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Subject: NI Kontakt thoughts please....

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Original Message                 Date: 13-Sep-02  @  08:23 AM   -   NI Kontakt thoughts please....


Posts: 22

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anyone running kontakt tell me how many virtual outputs you can have?

also hows the cpu usage compared to say the exs24?


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Message 11/22             15-Sep-02  @  06:41 PM   -   RE: NI Kontakt thoughts please....


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256 voices, 16 part multi and 32 outs per

more than enough.

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Message 12/22             15-Sep-02  @  09:14 PM   -   RE: NI Kontakt thoughts please....



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whoops - ok I musta misread that or something... er...

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Message 13/22             16-Sep-02  @  06:14 AM   -   RE: NI Kontakt thoughts please....


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32 outs thats what I'm looking for. Great. EXS24 will have to go then.....

I'll have to look into the crossgrade deal.

K - I think you heared about the problem with NI kontakt battery etc multiouts not working in Logic v.5.2 weird because reaktor v3.05 or whatever I have multi outs works great. I have heard that this has been fixed in the v5.3 logic release.

On a side not WTF are NI playing at with their updates? reaktor v3.3 still not here.... kontakt 1.1 with eXS24 import due early sept not here!

Come on NI

Cheers to all for their help


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Message 14/22             17-Sep-02  @  05:00 PM   -   RE: NI Kontakt thoughts please....


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all i know is KONTAKT MAC IS HERE.

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Message 15/22             17-Sep-02  @  05:01 PM   -   RE: NI Kontakt thoughts please....


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and 1.1 is out with exs support.

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Message 16/22             20-Sep-02  @  11:47 AM   -   RE: NI Kontakt thoughts please....


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Just got Kontakt v1.01 working with v5.3 and I can now get 12 multi outs whereas in v5.2 it only operated in stereo.

However I was hoping for 32 as stated on the NI website? Anyone else using this combo? Also anyone using Kontakt v1.1 on the mac? How many outs can you get? Anyone one using Kontak VSTi in Cubase VST/SX Neundo? How many outs can you get?

I need to ascertain if this is a logic issue or a Kontakt issue before I buy Kontakt. Which I plan to do as sson as I can get this clarified and weather it will be fixed in the v1.1 update of Kontakt (if it is a Kontakt issue).

Does Logic have a limitation on the number of outs? Does the VST spec have a limitation?

All thoughts welcome!


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Message 17/22             20-Sep-02  @  07:28 PM   -   RE: NI Kontakt thoughts please....


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well I just set it up with 8 stereo and 12 mono. Dont know why I picked that number, though...

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Message 18/22             21-Sep-02  @  09:53 AM   -   RE: NI Kontakt thoughts please....


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Niceo n influx looks like its a logic thing. AGHH!

Have to see if the v1.1 update sorts this out..



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Message 19/22             21-Sep-02  @  03:51 PM   -   RE: NI Kontakt thoughts please....


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well I worked out how to get more mulitouts in the Kontakt demo. I can select anything from 1 to 16 stereos or 1 stereo with 1-30 mono outs from the options window.

However, if I selct a combination of outs totalling greater than 16 LAWP v5.3 comes up with the following error when I try to open that song:

ASIO: Plug-in "Kontakt" of type 1-0 not available.

Now I guess this means that v5.3 is limited to 16 outs for a VSTi. Can anyone else confuirm this? AGHHHH!


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Message 20/22             21-Sep-02  @  03:52 PM   -   RE: NI Kontakt thoughts please....


Posts: 151

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well I worked out how to get more mulitouts in the Kontakt demo. I can select anything from 1 to 16 stereos or 1 stereo with 1-30 mono outs from the options window.

However, if I selct a combination of outs totalling greater than 16 LAWP v5.3 comes up with the following error when I try to open that song:

ASIO: Plug-in "Kontakt" of type 1-0 not available.

Now I guess this means that v5.3 is limited to 16 outs for a VSTi. Can anyone else confuirm this? AGHHHH!


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