aaa Opcode Fusion Filter I NEED IT! - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: Opcode Fusion Filter I NEED IT!

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Original Message                 Date: 14-Aug-02  @  05:59 AM   -   Opcode Fusion Filter I NEED IT!


Posts: 7627

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went to the opcode site..and of course naught...


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Message 21/22             18-Aug-02  @  03:28 AM   -   RE: Opcode Fusion Filter I NEED IT!


Posts: 316

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i use fusion filter in sonar 2.0 no problems...

sorry to widen instead of narrowing your bug cause


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Message 22/22             18-Aug-02  @  05:02 PM   -   RE: Opcode Fusion Filter I NEED IT!



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

I'll try again. the demo I have is the bundle of all three. the ones off kazzaa are cracks. i made the mistake of installing them into xp. they won't uninstall now. they are not in the registry but they show up in the program list and in my apps. they crash when i try and type in the serial number. so I went to my old 98 machine with the older demo on it, and tried typing a serial and it crashe don that as well. So , sure I'll try it. I wish opcode was back on software. I see they have some hardware out soon. I need drivers for my 64x on win2k and xp. The fusion stuff is very cool.

I just thought of somthing funny. Vintage software. You think yeatrs from now people will be hunting down old windows 95 software like people are hunting down old atari cubase and amiga stuff.

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