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Subject: cheap 2ghz music PC

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Original Message                 Date: 20-Jul-02  @  05:37 PM   -   cheap 2ghz music PC


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right lets do it - i just got ALL the parts for less than 400 quid inc' 1/2gig of pc2700 ddr ram

I deliberately DIDN'T buy echte-zuper parts, just a solid Asus board & xp2000 chip - but that included a nice fast 40gb ata133 7200 drive... the rest was cheap generic parts, LG cdrom, basic mouse, keys, floppy & case

I think while a 'pro-rec' £2 grand pc's are just fine, many people want to see the results of a CHEAP build!

So I bought a nice fuji dig' camera too so as to photo-document the build

also went for the KT333 chipset cos many users also probably want to know how that works out.

So let's see how it goes!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 21/21             28-Jul-02  @  06:00 AM   -   RE: cheap 2ghz music PC



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Just posting more dialog for lurking newbies.

well just to add that the previous post loading list of plugins & instruments etc is without tweaking much on the pc at all... the thing is you'd want to ramp back about 20% on the processor if concentrating on adding higher audio track rates, just to have some more processor headroom... The above setup allowed me to go into record ok & dub more tracks, but the CPU meter was deliberatly pushed to it's redline... You could easily save that headroom by not running stupid amounts of RCL compressors & stuff like in the example above   - however, it's nice to be able to use that much gumph... so really, mebbe unlocked this box might push a tad more but at the price for the pc it's the same as a 4 track cassette portastudio a few years back...

Ok you have to add the programmes & audio device, but with an audiophile or similar that'd be with 17" 520 + audiophile at 150 = 670 quid - then for cheaper system you could start with Logic Silver, or Cubasis and there is plenty of others...

a box like this would certainly run vst/reason rewired combi no-sweat for a superb system especialy for garage & rnb styles that vst/reason or cake sonar/reason setuprules cos everything sounds the right sounds. - so fully-legal um.... hold up... VST at thomanns is 190 quid... reason... 270 quid... so... that setup with that pc and VST/REASON would cost totaly = 1130 quid for a fully 100% legit reason/vst full-on system or the same with Sonar.

that pc with VST5 would costa bout 860 all in fully legal which is ok, of course you'd have to use the free VST instruments & fx around if you were broke to buy any, but that is NO bad thing as the variety is superb and really deep stuff can be done with just a few freebies... beleive it, there is SO much free vst s/w!

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