drum synths aren't enough for you (sheesh does rockit sound good.. i really didn't expect that.. sounds like a freaking snare drum alright..) i'll have a little sampler up with some modulation oscillators sometime...

you try! you see! "tate it."

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Message 11/47             25-Jun-02  @  06:20 PM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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har har. we´re pirating your soft synths already :D

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Message 12/47             25-Jun-02  @  08:25 PM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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Just glancing at the topics listed in this forum. It used to belong pretty much to NI. Now Xoxos owns it.

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Message 13/47             26-Jun-02  @  01:34 AM     Edit: 26-Jun-02  |  01:36 AM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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i love that #&$% drum synth..

btw making a proper effort to use and test these thnigs now.. almost all of them (except that snare dealy) are going to get a revision.. better velocity ranges, a fitler envelope on utopia.... you are all so lucky!

that hi-hat is so fucking cool!!!!!!!

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Message 14/47             26-Jun-02  @  01:52 AM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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btw does anyone use cubase??? 'blip' should feed the lfo to pitch when you use the mod wheel/aftertouch, but doesn't in logic.. i think it's the logic controller affair dealy. does it work for anyone in cubase? if not, i'll take it out of the architecture.

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Message 15/47             26-Jun-02  @  01:43 PM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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  yeah go for it, nice sounds... we're waiting for the 'Xoxos Wooosh Trance VSTi' next  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 16/47             26-Jun-02  @  02:06 PM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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so are you doing all these in C++ or the freeware reaktor thing?


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Message 17/47             03-Jul-02  @  04:22 PM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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Message 18/47             03-Jul-02  @  08:49 PM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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get tired of repeating myself is all

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Message 19/47             03-Jul-02  @  10:26 PM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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i haven't said it yet

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Message 20/47             04-Jul-02  @  07:28 PM   -   RE: xoxos softsynths


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not like it isn't right at the top of the page. thanks for checking them out, bub :p

btw one last mention - there's a link to a 'proper' (ie. classic analog style) clap machine in the news section.

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