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Subject: k,would it be too much trouble...

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Original Message                 Date: 05-Nov-00  @  05:49 PM   -   k,would it be too much trouble...



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to add a Mac Tech forum?I'm sure it wouldn't eat much bandwidth up.I have some Macs and Music questions and most people at the mac sights are not too up on things.

I found a black chick who'll sing for free so if you have some lyrics send em to me .pdf stylee.

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Message 11/25             07-Nov-00  @  01:06 AM   -   RE: k,would it be too much trouble...



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errr, im tired.... 1Ghz ^

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Message 12/25             07-Nov-00  @  04:41 AM   -   RE: k,would it be too much trouble...



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err,my G4 is a Turnkey Video editing appliance that processes data w/ 128 bit resolution.Your PC will Never do that HA HA HA HA HA!

There are purposful mac users up here who need a place away from all the bill gates revolutionaries who for some reason think a $2500 PC is somehow a better buy than a easy to stabilize reliable machine that costs the same and has better interfacing and networking capabilities built into every product.Come on Apple invented firewire and w/ sony and canon have made a new type of film maker subspecies of the human race.I know they're a dumb paperweight.Let's see I can go in the other room of my house when i move and make music while some camera geek pays me $35 an hr. to use my crappy computer.And he'll keep coming back because most places want $60 hr.I can live w/ it for that lil perk.

It's plug n play on the video side music and computers is all whacked out but i would still like to talk about macs for music and sound and just macs up here because you have to weed through too much bs on the mac sites.If you build it they will come.

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Message 13/25             07-Nov-00  @  10:58 AM   -   RE: k,would it be too much trouble...


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your right, they do look really nice tucked away in the corner of the house office.

what colours yours?

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Message 14/25             07-Nov-00  @  04:49 PM   -   RE: k,would it be too much trouble...



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It's a G4 theyre slate and frost grey sort of.I have a color coded keyboard for my video software and an optical mouse so it emits red light(pretty).I have a matching 17" monitor.It actually isn't tucked in a corner,i have a room just for it.and the black cdr.No white computer here.My only complaint is the monitor legs are like a lunar lander so you have to turn them sideways to fit it on an overbridge.But i'm looking at a roll around cart for it so i can bring it in the room where the good speakers are.First I have to move somewhere?And get a less criminally oriented neighborhood.I just keep the computer here and bring my gear over from storage when i work on beats.

I need an apple optical mouse the drivers for this gates special only drive the machine nuts.besides if i can sit around and play music while a yuppie works in the other room and it brings them around i feel good about having it.I've already had 1 guy do a short here and he almost paid for the $1 k video software in the 2 days he came over.Plus i'm getting into video pretty hard now.I took an online college course over the summer in TV production and am starting to muck around w/ the software now that i understand how a real camcorder works.

I like the idea of having other people pay me to use my gear to work on.I'll never work again i guess,why i can undercut all the other competition and be ecstatic about the amount of flow generated by it.

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Message 15/25             07-Nov-00  @  05:00 PM   -   RE: k,would it be too much trouble...



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i see H.... and that superb interfacing with the rest of the world is why we can never listen to your music is it?.. ha ha ha  

heh heh.. ok, i'll make a mac forum... if the new DT site was up i could do it instantly cos the new site allows a forum to be created automaticaly... you'll have to wait i'm afraid a few weeks more.

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Message 16/25             07-Nov-00  @  06:38 PM   -   RE: k,would it be too much trouble...



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Hank, ever heard of a company called Silicon Graphics? They make NT-based Wintel boxes now which'll piss all over any Mac any day of the week.

Don't get religious, it's just a matter of preference really.

I still prefer my PC.


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Message 17/25             07-Nov-00  @  06:49 PM   -   RE: k,would it be too much trouble...



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hmm... and Steiberg mate an SG version of VST too !!

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Message 18/25             07-Nov-00  @  10:22 PM   -   RE: k,would it be too much trouble...



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SGI is ok my friend/part time employer has 3 of them.FCP goes all the way to Hi Def for less than a Basic SGI system and it still isn't the same because Windows NT isn't made by SGI.I'm not knocking SGI because it definitely has the ability to pack in clients at crazy rates but so do avid and media 100.But the FCP is state of the art for DV production for less than $150 an hr.There are systems based on the Mac that piss all over SGI of course you can get a ferrari for about the same money.SGI is fading quickly.The video industry is changin and evolving at a much quicker pace than the audio industry.The thing about a G4 w/ final cut pro is the software the os and the cpu are all manufactured by the same company not so w/ SGI.But to compare SGI to a G4 w/ FCP is like saying my 911 turbo is much faster than my normally aspirated 911.SGI has DSP FCP relies on the 128 bit data processing abilities to get the job done but pinnacle and matrox are now coming out w/ dsp solutions all the way up to hi def for less than $10k.A hi def camera is a different matter.Those are best rented.most of the peeps at industrial light and magic have FCP systems at home and if it's good enough for them it's good enough for me.What i am getting at is that this is a first for this level of technology for price.I could easily charge $100 hr for editing video on it but I'd rather get someone else to use the system as a contractor so i don't have to even do anything at all.

making money not working is more fun than working for it.besides SGI is more of an fx system than a editing and fx solution.Apple has included an FX scripting language w/ FCP to allow the user to write his or her own effects plug ins.Have you ever priced SGI software?some shits $3k for 1 app.way out of bounds from my thinking.Like i said i'd rather the fast car.It'll last longer.

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Message 19/25             08-Nov-00  @  06:34 PM   -   RE: k,would it be too much trouble...



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Yes, but if you wanted the real deal you'd run IRIX on SGI boxes anyway and then you do have the OS and hardware made by the same manufacturer.

On top of that, I don't necessarily see it as an advantage that the hardware, OS and software all come from the same company. Usually that equates to bloatware in my experience  


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Message 20/25             09-Nov-00  @  08:13 PM   -   RE: k,would it be too much trouble...



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sorry, that should have been Steinberg make a SG platform version of VST - cheapest SG machine is about 1500 quid (the toaster)

however, in extensive testing of 3d & video media processing i have seen reported, the twin Pentium NT box pissed all over the MAC-G3 series AND the SG machines beleive it or not!! (the testers were VERY surprised too!)... tough donut to chew on... dunno about G4's tho.. this was last year....

also, i was round at a client yesterday and they had this 'PINNACLE' DVD I/O device strapped to a PC... whats all that about?... it had i think audio & video I/O (4 pairs in total, dunno what the others were for) and was on a long red extension lead.

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