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Subject: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Nov-00  @  07:00 PM   -   Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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anyone tried one/use one ?

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Message 11/28             29-Nov-00  @  02:04 PM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers

Defector Z


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Well, I'm looking at a Compaq ProLight DL360. Dual processor, raid card w/ 2 hd's that mirror eachother. 1 unit server. Expensive. Our PC tech says some people think it's crap (didn't elaborate) but he finds they work good. We've got a bunch of them. What other info are you looking for?

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Message 12/28             29-Nov-00  @  05:30 PM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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i just wondered how they ventilated them, i wondered if they were quiet... i thought it might make a good rack-PC for music assuming it'll take a PCI device or two

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Message 13/28             29-Nov-00  @  05:51 PM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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K- our compacs are very quiet and they do not get that much air and it has never caused a problem. We keep about 3 stacked ontop of eachother in a glass server case and it is never any warmer then the room its in.tino

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Message 14/28             29-Nov-00  @  05:52 PM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers

Defector Z


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Ahhh. Well, there's two PCI slots in the back, horizontal-like. Don't know what you can put in 'em, though. There's 4 DIMM spots at a 45 degree angle. VERY LOUD fans. I see ventilation on the top from 4 areas, and from the back there's a couple of openings. I sit right across from the PC tech who has one in his cube. I can't hear SHITE when I'm on the phone. I've repeatedly asked to either move the server or move me because I can't work when it's on. You know, being the audio guy and all. Even my nice headphones don't help much. My recommendation is DON'T get one unless you can stick it in another room.

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Message 15/28             29-Nov-00  @  10:04 PM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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The Dells can be bought in 1U high
rackmountable form, k... They are deep
though... Much deeper than any audio
equipment. Is that what you're asking?


PS sorry for fucking up the HTML.

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Message 16/28             30-Nov-00  @  01:46 AM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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Message 17/28             30-Nov-00  @  01:46 AM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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Message 18/28             30-Nov-00  @  01:47 AM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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Message 19/28             30-Nov-00  @  04:56 AM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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heh heh you aint seen the depth of some of those yamaha delays !!!... i've got a power-switching rack, previously used to rack the mains power switches for a 6 storey office building :]

stiiiill... what about monitor & mouse & keyboard vable lengths?.. are there restrictions?.. ive never heard it asked..

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Message 20/28             30-Nov-00  @  02:54 PM   -   RE: Those COMPAQ 1U rack servers



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I don't know. As far as the Dell stuff
goes, I'm sure I could find out pretty
much anything you wanted about them
since we do have a State Contract with
Dell they tend to say how high when we
say jump  


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